Condom saves girl from rape

Condom saves girl from rape

JOHANNESBURG – A 17-year-old girl escaped almost certain rape by running away from her attacker while he was putting on a condom, said Mpumalanga police yesterday.

Captain Klaas Maloka said it was on Tuesday that the girl accompanied the man to a house in Mountainview, where he asked her to kiss him. When she refused, he took out a knife, ordered her to undress, and then forced her to a bed.Maloka said that it was while he was putting on a condom that she screamed for help and, finding the door to the room unlocked, ran away.He said that no arrests had been made.SapaWhen she refused, he took out a knife, ordered her to undress, and then forced her to a bed.Maloka said that it was while he was putting on a condom that she screamed for help and, finding the door to the room unlocked, ran away.He said that no arrests had been made.Sapa

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