Big Brother Africa: How to break up

Big Brother Africa: How to break up

THIS is an extract from an article by Segololo, who writes a BBA2 blog, ‘BBA Motherland 2’, following Richiana’s emotionally tumultuous visit to the Penthouse: As I said in a previous article Richard and Ricki (Richard’s wife) remind me of the movie ‘Indecent Proposal’.

The man could not forgive his wife even though they had agreed she would sleep with a rich man for a million dollars. He was tortured by the happenings of that night …Richard really knows how to break up – take notes but I accept no responsibility if someone kicks your a$$ if you do this! Put on some soft music – John Legend serenading you to “where did my baby go?” Get some wine or beer for your partner then … * Say a very serious statement: “I have to.I cant’ hurt her anymore.”* Tell the person you are breaking up with you love them “I love you, but I have someone else” * Throw in a joke “That pork is ready.That pig is ready to be eaten …Let’s have a good time!” * Then go back to being serious “I have to go back home.My wife is there.”* Then start the jokes again “Hey! Your wine!? Take a sip! Good girl!” (As if nothing out of the ordinary is happening) * The serious again: “I’m serious.I’m going home.Ya, I mean it! Do you know what my wife has been through? I don’t wanna put her through this anymore.”Then start dancing to the music, sing to her “I love you too, honey. I love you much more … “He was tortured by the happenings of that night …Richard really knows how to break up – take notes but I accept no responsibility if someone kicks your a$$ if you do this! Put on some soft music – John Legend serenading you to “where did my baby go?” Get some wine or beer for your partner then … * Say a very serious statement: “I have to.I cant’ hurt her anymore.”* Tell the person you are breaking up with you love them “I love you, but I have someone else” * Throw in a joke “That pork is ready.That pig is ready to be eaten …Let’s have a good time!” * Then go back to being serious “I have to go back home.My wife is there.”* Then start the jokes again “Hey! Your wine!? Take a sip! Good girl!” (As if nothing out of the ordinary is happening) * The serious again: “I’m serious.I’m going home.Ya, I mean it! Do you know what my wife has been through? I don’t wanna put her through this anymore.”Then start dancing to the music, sing to her “I love you too, honey. I love you much more … “

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