Brave girl gets support

Brave girl gets support

The Nampharm Foundation has donated N$20 000 to Thirene Basson, a 16-old-girl from Windhoek who has leukaemia.

She was diagnosed in August last year and has already undergone some chemotherapy. Thirene is now undergoing her second chemotherapy cycle, after which radiation therapy will follow.She has to take up to 16 tablets a day, most of which come from South Africa.In May she will go to Cape Town for more tests to establish if she needs a bone-marrow transplant.The Nampharm Foundation, through its ‘Small Kids, Big Heart’ bracelet campaign, is raising funds to help pay for the treatment of children with cancer.On Saturday, Namibia’s top R&B girl group Gal Level performed in the Zoo Park amphitheatre to raise money for young cancer patients.The group released a successful CD last year and they felt they needed to give something back to the community.This fundraising concert for cancer was a first for Namibia.Thirene is now undergoing her second chemotherapy cycle, after which radiation therapy will follow.She has to take up to 16 tablets a day, most of which come from South Africa.In May she will go to Cape Town for more tests to establish if she needs a bone-marrow transplant.The Nampharm Foundation, through its ‘Small Kids, Big Heart’ bracelet campaign, is raising funds to help pay for the treatment of children with cancer.On Saturday, Namibia’s top R&B girl group Gal Level performed in the Zoo Park amphitheatre to raise money for young cancer patients.The group released a successful CD last year and they felt they needed to give something back to the community.This fundraising concert for cancer was a first for Namibia.

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