DTA In Kunene North An Open Letter to Kaura

DTA In Kunene North An Open Letter to Kaura

I AM a concerned Opuwo resident who happened to listen to an interview with Katuutire Kaura about his involvement in the traditional authority affairs of Etanga some time back.

He was saying Swapo got involved in the matters because of the political interests which make me wonder on what grounds he is getting himself involved. He is also not a Tjambiru, he does not live in Etanga, and he has no any other interest to get involved except political reasons from the look of things.It is not the first time that Mr Kaura poked his nose where it does not belong.He and his Party are the reasons why there is no developments in this region especially Kunene North.He had meetings to stop the Epupa Hydro-Power Project.He is also having meetings to try and stop the construction of the railway from Ondangwa to Cape Frio, the Constituency Development Committee has been there but never functioned as it was supposed to since inception because of the DTA.The Opuwo town is dirty, the water is unfit for human consumption.What does he do for this region? Nothing at all apart from him mingling in things that concern him least.Mr Kaura, remember that you are in this region for political reasons only so stick to that.We don’t want to undergo another experience of showing off your poor leadership skills in another arena as the traditional authority to which you don’t even belong.Leave the people of Kaokoland alone and let them deal with their traditional authority affairs without interference from you and your political party and other parties.I think it would be better if you got involved in your own traditional affairs.People in traditional authorities of Kaokoland have led themselves for generations and thus they do not need your poor leadership skills that I and many others foresee will just worsen the situation as it is always a case wherever you and your party get involved.Kaura and DTA should go away from the people of Opuwo and Epupa constituencies.How long do we have to live with this….Enough is enough please, Kaura stay out of things that do not concern you! Kahimbona A.Musaso Via e-mailHe is also not a Tjambiru, he does not live in Etanga, and he has no any other interest to get involved except political reasons from the look of things.It is not the first time that Mr Kaura poked his nose where it does not belong.He and his Party are the reasons why there is no developments in this region especially Kunene North.He had meetings to stop the Epupa Hydro-Power Project.He is also having meetings to try and stop the construction of the railway from Ondangwa to Cape Frio, the Constituency Development Committee has been there but never functioned as it was supposed to since inception because of the DTA.The Opuwo town is dirty, the water is unfit for human consumption.What does he do for this region? Nothing at all apart from him mingling in things that concern him least.Mr Kaura, remember that you are in this region for political reasons only so stick to that.We don’t want to undergo another experience of showing off your poor leadership skills in another arena as the traditional authority to which you don’t even belong.Leave the people of Kaokoland alone and let them deal with their traditional authority affairs without interference from you and your political party and other parties.I think it would be better if you got involved in your own traditional affairs.People in traditional authorities of Kaokoland have led themselves for generations and thus they do not need your poor leadership skills that I and many others foresee will just worsen the situation as it is always a case wherever you and your party get involved.Kaura and DTA should go away from the people of Opuwo and Epupa constituencies.How long do we have to live with this….Enough is enough please, Kaura stay out of things that do not concern you! Kahimbona A.Musaso Via e-mail

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