Big Brother Africa: Our partners need respect

Big Brother Africa: Our partners need respect

TATIANA was the second runner-up in Big Brother Africa 2.

Mukalya Nampito spoke to the Angolan housemate yesterday afternoon about love, adultery, Richard, her future plans and Gustav, her boyfriend in Angola … How are you feeling now after the finale? Tired.But am happy.Everything was good What are you going to do now? What is for the future? Well, for now I will be busy travelling around Africa with Endemol (the franchise holder).After that, I will decide.Are you going to Tanzania with Richard? Well, I received an invitation to go and visit Tanzania so I will be going there.With Richard? As his partner? Or with Endemol? He received an invitation too.With Endemol we are going around Africa.But he is from there? I know, we both received the invitations.Have you spoken to Gustav? No not yet.We are busy.I didn’t have time to phone him.I will talk to him when I am at home.What was your strategy in the house? No strategy.That was me.I was being real.That was just me.What are your views on adultery? Big Brother was a show for real people.We (Richard and myself) made a decision to go there.I knew anything could happen.We are human beings, we made mistakes.Listen, being locked up for three months, it was very difficult.But Richard was really sweet.He is the one that came after me.I mean, you saw, in the third week, he got into me.I was real, I was real.You didn’t answer my question.What are your views on adultery? Of course, it’s not a good thing.It depends on your strength.So are you saying you were not strong enough to resist? Look, we don’t say it’s a good thing.I am a woman, a sensitive woman, everything Richard did, he got into my heart.Everything he did to me, in that house, he wasn’t being fake.He knew what he was doing.He was a real person.That fact that he was married, it killed me.He was married and he treated me like that.I am very sorry for the wife because it’s not nice.I feel sorry for my baby, Gustav, too.Are you and Richard going to continue? We agreed that we needed to respect our partners on the outside no matter how much we love each other.I have been with Gustav for six years.I am engaged to him and been living together for the past two years.I hope our partners can take us back.I told Richard I wish him all the best and that I hope his wife can take him back.Are you and Gustav going to continue? I don’t have much hope.I don’t know.I wanna face my problems when I go back and talk to him.If I have to start everything from zero, I will.Have you seen the footage on the now infamous Saturday? I have not looked at the footage.But Big Brother said he was going to show it to us before we go touring Africa.Well, by now, you have been asked so many questions about it and have an idea.What are your feelings towards the fact that Richard ‘fingered’ both you and Ofunneka? I can’t say much until I watch the tape.And then from there I am gonna do (act).Why did you tolerate so much abuse from Richard? That was very tough.It was a big challenge.I can tell you that from the house, I have learnt how to be tolerant.I used to tell him that I have never met a man like him who is so rude, so cold sometimes.But because we were in the house we had to make peace.The good thing, every time he came to apologise it was very sweet.This side of Richard (rude, cold) is crazy but the other side, it is so beautiful.He is a very sweet, loving person.How do you feel about Richard winning the money? A few weeks back I told him I would love to be in the finale with you.Yesterday (Sunday) I knew he was gonna win.I was very happy for him.I know he needs that money more than me.Not that I don’t need the money but I have a career, I am an actress, a model.But he has this big dream.He needs the money for his dreams.I really wanted him to win.What were the highlights in the house for you? I think every moment for me was a big highlight.I had tough moments when I had to speak my broken English.But doing the movie – Jollywood – with Richard was one of them.What do you think of our Meryl? I love my ‘mbumbu’.I was so sad she left so early.I knew who nominated her.I felt sort of close to her because I had been to Namibia so many times because we are neighbours.She knew lots of Angolans.I even told Biggie one time that I would never nominate her.Did you have feelings for Max? He is a nice-looking guy.He was so friendly with me.I was just playing around.I was going with the flow.When I went into the House, I said I was gonna flirt with the boys, I told Biggie.I am like that, everywhere I go, the guys go crazy because of the way I am.It was a connection with Max.There was something there.But then I was with Richard from the beginning.He was with Lerato.I was just going with the flow.Which friendships are you going to maintain? Ofunneka definitely, Maureen and Meryl.I would love to keep in touch with all of them but they are those that I am close to.How did you find the Big Brother House? I had so much fun in the house.It was very crazy.I loved the colours, the decor was very beautiful.On the question of the moles, were you threatened by Ashanti? We used to fight a lot (Richard and I ).We knew from the beginning about them.Of course, Biggie wanted to see how strong our relationship was.So we talked about it with Richard and agreed to be understanding with each other.We said: ‘Let’s be open and not fight too much’.That is what happened.I ask because you seemed to get closer when the moles were in the house, always holding and kissing each other? Richard was all over me.But you know him, there were plenty of issues.When Victor set the table for me one time and not for him, it was an issue.When he massaged my feet, it was issue.It was plenty of issues.But we knew Biggie put them there.Anything else you want to say? I would like