If I were a housemate…

If I were a housemate…

WHO is worse to live with, a complete bore or a know-it-all? Mmmh, lets see – complete bore, know-it-all, complete bore, know-it-all…

On the one hand, I would probably go out of my mind if I had to be confined to a house with someone who had no life in their bones. Someone like Jeff from Kenya, who is just too damn shy and insecure to fully participate.For someone who has travelled very widely, he has no interesting stories to tell, he doesn’t crack me up with funny jokes and he just generally takes up space! On the other hand, someone like Zimbabwe’s Bertha would definitely send my blood pressure soaring to dangerous levels with her controlling, judgemental and just plain deceitful behaviour.So I guess to compromise between being bored out of my mind and being driven up the wall I would nominate one of each.I do feel a little sorry for Jeff, but lets face it, this is a game and he is not bringing a special dynamic to the group.As for Bertha, no apologies for nominating her, she is pretending to be something she is not.She is trying to manipulate the other housemates and she is just too damn controlling and judgemental.Someone like Jeff from Kenya, who is just too damn shy and insecure to fully participate.For someone who has travelled very widely, he has no interesting stories to tell, he doesn’t crack me up with funny jokes and he just generally takes up space! On the other hand, someone like Zimbabwe’s Bertha would definitely send my blood pressure soaring to dangerous levels with her controlling, judgemental and just plain deceitful behaviour.So I guess to compromise between being bored out of my mind and being driven up the wall I would nominate one of each.I do feel a little sorry for Jeff, but lets face it, this is a game and he is not bringing a special dynamic to the group.As for Bertha, no apologies for nominating her, she is pretending to be something she is not.She is trying to manipulate the other housemates and she is just too damn controlling and judgemental.

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