If she doesn’t want you, look for another partner – Ndeitunga

Sebastian Ndeitunga

Newly appointed Ohangwena governor Sebastian Ndeitunga says men should leave women who break up with them in peace and not resort to gender-based violence (GBV).

“If a girl doesn’t want you any more, go look for another one. She’s not the only one. And to women: If a man does not want you any more, stop troubling him. The world is big and men are a lot,” he says.

The governor, a former inspector general of the Namibian Police, encourages residents to live in peace and harmony and avoid any form of violence.

“Any argument that comes between us, let’s not beat each other and take knives. Let’s drink responsibly without harming others,” he says.

Ndeitunga calls on Namibians to advocate an end to gender-based violence.

He was speaking during the regional launch of the ‘16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence’ campaign at Ohaingu village in the Ohangwena region on Tuesday.

This year, International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and Girls was observed under the theme ‘Invest to Prevent Violence Against Women and Girls’.

“There is no house without its troubles, and if we could say every house that has problems must release smoke, the sky would be dark. We need to know how to solve problems when they arise among ourselves,” Ndeitunga said.

During the launch of the campaign at Mariental on Friday, gender equality, poverty eradication and social welfare minister Bernadette Jagger said many Namibians believe it is the government’s responsibility to combat GBV, which is wrong.

“We shall not curb and eradicate this enemy called GBV in our societies if we do not hold hands and walk the talk when it comes to GBV.

“It is important to understand that the government cannot do it alone, as this is a disease that has no medication,” she said.
Jagger said GBV is of great concern in Namibia.

“In 2022, the Namibian police has recorded 5 356 gender-based violence related cases, of which 1 378 were rape cases. These statistics are alarming, and the increase in the number of sexual abuse cases against children is of concern,” she said.

The deputy minister said in many rape cases, the perpetrator is the victim’s biological father, family member, relative or neighbour.

“I hereby call on all Namibians to work together to protect our children as they are tomorrow’s future. Those finding themselves being victims, seek assistance at any police station,” Jagger said.

For assistance, survivors can call the national GBV toll-free number at 10111, or Childline Namibia on 106.

President Hage Geingob over the weekend said it is disheartening to note that a significant number of GBV incidents are not reported, fuelled by the prevailing impunity, silence, stigma and shame that shroud them.

He said the day is a call to action to execute proactive measures to address violence against women and girls, rather than merely responding to its consequences.

Geingob said Namibia has made significant progress in addressing violence against women and girls through the Combating of Domestic Violence Act and the Affirmative Action Act.

“These laws aim to protect victims, promote gender equality, and ensure women’s representation in decision-making. The government has also raised awareness through campaigns, workshops, and educational programmes, and has developed a national action plan on gender-based violence to expand support services and improve data collection,” he said.

The president said the Ministry of Gender Equality, Poverty Eradication and Social Welfare, along with various stakeholders, continues to spearhead initiatives aimed at preventing violence against women and girls.

“We have established specialised units within the Namibian Police to deal with gender-based violence. Therefore, we must stand united in our efforts to create a world where women can live free from fear, discrimination and violence,” he said.

Geingob called on men to be at the forefront of the fight against violence against women and to create a safer society for all.

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