Child beaten, burnt for ‘stealing food’

Photo for illustration purposes

The police in the Omusati region have arrested a man on a charge of attempted murder after he allegedly assaulted and poured boiling water on an eight-year-old child who was found trying to steal food.

The incident happened at Okalele, a village in Omusati, on Sunday.

Namibian Police commissioner Ismael Basson reported that the child allegedly snuck into a neighbour’s house and was caught by the owner of the house.

The house owner allegedly whipped the child with an electrical wire all over the body and thereafter went to boil water, which he poured on the child.

The child sustained serious burns all over the body.

The suspect, Amoni Iindongo, was arrested on the same day.

He appeared in the Okahao Magistrate’s Court on Tuesday and is being held in custody.

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