Here’s To Celebrating Entrepreneurs

Here’s To Celebrating Entrepreneurs 2

Every year, 21 August is celebrated as World Entrepreneurs’ Day, and to those who have rolled up their sleeves to join this driving force, Namibia’s executives had this to say:

“Entrepreneurs are the driving force of economic growth in Namibia. In a globalised economy, Namibian entrepreneurs foster partnerships, attract investments and contribute greatly to our country’s economic resilience.

Celebrating entrepreneurs on World Entrepreneurship Day reinforces the spirit of ambition, creativity and resilience, inspiring the next generation of Namibians to embrace entrepreneurship as a powerful tool for shaping a prosperous and sustainable future for our Namibia.”

– Dino Ballotti, micro, small and medium enterprise development innovation and acceleration executive at the Namibia Investment Promotion and Development Board

“Entrepreneurs are the heart of our economy, serving as the driving force that keeps everything moving forward.

Just as plants require sunlight to grow, our nation needs these brave men and women to start businesses and come up with new ideas.

They’re not just chasing profits; they’re creating jobs and opportunities for others. It’s through their efforts that new industries can emerge and existing ones can improve.

“Entrepreneurs also bring innovation to our lives, making things better or easier through their products and services.

They keep our market competitive, which helps keep prices fair for everyone.

“Their role is so crucial that their success or failure directly impacts the health of our entire economy.

At GS1 Namibia, we’re committed to supporting these vital players in our economic game.

“We offer them the tools and support they need to thrive, because we understand that when entrepreneurs succeed, the whole country benefits.”

– Patricia Hangula, chief executive officer (CEO) GS1 Namibia

“Entrepreneurs are the lifeblood of an economy as they bring innovative ideas to life and create employment opportunities, leading to economic growth and development.

“At Letshego, we recognise the invaluable contributions of entrepreneurs and are committed to supporting them.

In line with our purpose of improving lives, we focus on enhancing the financial well-being of mass to middle-income earners and micro to small entrepreneurs through our conversation pillars of product diversification, digitalisation and innovation.

“Entrepreneurs should embrace digitalisation and innovation in their business operations. As the world continues to evolve, staying up to date with the latest technological advancements and incorporating them into your business could give you a competitive edge.”

– Ester Kali: CEO, Letshego Namibia

“Entrepreneurship should be at the forefront of our agenda daily. In the same way the world prioritised Covid-19, we should prioritise entrepreneurship.

“We can all see the level of unemployment. It is only through entrepreneurship that we can deliver Africa’s and Namibia’s industrial ambitions.

“The same for the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the national development plans. We need to declare a state of emergency in the economy so we can get people to become entrepreneurial.

“It is commendable to have World Entrepreneurs Day, but we need to change the landscape and push for active entrepreneurship and not just people surviving. We can do better than this.”

– Twapewa Kadhikwa, entrepreneur and motivational speaker

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