Big Brother Africa: Getting down and dirty with Richard

Big Brother Africa: Getting down and dirty with Richard

THE NAMIBIAN’S Jean Sutherland was in Johannesburg for the grand finale of Big Brother Africa 2 on Sunday night.

She flew back to Windhoek early yesterday morning and a few hours later interviewed BBA winner, the controversial Richard Bezuidenhout. I tell Richard I’ve had only about three hours sleep, he says he’s slept for one and a half hours if he’s lucky, but he’s excited.We struggled with our accents a bit, but eventually got into the flow.One of his first comments is that people see the beautiful side of him and that’s why they voted for him.During the interview, he apologised to Africa for THAT Saturday afternoon, said men should not use his actions to do what they want to when it comes to women, and talked openly about his wife and Tatiana.I was honest about my views on some of his actions.And when he said “YOU loved me because I entertained you”, I said, not me Richard, your fans did! And, to those hardcore Richard fans who loved to hate me: when I wanted to wrap up our interview, he said, “no, no, no …I like talking to you”.So we talked a bit more …How are you feeling today? Richard: Happy.I’m still very up, trying to let it sink in, to accept.It’s not easy, there’s a lot of pressure …it’s a new experience.It’s not easy, but at the same time I want to to take it easy.Let me jump right in.Are you going to share the money with Tatiana? Richard: That’s a very difficult question and something I will keep between me and Tatiana.What are your immediate plans? Richard: I’m very busy with media, and on Wednesday I’m going to Tanzania with Tatiana.(see also interview with Tatiana on page 6) OK, on to one of a number of sensitive questions.Have you spoken to your wife since last night? Richard: No, I haven’t spoken to my wife – she prefers not to speak over the phone.So it’s something we will do in person.My brother and sister have told me things are not good.I didn’t expect them to be …I’ve been crazy in the house.Hopefully we may talk.Were you surprised that your wife wasn’t there when you came out? Richard: Not really.I picked up from that phone call (with his father) that all was not right in my world.It prepared me.It would have been nice, but I did not expect her.I’m sure you were happy to see your family? I was very happy my brother was there.My sister came all the way from the States, that was a gift for me.Where is you wife at the moment? Richard: She’s in Tanzania.ON LOVE AND MARRIAGE Richard, as I see it, your love maths don’t add up.In one breath last night (Sunday), you said you fell in love with Tatiana in the house and in the very next sentence you said you love your wife.How does that add up? Richard: I’ll be honest …I can’t explain what I’m feeling …not many would understand …it was two situations, one in the house and my marriage (outside the house).In marriage we have challenges.This will be the biggest challenge for my marriage.It might be easier for me to live with it than it will be for her.I love my wife.Yes I do.She is a decent person …Without wanting to show disrespect for Tatiana, she is just a woman I love.My wife and I have an experience of two years.I have to give it a try.I hope she will understand.I don’t want to jump to conclusions …I don’t know what will happen.What about you and Tati and the future.Will you maintain your friendship? Richard: We’ll go back home, we’ll both go home.I don’t know.I know it’s a very controversial relationship.I have to face some heavy things.At the moment the best we can do is be there for each other.Tatiana is an amazing person.We have to try and find out what the best is for each other, for everyone.I don’t want to force things with my wife.Richard, (given your behaviour in the house) what do you think your winning BBA will say to especially men across Africa? Do you think they will see it as a green light to cheat on women? Richard: No, no, NO.It (the situation) was out of my control.It wasn’t right.They must not.Don’t go out there and do things in the name of Richard.No.We must all take responsibility for our own actions.We need to find our own role models.I’m still an amazing person.I entertained you …Not everything about me is perfect.What do you think about the different standards applied to men and women by some BBA viewers.You know, if a man does certain things it’s OK, but if a woman does the same thing, or something similar, there’s a huge outcry? There was a lot of hypocrisy.Richard: It should be equal, and there should be equal consequences.Women and men should be treated the same.OK, Richard, another sensitive one, and an issue which became probably the most controversial incident in the house: THAT Saturday afternoon (when the remaining three housemates – Richard, Tatiana and Ofunneka got drunk and questionable sexual activities took place).Richard: Apparently none of us really remembers what happened.I apologise to the whole of Africa.I’m really sorry from the bottom of my heart.We were out of control drunk and having fun.There was also a lot of