to send a big kiss to beautiful Namibia.I know they didn’t vote for me but thank you to all the people that supported me.How are you feeling now after the finale? Tired.But am happy.Everything was good What are you going to do now? What is for the future? Well, for now I will be busy travelling around Africa with Endemol (the franchise holder).After that, I will decide.Are you going to Tanzania with Richard? Well, I received an invitation to go and visit Tanzania so I will be going there.With Richard? As his partner? Or with Endemol? He received an invitation too.With Endemol we are going around Africa.But he is from there? I know, we both received the invitations.Have you spoken to Gustav? No not yet.We are busy.I didn’t have time to phone him.I will talk to him when I am at home.What was your strategy in the house? No strategy.That was me.I was being real.That was just me.What are your views on adultery? Big Brother was a show for real people.We (Richard and myself) made a decision to go there.I knew anything could happen.We are human beings, we made mistakes.Listen, being locked up for three months, it was very difficult.But Richard was really sweet.He is the one that came after me.I mean, you saw, in the third week, he got into me.I was real, I was real. You didn’t answer my question.What are your views on adultery? Of course, it’s not a good thing.It depends on your strength. So are you saying you were not strong enough to resist? Look, we don’t say it’s a good thing.I am a woman, a sensitive woman, everything Richard did, he got into my heart.Everything he did to me, in that house, he wasn’t being fake.He knew what he was doing.He was a real person.That fact that he was married, it killed me.He was married and he treated me like that.I am very sorry for the wife because it’s not nice.I feel sorry for my baby, Gustav, too.Are you and Richard going to continue? We agreed that we needed to respect our partners on the outside no matter how much we love each other.I have been with Gustav for six years.I am engaged to him and been living together for the past two years.I hope our partners can take us back.I told Richard I wish him all the best and that I hope his wife can take him back. Are you and Gustav going to continue? I don’t have much hope.I don’t know.I wanna face my problems when I go back and talk
to him.If I have to start everything from zero, I will. Have you seen the footage on the now infamous Saturday? I have not looked at the footage.But Big Brother said he was going to show it to us before we go touring Africa.Well, by now, you have been asked so many questions about it and have an idea.What are your feelings towards the fact that Richard ‘fingered’ both you and Ofunneka? I can’t say much until I watch the tape.And then from there I am gonna do (act).Why did you tolerate so much abuse from Richard? That was very tough.It was a big challenge.I can tell you that from the house, I have learnt how to be tolerant.I used to tell him that I have never met a man like him who is so rude, so cold sometimes.But because we were in the house we had to make peace.The good thing, every time he came to apologise it was very sweet.This side of Richard (rude, cold) is crazy but the other side, it is so beautiful.He is a very sweet, loving person. How do you feel about Richard winning the money? A few weeks back I told him I would love to be in the finale with you.Yesterday (Sunday) I knew he was gonna win.I was very happy for him.I know he needs that money more than me.Not that I don’t need the money but I have a career, I am an actress, a model.But he has this big dream.He needs the money for his dreams.I really wanted him to win.What were the highlights in the house for you? I think every moment for me was a big highlight.I had tough moments when I had to speak my broken English.But doing the movie – Jollywood – with Richard was one of them.What do you think of our Meryl? I love my ‘mbumbu’.I was so sad she left so early.I knew who nominated her.I felt sort of close to her because I had been to Namibia so many times because we are neighbours.She knew lots of Angolans.I even told Biggie one time that I would never nominate her.Did you have feelings for Max? He is a nice-looking guy.He was so friendly with me.I was just playing around.I was going with the flow.When I went into the House, I said I was gonna flirt with the boys, I told Biggie.I am like that, everywhere I go, the guys go crazy because of the way I am.It was a connection with Max.There was something there.But then I was with Richard from the beginning.He was with Lerato.I was just going with the flow.Which friendships are you going to maintain? Ofunneka definitely, Maureen and Meryl.I would love to keep in touch with all of them but they are those that I am close to.How did you find the Big Brother House? I had so much fun in the house.It was very crazy.I loved the colours, the decor was very beautiful.On the question of the moles, were you threatened by Ashanti? We used to fight a lot (Richard and I ).We knew from the beginning about them.Of course, Biggie wanted to see how strong our relationship was.So we talked about it with Richard and agreed to be understanding with each other.We said: ‘Let’s be open and not fight too much’.That is what happened.I ask because you seemed to get closer when the moles were in the house, always holding and kissing each other? Richard was all over me.But you know him, there were plenty of issues.When Victor set the table for me one time and not for him, it was an issue.When he massaged my feet, it was issue.It was plenty of issues.But we knew Biggie put them there.Anything else you want to say? I would like to send a big kiss to beautiful Namibia.I know they didn’t vote for me but thank you to all the people that supported me.

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