Cry The Beloved Country

Cry The Beloved Country

I AM a Namibian student studying abroad and have always wanted to know what is going on in our beloved country.

In the past weeks, I have been following the issue of Ya Nangoloh and Sam Nujoma. I am totally against Ya Nangoloh’s submission to the ICC because I think Nujoma is a hero and deserves respect from every Namibian whether a Swapo member or not.However, I don’t think this issue is supposed to be something bringing so many things like the bazookas and hatred among our people.Namibians need to work together for us to achieve our goals of fighting HIV-AIDS, eradicating poverty, reducing unemployment and achieving our Vision 2030.Namibia is one of the African countries that are respected outside the African continent because of its political stability, foreign policies and economic development.I am always proud to say I am a Namibian when asked where I am from and this means we as Namibians abroad don’t want to hear Namibia going to the dogs like some criticisms from peace-hating ignorant individuals make out.Let me also use this opportunity to congratulate The Namibian on the SMS system they have introduced, this is a very convenient method since many concerns are heard from many corners of the country, unlike in the past where only a small proportion of concerns were brought to the public attention.However, I personally think The Namibian has to make sure the messages that are published are constructive and not destructive, can bring people together but not create things like tribalism, nepotism and even racism.I am saying this because there were some messages that are even disrespecting the former President and the current President, especially on the ICC issue.Since when are we not supposed to respect our leaders/parents anymore? President Pohamba, you are a good leader, I am proud of you and wish you good health and many more years to come.Lead Namibia into a prosperous nation in Africa, Namibia is not going to the dogs like the government critics are preaching.Proud Namibian Asia Note: Name and address provided – EdI am totally against Ya Nangoloh’s submission to the ICC because I think Nujoma is a hero and deserves respect from every Namibian whether a Swapo member or not.However, I don’t think this issue is supposed to be something bringing so many things like the bazookas and hatred among our people.Namibians need to work together for us to achieve our goals of fighting HIV-AIDS, eradicating poverty, reducing unemployment and achieving our Vision 2030.Namibia is one of the African countries that are respected outside the African continent because of its political stability, foreign policies and economic development.I am always proud to say I am a Namibian when asked where I am from and this means we as Namibians abroad don’t want to hear Namibia going to the dogs like some criticisms from peace-hating ignorant individuals make out.Let me also use this opportunity to congratulate The Namibian on the SMS system they have introduced, this is a very convenient method since many concerns are heard from many corners of the country, unlike in the past where only a small proportion of concerns were brought to the public attention.However, I personally think The Namibian has to make sure the messages that are published are constructive and not destructive, can bring people together but not create things like tribalism, nepotism and even racism.I am saying this because there were some messages that are even disrespecting the former President and the current President, especially on the ICC issue.Since when are we not supposed to respect our leaders/parents anymore? President Pohamba, you are a good leader, I am proud of you and wish you good health and many more years to come.Lead Namibia into a prosperous nation in Africa, Namibia is not going to the dogs like the government critics are preaching. Proud Namibian Asia Note: Name and address provided – Ed

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