stress after weeks of nominations and evictions.I’m not saying it is an excuse, but it was a reality.Richard, given what happened (between you and Tati), what about you and your comments about Kwaku and Meryl making noises in the bunk underneath you, inferring that they were having sex (which Meryl and Kwaku denied), and you saying they were disrespecting you? Richard: When I entered the house, it was without any expectation of sex, so it was different then.THE HOUSE What about your friendship with Ofunneka? Richard: We’ll be friends forever.What do you think about Meryl? In the house, from the beginning me, Tati and Meryl were thick.Meryl was true.She didn’t hide who she is.She is a very nice girl.She didn’t hide …I enjoyed laughing with the girl.Hey, Meryl! What were your highlights? Richard: I was a freestyler …I think when I had a few drinks, those were among my best moments.But I think the best moment was last week when I had to hold a camera and become a director …I think (my commitment to) that shows that I will not misuse the money.That was my best task.I also enjoyed a lot of the times we had in the jacuzzi.What do you think kept you in the show? Richard: I was running the show.I loved, cried, I was romantic, I was emotional, I was real, I was a bit crazy, but in a good way.You don’t think the dreadlocks played a part?! Richard: Come on, it’s not about the dreadlocks! If you say you ran the show, does that mean you weren’t real? Richard: No, not really.It was because of who I am, and I didn’t stop.That is me.I’m very likeable, lovable and acceptable.I knew my potential getting into the house.I know I’m an amazing person, and I knew I could take it (the prize).You were very quiet at the beginning, and then a metamorphosis started …It was quite a challenge for me.I’m used to my wife kissing me goodnight, and going to sleep.I had to be in a house, where people went to bed late, were talking, snoring, opening suitcases.I was struggling to interact.It took time for me to be myself.It wasn’t easy.You don’t just bump into people …I have to know you to open up.It doesn’t happen the first moment.I’m an interesting personality, I don’t just give to everybody …I must know you first …Is there anything you want to say that I might not have asked? Richard: I’m a role model now, a BBA Africa winner.Just like each and everyone of you, I’m not always right.Do not do all the things I did (in the house).Make your own decisions.You’re a film student.Where to now? Richard: Whatever I do now will have to be related to filmmaking.That is my focus.Whatever I do, whether it’s studying, or a study internship, it has to be with film.That just has to be in my focus.You have a strong fan base in Namibia.Do you have a message for them? Richard: Thank you for supporting me.I’m glad! Thank you guys.If there’s any opportunity to come to Namibia, I will.Thanks a lot.Thank you for your time, Richard.Richard: No, no.I really enjoyed talking to you …I tell Richard I’ve had only about three hours sleep, he says he’s slept for one and a half hours if he’s lucky, but h
e’s excited.We struggled with our accents a bit, but eventually got into the flow.One of his first comments is that people see the beautiful side of him and that’s why they voted for him.During the interview, he apologised to Africa for THAT Saturday afternoon, said men should not use his actions to do what they want to when it comes to women, and talked openly about his wife and Tatiana.I was honest about my views on some of his actions.And when he said “YOU loved me because I entertained you”, I said, not me Richard, your fans did! And, to those hardcore Richard fans who loved to hate me: when I wanted to wrap up our interview, he said, “no, no, no …I like talking to you”.So we talked a bit more … How are you feeling today? Richard: Happy.I’m still very up, trying to let it sink in, to accept.It’s not easy, there’s a lot of pressure …it’s a new experience.It’s not easy, but at the same time I want to to take it easy. Let me jump right in.Are you going to share the money with Tatiana? Richard: That’s a very difficult question and something I will keep between me and Tatiana.What are your immediate plans? Richard: I’m very busy with media, and on Wednesday I’m going to Tanzania with Tatiana.(see also interview with Tatiana on page 6) OK, on to one of a number of sensitive questions.Have you spoken to your wife since last night? Richard: No, I haven’t spoken to my wife – she prefers not to speak over the phone.So it’s something we will do in person.My brother and sister have told me things are not good.I didn’t expect them to be …I’ve been crazy in the house.Hopefully we may talk.Were you surprised that your wife wasn’t there when you came out? Richard: Not really.I picked up from that phone call (with his father) that all was not right in my world.It prepared me.It would have been nice, but I did not expect her.I’m sure you were happy to see your family? I was very happy my brother was there.My sister came all the way from the States, that was a gift for me.Where is you wife at the moment? Richard: She’s