Founding Father’s Blunder

Founding Father’s Blunder

ALLOW me to comment on the Founding Father of the Namibian nation who is suing The Namibian for an amount of N$5 million.

This sounds strange because suing the newspaper is not a priority. The Namibian simply reported information with proper referencing from an inquiry and I don’t see the reason our Founding Father gave for suing the newspaper is valid.The involvement of the NUNW is seen like they are backstabbers who will remain cockroaches until the end of time (I quote from our artist, The Dogg’s song).The NUNW are just puppets who are following the instructions from the high authority.As the Namibian nation who wants to reach Vision 2030 we should work for the truth and for the love of the nation as a whole and not for self-enrichment.Leave The Namibian newspaper in peace to continue reporting, because the nation likes this newspaper because it reports information that can help a person to read about Namibia and the world.Gwen Lister, you are on the track.We are at the grassroots level but your point is OK and there is nothing is wrong with what you have reported and what you are reporting today, tomorrow and forever.L Brother Via e-mailThe Namibian simply reported information with proper referencing from an inquiry and I don’t see the reason our Founding Father gave for suing the newspaper is valid.The involvement of the NUNW is seen like they are backstabbers who will remain cockroaches until the end of time (I quote from our artist, The Dogg’s song).The NUNW are just puppets who are following the instructions from the high authority.As the Namibian nation who wants to reach Vision 2030 we should work for the truth and for the love of the nation as a whole and not for self-enrichment.Leave The Namibian newspaper in peace to continue reporting, because the nation likes this newspaper because it reports information that can help a person to read about Namibia and the world.Gwen Lister, you are on the track.We are at the grassroots level but your point is OK and there is nothing is wrong with what you have reported and what you are reporting today, tomorrow and forever.L Brother Via e-mail

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