Let’s Act On Climate Change

Let’s Act On Climate Change

ON Friday, March 2 2007 a panel of environmental experts released the long-awaited United Nations environmental report.

The following startling research findings were noted: 1. Sadly, we have reached an irreversible stage in climate change.For too long uncontrolled actions by mankind have led to the destruction of the environment.2.Four major regions will be affected by these climate changes, one of them being sub-Saharan Africa, which includes Namibia.The changes are ever-decreasing rainfall with increasing periods of drought with the resultant loss of flora and fauna species.3.Changes need to be made NOW to limit further deterioration and allow some form of recovery.Even though Namibia is only a small player in the worldwide picture, every little change can and will help.More and more people buy large fuel-guzzling 4x4s and quad bikes in Namibia, but hardly anyone has put any thought or action into reducing their own carbon dioxide emissions.This while Namibia is blessed with sunshine most days of the year.On the other hand Germany has much less sunshine than we do, but they have and are still increasing the installation of renewable energies, i.e.solar and wind power.I would thus urge the Namibian Government, your organisation and every Namibian to push for the following: 1.EDUCATION – this cannot be overemphasised.2.Reduction in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, i.e.providing electricity to the people (reducing the reliance on wood), energy-saving bulbs, use of public transport, bicycles, etc.3.Introducing environmental tax for vehicles with larger engines (which produce more CO2) and recreational vehicles (i.e.second car, motor cycles, quad bikes) or incentives to offset these carbon loads into providing renewable energies, i.e.providing solar heating in their houses and those of their employees.4.Encouraging the use of renewable energies, i.e.the use of solar panels for water heating and electricity generation as well as small wind-power generators.5.Subsidising and/or exempting solar panels and wind generators from import duties.6.Stricter environmental policies in countries like Spain have introduced legislation that stipulates that ALL new housing/office developments must provide and install solar water heating/electricity generation as well as good insulation.7.Setting yearly targets for increasing the use of renewable energies in Namibia as we are presently experiencing difficulty in satisfying our demand for electricity.8.As Namibia has the “natural” resources, let our country become the leader in renewable energies in Africa.I strongly believe in the goodwill of the international community and every citizen as a whole and that serious actions should and must be taken to ensure environmental protection.This is the ONLY logical choice, as it is our livelihood and our future.It is OUR own choice as each and every one of us can make a difference.Rainer Guenzel WindhoekSadly, we have reached an irreversible stage in climate change.For too long uncontrolled actions by mankind have led to the destruction of the environment.2.Four major regions will be affected by these climate changes, one of them being sub-Saharan Africa, which includes Namibia.The changes are ever-decreasing rainfall with increasing periods of drought with the resultant loss of flora and fauna species.3.Changes need to be made NOW to limit further deterioration and allow some form of recovery.Even though Namibia is only a small player in the worldwide picture, every little change can and will help.More and more people buy large fuel-guzzling 4x4s and quad bikes in Namibia, but hardly anyone has put any thought or action into reducing their own carbon dioxide emissions.This while Namibia is blessed with sunshine most days of the year.On the other hand Germany has much less sunshine than we do, but they have and are still increasing the installation of renewable energies, i.e.solar and wind power.I would thus urge the Namibian Government, your organisation and every Namibian to push for the following: 1.EDUCATION – this cannot be overemphasised.2.Reduction in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, i.e.providing electricity to the people (reducing the reliance on wood), energy-saving bulbs, use of public transport, bicycles, etc.3.Introducing environmental tax for vehicles with larger engines (which produce more CO2) and recreational vehicles (i.e.second car, motor cycles, quad bikes) or incentives to offset these carbon loads into providing renewable energies, i.e.providing solar heating in their houses and those of their employees.4.Encouraging the use of renewable energies, i.e.the use of solar panels for water heating and electricity generation as well as small wind-power generators.5.Subsidising and/or exempting solar panels and wind generators from import duties.6.Stricter environmental policies in countries like Spain have introduced legislation that stipulates that ALL new housing/office developments must provide and install solar water heating/electricity generation as well as good insulation.7.Setting yearly targets for increasing the use of renewable energies in Namibia as we are presently experiencing difficulty in satisfying our demand for electricity.8.As Namibia has the “natural” resources, let our country become the leader in renewable energies in Africa.I strongly believe in the goodwill of the international community and every citizen as a whole and that serious actions should and must be taken to ensure environmental protection.This is the ONLY logical choice, as it is our livelihood and our future.It is OUR own choice as each and every one of us can make a difference.Rainer Guenzel Windhoek

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