Is Swapo Manifesto The Only Way?

Is Swapo Manifesto The Only Way?

AS the saying goes, “one cannot be perfect in all things”.It is an apt description of President Hifikepunye Pohamba.

In his public rally address at Katima Mulilo on July 8, 2005, the head of state appeared on NBC TV, telling the gathering that the Government has to “implement the Swapo manifesto and everyone must get a copy of it as long as you are working in the Government, you have to follow the Swapo manifesto.” All right, but won’t this tend to close out some other useful ideas from other manifestos and other parties? Can the Swapo Manifesto, alone, be 100% perfect or implementable? During his inauguration on March 21, 2005 and in some if not all of his speeches, President Pohamba called for unity of all Namibians to work together beyond religious, race, political or gender differences for the development of our country and guaranteed all the citizens that he will be a president for every Namibian.I understand our current election manifestos are pre-election tools with lots of promises to convince/influence the voters.After voting, all the political parties that participated in an election have made an impact on the results.There is then a need for a consensus post-election manifesto that will be agreed upon, depending on the prioritised issues of urgent nature by all the political parties that were mandated by the electorate to decide and make laws on their behalf.I am now thinking about our own Namibian way of doing things that is good for our people.I therefore urge the head of state to practice what he preached during his inauguration.Steven Mvula Via e-mailAll right, but won’t this tend to close out some other useful ideas from other manifestos and other parties? Can the Swapo Manifesto, alone, be 100% perfect or implementable? During his inauguration on March 21, 2005 and in some if not all of his speeches, President Pohamba called for unity of all Namibians to work together beyond religious, race, political or gender differences for the development of our country and guaranteed all the citizens that he will be a president for every Namibian.I understand our current election manifestos are pre-election tools with lots of promises to convince/influence the voters.After voting, all the political parties that participated in an election have made an impact on the results.There is then a need for a consensus post-election manifesto that will be agreed upon, depending on the prioritised issues of urgent nature by all the political parties that were mandated by the electorate to decide and make laws on their behalf.I am now thinking about our own Namibian way of doing things that is good for our people.I therefore urge the head of state to practice what he preached during his inauguration. Steven Mvula Via e-mail

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