CoD challenges Govt on national days

CoD challenges Govt on national days

THE Congress of Democrats is calling for Government to review the way in which it celebrates and commemorates national days.

The party is of the view that at present, these days have become party-political days and do not encourage national participation and nation-building. Speaking in the National Assembly on Tuesday, CoD MP Tsudao Gurirab alleged that the current manner in which Government conducted state functions, ceremonies and national days detracted from the objective of national unity.Gurirab said it was not right for one political party to “hijack” national days.”The institutions of State and the exercise of power can only derive their legitimacy from their inclusiveness.In this sense, there is no half-Namibian or a single group which is more Namibian than the other,” said Gurirab.Gurirab tabled a motion in the House calling for a select committee to be established to look into how preparation for national days, functions and ceremonies was being handled.This committee should also consider the practices of other countries concerning national days and should within six months make recommendations to Parliament for the future conduct and organisation of national days, ceremonies and functions.Gurirab said just as it was expected that those who did not form the Government accepted the authority of the Government of the day, Government too should respect the views of those who did not support their political opinions or convictions.Gurirab said at the core of his motion to the House was the symbolic and ceremonial conduct of the affairs of the State, which were intended to inculcate pride and a sense of “one-hood” and speak to all Namibians.Gurirab said national days were important, symbolic and constituted the “umbilical cord which keeps all Namibians together”.”It is thus undignified and unwarranted to reduce the status of national days and functions to party-political point scoring.Our submission is that party-political activity has no place in the celebration and commemoration of national days.”To accord the necessary dignity and unifying appeal of national days, these occasions must be used to inculcate a sense of common loyalty to a single state,” said Gurirab.He said while party politics had its place in a fledgling multi-party democracy, national occasions were not the place for this.The DTA’s McHenry Venaani will be the first to debate the motion next Tuesday.Speaking in the National Assembly on Tuesday, CoD MP Tsudao Gurirab alleged that the current manner in which Government conducted state functions, ceremonies and national days detracted from the objective of national unity.Gurirab said it was not right for one political party to “hijack” national days.”The institutions of State and the exercise of power can only derive their legitimacy from their inclusiveness.In this sense, there is no half-Namibian or a single group which is more Namibian than the other,” said Gurirab.Gurirab tabled a motion in the House calling for a select committee to be established to look into how preparation for national days, functions and ceremonies was being handled.This committee should also consider the practices of other countries concerning national days and should within six months make recommendations to Parliament for the future conduct and organisation of national days, ceremonies and functions.Gurirab said just as it was expected that those who did not form the Government accepted the authority of the Government of the day, Government too should respect the views of those who did not support their political opinions or convictions.Gurirab said at the core of his motion to the House was the symbolic and ceremonial conduct of the affairs of the State, which were intended to inculcate pride and a sense of “one-hood” and speak to all Namibians.Gurirab said national days were important, symbolic and constituted the “umbilical cord which keeps all Namibians together”.”It is thus undignified and unwarranted to reduce the status of national days and functions to party-political point scoring.Our submission is that party-political activity has no place in the celebration and commemoration of national days.”To accord the necessary dignity and unifying appeal of national days, these occasions must be used to inculcate a sense of common loyalty to a single state,” said Gurirab.He said while party politics had its place in a fledgling multi-party democracy, national occasions were not the place for this.The DTA’s McHenry Venaani will be the first to debate the motion next Tuesday.

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