Councillor probed for allegedly impregnating underage girl

Councillor probed for allegedly impregnating underage girl

THE Usakos Municipality’s Management Committee Chairperson faces an investigation into allegations that he impregnated a 15-year-old girl at the town.

Daniel Stramiss, who has denied his involvement in the affair since claims of the alleged act emerged some time ago, came under formal investigation for “immoral practices” last Wednesday. Police spokesperson Warrant Officer James Matengu said Stramiss was asked to give his version of what happened in a formal statement this past weekend.The docket has since been sent to the Police’s Woman and Child Protection Unit at Walvis Bay.According to Matengu, the case will also enjoy the attention of the Prosecutor General’s office.”Considering the circumstances surrounding the case, a statement was obtained from him over the weekend,” Matengu reported on Monday.”The docket was forwarded to the Prosecutor General’s office to decide if further action will need to be taken.”While the girl apparently claims that Stramiss is the father of her unborn child, the councillor says that she is in fact the girlfriend of a cousin of his.He is adamant that he had nothing to do with her impregnation.Contacted for comment on Monday, he said that the claims against him seemed to be stories concocted by a fellow politician, but declined to comment further.”Right now the issue is in the hands of my lawyers, so I wouldn’t want to comment on that,” he told The Namibian.Police spokesperson Warrant Officer James Matengu said Stramiss was asked to give his version of what happened in a formal statement this past weekend.The docket has since been sent to the Police’s Woman and Child Protection Unit at Walvis Bay.According to Matengu, the case will also enjoy the attention of the Prosecutor General’s office.”Considering the circumstances surrounding the case, a statement was obtained from him over the weekend,” Matengu reported on Monday.”The docket was forwarded to the Prosecutor General’s office to decide if further action will need to be taken.”While the girl apparently claims that Stramiss is the father of her unborn child, the councillor says that she is in fact the girlfriend of a cousin of his.He is adamant that he had nothing to do with her impregnation.Contacted for comment on Monday, he said that the claims against him seemed to be stories concocted by a fellow politician, but declined to comment further.”Right now the issue is in the hands of my lawyers, so I wouldn’t want to comment on that,” he told The Namibian.

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