Keep Those Kickers Clean

It cannot be over-emphasised how crucial it is to keep your feet clean and well-kept in summer.

Open-toed footwear is the only sensible choice given that the upcoming few months may be exceedingly hot.

Women are unquestionably rescued because they regularly groom their nails and generally have clean feet. However, for my gender, it’s incredible how often our feet are overlooked and taken for granted.

We tend to forget that others do notice our feet, especially when they’re exposed in sandals or open-toed shoes.
Think about it: People naturally look at your feet when they’re in conversation with you or simply when you’re walking around.

Neglecting foot hygiene and care could leave a lasting impression, and not always a positive one.
During summer, we’re more likely to wear plakkies or sandals, exposing our feet more.

Well-maintained feet not only contri­bute to your overall comfort and well-being, but also reflect on your personal hygiene and attention to detail.

Often, sweating becomes more frequent during the summer due to high temperatures, and could lead to unpleasant odours and create an environment for bacteria and fungi, potentially resulting in various foot infections.

Maintaining cleanliness in this regard is crucial. Not only does it promote comfort, but it also helps to mitigate these issues.
Sweaty and soiled feet could lead to discomfort, and if you’re wearing sandals or flip-flops they may even cause blisters.

By prioritising clean feet, you could reduce the risk of problems stemming from friction and the combination of sweat and bacteria that often results in an undesirable odour.

Regularly washing and maintaining the cleanliness of your feet is not merely a matter of appearance; it plays a vital role in safeguarding your overall health as foot-related problems could have a substantial impact on your mobility and overall quality of life.

Below are some tips to prevent this.

  1. Wash your feet daily: Use soap and water to clean your feet, especially between your toes. Make sure to dry them thoroughly.
  2. Trim your toenails: Regularly trim your toenails straight across to prevent ingrown toenails.
  3. Wear breathable shoes: Opt for shoes made of breathable materials like canvas or leather to reduce sweat and odour.
  4. Change socks often: Choose moisture-wicking socks and change them if they become damp.
  5. Use foot powder: Apply foot powder to keep your feet dry and minimise friction.
  6. Practise foot care: Moisturise your feet to prevent dryness and cracking, but avoid applying lotion between your toes, as this could create a damp environment for bacteria.
    Considering that during the summer many people opt for sandals or enjoy going barefoot at the beach or pool, the importance of keeping your feet clean and well-groomed cannot be overstated.
    It extends beyond personal hygiene; it contributes to a positive self-image and boosts social confidence.
    So, this season, remember that clean and healthy feet are not just a luxury but a necessity for your well-being.
    By prioritising foot hygiene, you could ensure that your feet stay healthy, comfortable and presentable throughout this summer.
    Kedezemba is almost here!
  • Meneer_SK is an advocate for men’s grooming and all matters relating to men. Follow him on Instagram @Meneer_SK.

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