Lebanese battle militants

Lebanese battle militants

NAHR AL-BARED – Lebanese troops battled al Qaeda-linked militants in northern Lebanon yesterday and at least 19 people were killed, 11 of them soldiers, security and medical sources said.

A cabinet minister said the clashes with the Fatah al-Islam group, which the government says is backed by Syria, seemed timed to try to derail UN moves to set up an international court to investigate political killings in Lebanon. The soldiers were killed at Nahr al-Bared Palestinian refugee camp near Tripoli and in an attack on an army patrol in al-Qalamoun, just south of the city, a security source said.Four Fatah al-Islam fighters were killed in the camp, which is home to 40 000 Palestinian refugees.Medical sources in the camp said four civilians, including two children, had also been killed and 45 wounded.The army had tightened its grip around Nahr al-Bared camp since authorities charged Fatah al-Islam members with two bus bombings in a Christian area near Beirut in February.Three civilians were killed by the bombs.Cabinet minister Ahmad Fatfat, speaking in Tripoli, linked the clashes to what he said were efforts to derail UN moves to set up the international tribunal for suspects in the 2005 assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik al-Hariri.A UN probe has implicated Syria and Lebanese officials in the Hariri killing.Damascus denies any involvement in the killing.It also denies any link to Fatah al-Islam which, according to its leader, has no organisational links to al Qaeda but agrees with its aim of fighting ‘infidels’.Fatfat told Lebanon’s pro-government Future TV: “There is someone trying to create security chaos to say to world public opinion: ‘Look, if the tribunal is established, there will be security trouble in Lebanon.’” The United States, France and Britain last week circulated a draft UN resolution that would unilaterally set up the court, which is at the heart of a political crisis in Lebanon.Syria closed two of its border crossings into northern Lebanon because of the security situation there, according to an official Syrian statement.The main crossing remained open.The rattle of assault rifles and machineguns could be heard, and thuds from explosions rocked the Nahr al-Bared area after the fighting broke out before dawn.Residents were trapped indoors and called for a ceasefire to evacuate the wounded.The army sent in reinforcements to the outskirts of the camp where smoke could be seen rising into the air.The army is not allowed into Palestinian camps under a 1969 Arab agreement.An army statement said the clashes began when Fatah al-Islam attacked army posts around the camp and in northern Tripoli.Nampa-ReutersThe soldiers were killed at Nahr al-Bared Palestinian refugee camp near Tripoli and in an attack on an army patrol in al-Qalamoun, just south of the city, a security source said.Four Fatah al-Islam fighters were killed in the camp, which is home to 40 000 Palestinian refugees.Medical sources in the camp said four civilians, including two children, had also been killed and 45 wounded.The army had tightened its grip around Nahr al-Bared camp since authorities charged Fatah al-Islam members with two bus bombings in a Christian area near Beirut in February.Three civilians were killed by the bombs.Cabinet minister Ahmad Fatfat, speaking in Tripoli, linked the clashes to what he said were efforts to derail UN moves to set up the international tribunal for suspects in the 2005 assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik al-Hariri.A UN probe has implicated Syria and Lebanese officials in the Hariri killing.Damascus denies any involvement in the killing.It also denies any link to Fatah al-Islam which, according to its leader, has no organisational links to al Qaeda but agrees with its aim of fighting ‘infidels’.Fatfat told Lebanon’s pro-government Future TV: “There is someone trying to create security chaos to say to world public opinion: ‘Look, if the tribunal is established, there will be security trouble in Lebanon.’” The United States, France and Britain last week circulated a draft UN resolution that would unilaterally set up the court, which is at the heart of a political crisis in Lebanon.Syria closed two of its border crossings into northern Lebanon because of the security situation there, according to an official Syrian statement.The main crossing remained open.The rattle of assault rifles and machineguns could be heard, and thuds from explosions rocked the Nahr al-Bared area after the fighting broke out before dawn.Residents were trapped indoors and called for a ceasefire to evacuate the wounded.The army sent in reinforcements to the outskirts of the camp where smoke could be seen rising into the air.The army is not allowed into Palestinian camps under a 1969 Arab agreement.An army statement said the clashes began when Fatah al-Islam attacked army posts around the camp and in northern Tripoli.Nampa-Reuters

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