Disgusted With Amnesty

Disgusted With Amnesty

The Chairman of the NBC, Mr Bob Kandetu The Minister of Information of Broadcasting The Chairman of the Anti Corruption Commission WITH dismay and disgust I read in the free community newspaper of November 23 a full page article on Important TV Licence information.

Reading this article carefully, in its first paragraphs it explains carefully how the licensing and all works, but then, in the sixth paragraph, it explains suddenly that the NBC offers to ALL defaulters, that haven’t paid their licences for years, an amnesty on all outstanding payments! By implication this means, you, Mr Chairman, have permitted a totally bankrupt State-owned enterprise to write OFF possibly millions of dollars just because somebody defaulted to collect the money, making a mockery of all of us who dutifully paid their licences in the past. Is this not a veiled seeking of an approval form the public for a scam where someone pocketed possibly millions of dollars? And, Mr Chairman, why is this amnesty not widely published in ALL the newspapers of Namibia: Can you explain that? (I personally failed to find a full-page advert by the NBC in The Namibian or the Allgemeine Zeitung!) I would like you to come forward and explain to the public who gave you that permission, and on what grounds the organisation that held the contract to collect the monies was held accountable? Surely they were paid for it.Very Concerned Via e-mail Note: Name and address provided – EdIs this not a veiled seeking of an approval form the public for a scam where someone pocketed possibly millions of dollars? And, Mr Chairman, why is this amnesty not widely published in ALL the newspapers of Namibia: Can you explain that? (I personally failed to find a full-page advert by the NBC in The Namibian or the Allgemeine Zeitung!) I would like you to come forward and explain to the public who gave you that permission, and on what grounds the organisation that held the contract to collect the monies was held accountable? Surely they were paid for it.Very Concerned Via e-mail Note: Name and address provided – Ed

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