Fritz Tells His Side

Fritz Tells His Side

THIS is a response to the report which appeared in your newspaper of 22 November 2005 regarding allegations of fraud and forgery against myself.

I was not given the opportunity to tell my side of the story. I am not a trustee and was never appointed by anybody as a trustee for a certain group of minors to administer their money.Nobody in this country or elsewhere has given me such a letter appointing me as a trustee.There is no group of minors existing for whom I have the responsibility to distribute money.The truth is that I am the biological guardian of my children who were born during the marriage with my late deceased lawful wife, the late Justine David Nghiishililwa, who died in 1998 at Oshakati State Hospital.These children are Tuliameni Nghiishililwa, aged 15, and Maria Nghiishililwa, aged 14.The estate number at the Master of the High Court, is 610/98 and the file number of Tuliameni Nghiishililwa is 0000004566 and that of Maria is 0000004567.Tuliameni and Maria are the beneficiaries of their mother’s pension.It is not public money – not like Avid or ODC which is taxpayer’s money.So they have decided to arrest me and decided not to arrest those who are involved in stealing the taxpayer’s money.Do you call that justice? From around 2004 until now, Tuliameni, my daughter, received treatment from Dr Joggie Bredenhann, Telephone number 061 231 197, who put the cost of such treatment at approximately N$25 571 .10.My medical aid paid the bill; I contribute approximately N$500 every month to my medical aid fund.My medical aid scheme number is 514/896424391 SAPPHIRE.Anyone can verify these facts.After my medical aid paid Dr Bredenhann, I put in a claim to be reimbursed by the Master of the High Court from Tuliameni’s fund.I was never given N$25 571.10 by the Master.The Master has the discretion to approve or disapprove a claim, or ask for a refund in case a wrong payment was made.Why should she run to the Police to have me arrested? If the Master has detected false receipts submitted to her, why not ask for an explanation? Why run to the Police? I am not aware of false receipts and I am not aware of any law prohibiting the submission of claims to the Master where one’s medical aid paid the bill of medical treatment.So I have done nothing wrong, and I am prepared to defend myself at all costs.In fact, I learned that the money now available for Tuliameni is less than 10 thousand dollars.It is an insult to me to be accused of defrauding my own children’s fund – who will actually inherit mine.Myself and my two daughters are able to live a decent life without the fund at the Master’s office.I have full-time employment, I am running my own company doing consulting, I am a part-time farmer and have fixed properties.Why should I steal pennies from my own children’s fund? That’s bull! I rest my case.Fritz Nghiishililwa WindhoekI am not a trustee and was never appointed by anybody as a trustee for a certain group of minors to administer their money.Nobody in this country or elsewhere has given me such a letter appointing me as a trustee.There is no group of minors existing for whom I have the responsibility to distribute money.The truth is that I am the biological guardian of my children who were born during the marriage with my late deceased lawful wife, the late Justine David Nghiishililwa, who died in 1998 at Oshakati State Hospital.These children are Tuliameni Nghiishililwa, aged 15, and Maria Nghiishililwa, aged 14.The estate number at the Master of the High Court, is 610/98 and the file number of Tuliameni Nghiishililwa is 0000004566 and that of Maria is 0000004567.Tuliameni and Maria are the beneficiaries of their mother’s pension.It is not public money – not like Avid or ODC which is taxpayer’s money.So they have decided to arrest me and decided not to arrest those who are involved in stealing the taxpayer’s money.Do you call that justice? From around 2004 until now, Tuliameni, my daughter, received treatment from Dr Joggie Bredenhann, Telephone number 061 231 197, who put the cost of such treatment at approximately N$25 571 .10.My medical aid paid the bill; I contribute approximately N$500 every month to my medical aid fund.My medical aid scheme number is 514/896424391 SAPPHIRE.Anyone can verify these facts.After my medical aid paid Dr Bredenhann, I put in a claim to be reimbursed by the Master of the High Court from Tuliameni’s fund.I was never given N$25 571.10 by the Master.The Master has the discretion to approve or disapprove a claim, or ask for a refund in case a wrong payment was made.Why should she run to the Police to have me arrested? If the Master has detected false receipts submitted to her, why not ask for an explanation? Why run to the Police? I am not aware of false receipts and I am not aware of any law prohibiting the submission of claims to the Master where one’s medical aid paid the bill of medical treatment.So I have done nothing wrong, and I am prepared to defend myself at all costs.In fact, I learned that the money now available for Tuliameni is less than 10 thousand dollars.It is an insult to me to be accused of defrauding my own children’s fund – who will actually inherit mine.Myself and my two daughters are able to live a decent life without the fund at the Master’s office.I have full-time employment, I am running my own company doing consulting, I am a part-time farmer and have fixed properties.Why should I steal pennies from my own children’s fund? That’s bull! I rest my case.Fritz Nghiishililwa Windhoek

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