Engela builds a home for pregnant women

Engela builds a home for pregnant women

THE Tuyakula Community Shelter Project for pregnant women at Engela received a major boost last week when the people of Reykjanesbaer in Iceland and the Icelandic International Development Agency (ICEADA) donated N$270 000 towards the project.

The construction costs are estimated at N$300 000. Iceland’s Ambassador to Namibia, Sighvatur Bjorgvinsson, who is also the Director General of ICEIDA, accompanied by Charge d’Affaires Dr Vilhjalmur Wiium and other members of his delegation, handed over the cheques at the Engela District Hospital on Tuesday.For many years, pregnant women in the Engela area, and women from southern Angola who go to Engela to give birth, have had to stay under a tree outside the hospital while waiting to go into labour.People have complained about the plight of the women, and regional Governor Usko Nghaamwa last year set up a committee to raise funds for a shelter.First Lady Penexupifo Pohamba agreed to be the patron of the project and spearheaded the fundraising.In June, N$190 000 was pledged at a fundraiser at Engela.Many local people pledged livestock and farm produce.Governor Nghaamwa says the construction of the shelter has started and should be finished early next year.Iceland’s Ambassador to Namibia, Sighvatur Bjorgvinsson, who is also the Director General of ICEIDA, accompanied by Charge d’Affaires Dr Vilhjalmur Wiium and other members of his delegation, handed over the cheques at the Engela District Hospital on Tuesday.For many years, pregnant women in the Engela area, and women from southern Angola who go to Engela to give birth, have had to stay under a tree outside the hospital while waiting to go into labour.People have complained about the plight of the women, and regional Governor Usko Nghaamwa last year set up a committee to raise funds for a shelter.First Lady Penexupifo Pohamba agreed to be the patron of the project and spearheaded the fundraising.In June, N$190 000 was pledged at a fundraiser at Engela.Many local people pledged livestock and farm produce.Governor Nghaamwa says the construction of the shelter has started and should be finished early next year.

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