Geingob praised for pro-business leadership

Hage Geingob

The local business community has praised president Hage Geingob for his commitment to fostering a conducive environment for entrepreneurship and investment, citing his instrumental role in implementing policies aimed at driving economic growth.

Namibia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NCCI) president Bisey /Uirab says Geingob’s steadfast support of the business community has contributed to the economic development and prosperity of Namibia.

“He not only articulated the importance to a fledgling economy of building a solid relationship between the government and the business community, but demonstrated how best to do so.

The cordial relationship existing between Namibia’s enterprise sector and the government lasts to this day,” /Uirab said during a memorial service for Geingob in Windhoek on Monday.

/Uirab said one of the notable instances showcasing Geingob’s dedication to promoting business ties was his active participation in key business forums such as the Zambia-Namibia Business Forum in 2022 and the South Africa-Namibia Business Forum in 2023.

These engagements facilitated the establishment of bilateral business councils with Namibia’s neighbouring countries.

“I wish to make a clarion call to both the organised business and particularly the Ministry of Industrialisation and Trade that we follow through on the establishment and operationalisation of the business council between Namibia and South Africa, and also between Namibia and Zambia.

/Uirab said some of the issues championed by the NCCI, together with the government under Geingob’s leadership are now in full implementation, some of which include 24-hour operations at the Wenela border post and the Namibia and Botswana ease of crossing the border with identity document cards.

“Our late president made a point to, whenever he went on trade missions, travel with Namibian business leaders, both from the corporate sector and micro, small and medium enterprise communities, and opened space for the Namibian business community to connect and network with the outside world, which to some created fruitful and long-lasting partnerships,” /Uirab said.

Also addressing the memorial service was Ohlthaver & List Group executive chairperson Sven Thieme, who said Geingob’s vision of positioning Namibia as a global investment hub and a trailblazer in green hydrogen technology constitutes a legacy that business leaders are all dedicated to advancing.

Thieme said under Geingob’s leadership, Namibia achieved global recognition as an appealing investment destination and a pioneer in green hydrogen development.

“Geingob’s foresight has positioned our country at the forefront of sustainable energy, earning the respect and commitment of the international business community. We, as part of this community, are dedicated to continuing his work, ensuring his vision for a thriving ‘Namibian House’, to become his legacy,” Thieme said.

Banker’s Association of Namibia president Conrad Dempsey said the banking sector is committed to realising Geingob’s vision of financial inclusion.

This, Dempsey said, will be achieved through intensified efforts to ensure local stakeholders benefit from a robust banking sector to ensure favourable returns for the country’s pension funds and by making investments in people across Namibia, fostering strong partnerships to stimulate business growth and empowering individuals and families.

He said building an inclusive prosperous nation requires some hard decisions at times.

“This is something our late president understood very well in the need to make brave decisions that’s not necessarily aligned to public opinion, but in the best public interest.

Decisions that required him to personally invest political equity and an example of leadership to everyone, public and private, entrusted to make good and often unpopular decisions,” Dempsey said.

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