Catch A Wake-Up

Catch A Wake-Up

I HAD a good belly laugh at Trevor Manuel’s (Finance Minister for South Africa) expense.

He expressed annoyance at the fact that Western countries were plundering Africa’s talent pool. His suggested mitigation strategy: Force the IMF to stop the migration of talent from Africa.Trevor, catch a wake-up.Here is what you should do: Get rid of your racist AA quota system.If you did that, then at least one whitey with three higher degrees will come back to Africa, namely me, and you can times that by three.My wife has a degree in finance and we have two bright little boys who are now Australian but I would love for them to be African.Actually, times that by six, both my sisters (health workers) and my brother (pilot) would come back to Africa too if they knew they had a future.While we’re about it, my humble request is that President Pohamba show some leadership on this issue.Just do the maths, that all I ask you to do.You will find that your AA strategies are not paying dividends at all.This ‘get-rich-quick’ strategy of Southern African leaders has been a dismal failure.I have said this before in this letter page; the people black Africans need to fear are not white Africans.The people you should fear are the Chinese, Brazilians, Koreans and Indians who are far from your home and taking all your jobs.If you want to grow your economy you need people with skills now! We cannot wait.I sit here in Australia and every morning reading The Namibian and every morning I wonder when it is that Africa will wake up.Do we really need more than one Zimbabwe to drive home the point? If you don’t know what is going on in Zimbabwe have a closer look.It is stupid ‘Africanist’ racism that has driven that country into the dirt.Andrew Wright, AustraliaHis suggested mitigation strategy: Force the IMF to stop the migration of talent from Africa.Trevor, catch a wake-up.Here is what you should do: Get rid of your racist AA quota system.If you did that, then at least one whitey with three higher degrees will come back to Africa, namely me, and you can times that by three.My wife has a degree in finance and we have two bright little boys who are now Australian but I would love for them to be African.Actually, times that by six, both my sisters (health workers) and my brother (pilot) would come back to Africa too if they knew they had a future.While we’re about it, my humble request is that President Pohamba show some leadership on this issue.Just do the maths, that all I ask you to do.You will find that your AA strategies are not paying dividends at all.This ‘get-rich-quick’ strategy of Southern African leaders has been a dismal failure.I have said this before in this letter page; the people black Africans need to fear are not white Africans.The people you should fear are the Chinese, Brazilians, Koreans and Indians who are far from your home and taking all your jobs.If you want to grow your economy you need people with skills now! We cannot wait.I sit here in Australia and every morning reading The Namibian and every morning I wonder when it is that Africa will wake up.Do we really need more than one Zimbabwe to drive home the point? If you don’t know what is going on in Zimbabwe have a closer look.It is stupid ‘Africanist’ racism that has driven that country into the dirt.Andrew Wright, Australia

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