‘Blood Diamonds’ vs ‘Blood Oil’

‘Blood Diamonds’ vs ‘Blood Oil’

I AM writing in response to the letter by Mr Alexactus T. Kaure (How Namibia Supports Israel’s Palestine Occupation).

Mr Kaure has used the words “blood diamonds” and “Methods of Suppression”. He can make good use of the term “blood for oil” since most world leaders are so quick appease OIL RICH Arab nations by condemning any form of self defence by the Israeli’s.The same UN was very quick to support the war in Afghanistan after only one dreadful day of terror attacks on American soil.The Israeli’s have lived with people who send children with suicide belts onto Jewish lands for so many years, that people like Mr. Kaure, like many others may have become used to Jews being killed.Very few people notice the fact that the Israeli’s have tried to make peace with the “Palestinians” even though the “Palestinian” organisations all have one thing in common: The objective of The Destruction of the State of Israel.The Israelis’ have even called these Arab migrants “Palestinians”, knowing that there is no such nation as “Palestinians”.Any person (Christian, Muslim or Jew !) who wishes to contradict me on this can open his Bible or Hadith and look for the word Palestinian.The closest word to this is the Philistines, whom the Lord has driven from His land to give to the Jews.I see that Mr. Kaure mentions that Mr. Leviev is a “sponsor” of Israel and “Jewish activities”.So I guess that Mr. Kaure does not like Jews or their tiny state.It is difficult to understand why people, some who claim to be Christians, don’t like Jews since the Messiah has a Jewish mother, and his first Apostles were Jews.The Muslims’ Hadith give a good idea of what the Arabs (Umar al Khatib in particular) did to the Jews and how some of the Arabs aka ‘Palestinians’ came to live in Israel.The last two weeks has shown just how far the EU and UN will take their double standards with the problem of terrorism.These leaders are quick to condemn Israel for retaliating when they are attacked by “Palestinian” militants.The Israeli’s then choose to build a wall to keep the suicide bombers out.Then the oil rich Arab world is unhappy because the wall is very effective in it’s purpose of protecting Jews, Christians and other non Muslim “infidels”.Therefore they took to the UN and EU, convinces them that the “Palestinian” suffering weighs heavier than Israeli lives.The biased UN then condemns Israel for building the security barrier.In this case the Israeli’s cannot win no matter what they do.From my Zionist Christian point of view, the Israeli’s should first seek their own security only then the approval of Mr. Kaure, the international courts, the UN the EU and all others who approve of oil rich Arab nations who are OK with killing of Jews.Moshe Shomron Via e-mailHe can make good use of the term “blood for oil” since most world leaders are so quick appease OIL RICH Arab nations by condemning any form of self defence by the Israeli’s.The same UN was very quick to support the war in Afghanistan after only one dreadful day of terror attacks on American soil.The Israeli’s have lived with people who send children with suicide belts onto Jewish lands for so many years, that people like Mr. Kaure, like many others may have become used to Jews being killed.Very few people notice the fact that the Israeli’s have tried to make peace with the “Palestinians” even though the “Palestinian” organisations all have one thing in common: The objective of The Destruction of the State of Israel.The Israelis’ have even called these Arab migrants “Palestinians”, knowing that there is no such nation as “Palestinians”.Any person (Christian, Muslim or Jew !) who wishes to contradict me on this can open his Bible or Hadith and look for the word Palestinian.The closest word to this is the Philistines, whom the Lord has driven from His land to give to the Jews.I see that Mr. Kaure mentions that Mr. Leviev is a “sponsor” of Israel and “Jewish activities”.So I guess that Mr. Kaure does not like Jews or their tiny state.It is difficult to understand why people, some who claim to be Christians, don’t like Jews since the Messiah has a Jewish mother, and his first Apostles were Jews.The Muslims’ Hadith give a good idea of what the Arabs (Umar al Khatib in particular) did to the Jews and how some of the Arabs aka ‘Palestinians’ came to live in Israel.The last two weeks has shown just how far the EU and UN will take their double standards with the problem of terrorism.These leaders are quick to condemn Israel for retaliating when they are attacked by “Palestinian” militants.The Israeli’s then choose to build a wall to keep the suicide bombers out.Then the oil rich Arab world is unhappy because the wall is very effective in it’s purpose of protecting Jews, Christians and other non Muslim “infidels”.Therefore they took to the UN and EU, convinces them that the “Palestinian” suffering weighs heavier than Israeli lives.The biased UN then condemns Israel for building the security barrier.In this case the Israeli’s cannot win no matter what they do.From my Zionist Christian point of view, the Israeli’s should first seek their own security only then the approval of Mr. Kaure, the international courts, the UN the EU and all others who approve of oil rich Arab nations who are OK with killing of Jews.Moshe Shomron Via e-mail

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