French gift for church school

French gift for church school

THE Franco-Namibian Cultural Centre (FNCC) has donated more than 300 textbooks to the Canisianum Roman Catholic High School at Anamulenge in the Omusati Region, northern Namibia.

An event to mark the occasion was attended by school principal Werner Kalipi and his teachers, Fathers Jose Thomas and Wellem Eitha of the Anamulenge Roman Catholic parish, pupils and some parents. Handing over the books to Principal Kalipi, FNCC Director Sebastien Lanoye said the centre saw it fit to donate textbooks to the Canisianum school because it needed support to provide quality education to its pupils.The school was established in 1972 but stopped to function after many of its pupils were abducted by Swapo Plan fighters in 1977.The school was revived in 2000.Handing over the books to Principal Kalipi, FNCC Director Sebastien Lanoye said the centre saw it fit to donate textbooks to the Canisianum school because it needed support to provide quality education to its pupils.The school was established in 1972 but stopped to function after many of its pupils were abducted by Swapo Plan fighters in 1977.The school was revived in 2000.

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