Bored With ‘Free Speech’

Bored With ‘Free Speech’

Obsession About Nampost I FULLY agree with your leader (August 4) on hate speech and how although free speech is enshrined, it does not extend to infringing on the rights of others.

I would add another exclusion, that it should not bore the s*** out of others. In this connection I refer to your correspondent with his/her seeming obsession with NamPost and the perceived iniquities thereof.You have published about six increasingly lengthy and ramblingly incomprehensible letters from him/her so far, all with seemingly unsubstantiated allegations, which must drive the management of NamPost mad.Accordingly I would respectfully request that you publish no more.It’s not worth replying to the correspondent’s complaints in detail (can’t even remember them) except a parcel which was opened, half its contents removed, the rest stuck up with a kilogram (?) of brown tape and sent on its way.Sounds unlikely.Wouldn’t it be easier to steal the whole parcel? Who but a moron anyway, since about 1850, would send an article of value through the mail, unregistered and uninsured? And a poem (!) taking a week to get from Tsumeb to Windhoek? Yes, possible, there is a shortage of transport (I believe only one train a week), and the letter has to be handled and sorted at both ends.But ever heard of e-mail? I personally have never knowingly lost anything from NamPost – the service is slow yes, but so is the postal service in the US and UK (ever been there?).And a parcel I sent by seamail arrived in the UK in 2 1/2 weeks.Not too bad.The delay in parcels is probably more to do with customs clearance than with NamPost.In general, I think they do a good job.So, a reality check please.Bill Torbitt WindhoekIn this connection I refer to your correspondent with his/her seeming obsession with NamPost and the perceived iniquities thereof.You have published about six increasingly lengthy and ramblingly incomprehensible letters from him/her so far, all with seemingly unsubstantiated allegations, which must drive the management of NamPost mad.Accordingly I would respectfully request that you publish no more.It’s not worth replying to the correspondent’s complaints in detail (can’t even remember them) except a parcel which was opened, half its contents removed, the rest stuck up with a kilogram (?) of brown tape and sent on its way.Sounds unlikely.Wouldn’t it be easier to steal the whole parcel? Who but a moron anyway, since about 1850, would send an article of value through the mail, unregistered and uninsured? And a poem (!) taking a week to get from Tsumeb to Windhoek? Yes, possible, there is a shortage of transport (I believe only one train a week), and the letter has to be handled and sorted at both ends.But ever heard of e-mail? I personally have never knowingly lost anything from NamPost – the service is slow yes, but so is the postal service in the US and UK (ever been there?).And a parcel I sent by seamail arrived in the UK in 2 1/2 weeks.Not too bad.The delay in parcels is probably more to do with customs clearance than with NamPost.In general, I think they do a good job.So, a reality check please.Bill Torbitt Windhoek

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