Catholics consider bankruptcy in sex abuse suits

Catholics consider bankruptcy in sex abuse suits

PORTLAND, Oregon – A number of Roman Catholic dioceses have considered bankruptcy to fight lawsuits resulting from allegations of priest sex abuse over the years, and some may be ready to make that move after the Portland Archdiocese became the first in the nation to file for bankruptcy.

The bishop of the Diocese of Tucson in Arizona says it may be the “best way to respond to all victims.” Bishop Gerald Kicanas has been meeting with attorneys for much of the past month to consider filing for bankruptcy, said Fred Allison, spokesman for the Arizona diocese.Kicanas said the Archdiocese of Portland bankruptcy, announced Tuesday by Archbishop John Vlazny, “while not unexpected, came as a surprise.”He did not say whether Tucson will follow Portland, but warned “we continue to explore the best option for our diocese.”Others have already settled and say they have moved on, with or without the threat of bankruptcy.- Nampa-APBishop Gerald Kicanas has been meeting with attorneys for much of the past month to consider filing for bankruptcy, said Fred Allison, spokesman for the Arizona diocese.Kicanas said the Archdiocese of Portland bankruptcy, announced Tuesday by Archbishop John Vlazny, “while not unexpected, came as a surprise.”He did not say whether Tucson will follow Portland, but warned “we continue to explore the best option for our diocese.”Others have already settled and say they have moved on, with or without the threat of bankruptcy.- Nampa-AP

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