Geingob was true champion of world peace and security – Nandi-Ndaitwah

Netumbo Nandi Ndaitwah

Under the glorious banner of freedom, solidarity and justice, the Swapo family grieves the loss of our leader.

We are nursing the deep and overwhelming pain of losing someone who was not only close to us, but who was a valued member of our party, and who dedicated his entire life to the cause of our revolutionary party and to the Namibian nation.

It is therefore with a heavy heart and deepest sorrow that I stand here to bid farewell and pay tribute to one of the heroes of our liberation struggle.

In human history, every country is bestowed and gifted outstanding heroes and heroines, whose lives are embodied in the national tapestry of its politics, economy, and culture, as well as social and economic life. Namibia too is blessed with outstanding leaders, revolutionaries and iconic giants who have made great contributions to the birth and growth of our country.

Our departed president, comrade Dr Hage G Geingob, is one of those heroes.

From 1962, when he joined Swapo, up to 4 February 2024, when the entire Namibian nation woke up to the devastating news of his passing, a period of 64 years of solid and total commitment and dedication to the just cause of our genuine freedom and independence was marked, and to the building of a united, peaceful and inclusive Namibia.

He was a leader born into a generation that fearlessly sacrificed for a free and independent Namibia.

The Swapo party and our country has lost a revolutionary, visionary and towering hero. He was a divine gift bestowed upon Namibia and its people. Building on the foundation laid by comrade Dr Sam Shafiishuna Nujoma, the founding president and father of the nation, and comrade Hifikepunye Pohamba, our second president, comrade Geingob focused on Namibia’s social progress and economic emancipation.

He championed unity of purpose and action among all Namibians. He strived for inclusive economic prosperity for all our people. His name will remain engraved in the annals of our history.

Your excellencies, fellow mourners, our departed president’s contribution to the development and growth of Namibia as a modern constitutional democracy leaves a visible, permanent mark.

He did not only contribute to the crafting of the democratic Constitution of Namibia which he chaired, but also strived to promote its full application in all the areas of governance during his tenure of office as the first prime minister and third president of our country.

As prime minister, he championed the unification, modernisation and the cultivation of a higher performance culture in the Namibian public service. His commitment and dedication to good governance is reflected in both the political and administrative architecture of our nation today.

The direct access to his office by all the citizens of our country through open and transparent engagements was immensely promoted, while the political and administrative interface between the political principals and administrators was reinforced during his tenure of office.
He was indeed a people’s president.

During his presidency, Comrade Dr Hage G Geingob has initiated the Harambee Prosperity Plan, a comprehensive policy tool, which is aimed at addressing the socio-economic development challenges facing the country, and to fast-tracking the attainment of the goals enumerated in our long-term Vision 2030.

The four pillars of the Harambee Prosperity Plan, namely effective governance, economic advancement, social progression, infrastructure development and international cooperation represent his pioneering goal to bring about an inclusive prosperity for all Namibians.

On the international front, our departed president leaves a legacy of a true champion of world peace and security, as well as equal sharing of prosperity among all the nations of the world. He was vocal at various international fora, particularly the African Union, United Nations (UN) and others for the promotion of multilateralism and equality among nations.

The world was waiting with expectation for him, together with his German counterpart, to chair the UN Summit for the Future this year.

Fellow mourners, fellow Namibians, with the passing of our president, we will miss his parental, caring and unifying character. His absence leaves a gap in our midst as Swapo party and as members of the entire Namibian house.

One of the virtues he dearly upheld and promoted when he was alive was unity of purpose and action among all the people of Namibia.

At party level, comrade Geingob advocated organic unity in the entire Swapo party leadership and rank and file. We will embrace and continue to promote his legacy in order to ensure the Swapo party remains the party of choice and a true political home for all Namibians.

As we mourn his passing, let us rededicate ourselves and continue to emulate his exemplary deeds in the second phase of the struggle for economic independence.

It is our belief that comrade Geingob has joined other gallant sons and daughters of our land who have preceded him. May the revolutionary spirit of comrade Geingob endure, and may we honour him by building a prosperous Namibia, where generations will live in unity, peace and harmony.

Comrade Geingob has also envisioned a Namibian house that is united, peaceful and inclusive. Let the current and future generations of Namibians continue to draw inspiration from his legacy.

Meme Monica Geingos, our third first lady of the Republic of Namibia, the children, the entire bereaved family, on behalf of the Swapo party leadership and the entire rank and file, I extend to you our sincere heartfelt condolences on the passing of our beloved president Dr Hage G Geingob.
Thank you for sharing comrade president Geingob with the nation, taking away from family time.

We greatly share in your loss. May the Almighty God console and strengthen all of us during this difficult period of mourning.
Go well, comrade Dr Hage G Geingob.

Go well, our beloved president, our leader.
Go well, our hero.

Rest in perfect and eternal peace, comrade Hage G Geingob.
*Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah is the vice president of Namibia and the Swapo party. This was her tribute to Geingob at the late president’s official memorial service on Saturday.

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