in Tanzania.ON LOVE AND MARRIAGE Richard, as I see it, your love maths don’t add up.In one breath last night (Sunday), you said you fell in love with Tatiana in the house and in the very next sentence you said you love your wife.How does that add up? Richard: I’ll be honest …I can’t explain what I’m feeling …not many would understand …it was two situations, one in the house and my marriage (outside the house).In marriage we have challenges.This will be the biggest challenge for my marriage.It might be easier for me to live with it than it will be for her.I love my wife.Yes I do.She is a decent person …Without wanting to show disrespect for Tatiana, she is just a woman I love.My wife and I have an experience of two years.I have to give it a try.I hope she will understand.I don’t want to jump to conclusions …I don’t know what will happen. What about you and Tati and the future.Will you maintain your friendship? Richard: We’ll go back home, we’ll both go home.I don’t know.I know it’s a very controversial relationship.I have to face some heavy things.At the moment the best we can do is be there for each other.Tatiana is an amazing person.We have to try and find out what the best is for each other, for everyone.I don’t want to force things with my wife.Richard, (given your behaviour in the house) what do you think your winning BBA will say to especially men across Africa? Do you think they will see it as a green light to cheat on women? Richard: No, no, NO.It (the situation) was out of my control.It wasn’t right.They must not.Don’t go out there and do things in the name of Richard.No.We must all take responsibility for our own actions.We need to find our own role models.I’m still an amazing person.I entertained you …Not everything about me is perfect.What do you think about the different standards applied to men and women by some BBA viewers.You know, if a man does certain things it’s OK, but if a woman does the same thing, or something similar, there’s a huge outcry? There was a lot of hypocrisy.Richard: It should be equal, and there should be equal consequences.Women and men should be treated the same.OK, Richard, another sensitive one, and an issue which became probably the most controversial incident in the house: THAT Saturday afternoon (when the remaining three housemates – Richard, Tatiana and Ofunneka got drunk and questionable sexual activities took place).Richard: Apparently none of us really remembers what happened.I apologise to the whole of Africa.I’m really sorry from the bottom of my heart.We were out of control drunk and having fun.There was also a lot of stress after weeks of nominations and evictions.I’m not saying it is an excuse, but it was a reality. Richard, given what happened (between you and Tati), what about you and your comments about Kwaku and Meryl making noises in the bunk underneath you, inferring that they were having sex (which Meryl and Kwaku denied), and you saying they were disrespecting you? Richard: When I entered the house, it was without any expectation of sex, so it was different then.THE HOUSE What about your friendship with Ofunneka? Richard: We’ll be friends forever.What do you think about Meryl? In the house, from the beginning me, Tati and Meryl were thick.Meryl was true.She didn’t hide who she is.She is a very nice girl.She didn’t hide …I enjoyed laughing with the girl.Hey, Meryl! What were your highlights? Richard: I was a freestyler …I think when I had a few drinks, those were among my best moments.But I think the best moment was last week when I had to hold a camera and become a director …I think (my commitment to) that shows that I will not misuse the money.That was my best task.I also enjoyed a lot of the times we had in the jacuzzi.What do you think kept you in the show? Richard: I was running the show.I loved, cried, I was romantic, I was emotional, I was real, I was a bit crazy, but in a good way.You don’t think the dreadlocks played a part?! Richard: Come on, it’s not about the dreadlocks! If you say you ran the show, does that mean you weren’t real? Richard: No, not really.It was because of who I am, and I didn’t stop.That is me.I’m very likeable, lovable and acceptable.I knew my potential getting into the house.I know I’m an amazing person, and I knew I could take it (the prize).You were very quiet at the beginning, and then a metamorphosis started …It was quite a challenge for me.I’m used to my wife kissing me goodnight, and going to sleep.I had to be in a house, where people went to bed late, were talking, snoring, opening suitcases.I was struggling to interact.It took time for me to be myself.It wasn’t easy.You don’t just bump into people …I have to know you to open up.It doesn’t happen the first moment.I’m an interesting personality, I don’t just give to everybody …I must know you first …Is there anything you want to say that I might not have asked? Richard: I’m a role model now, a BBA Africa winner.Just like each and everyone of you, I’m not always right.Do not do all the things I did (in the house).Make your own decisions. You’re a film student.Where to now? Richard: Whatever I do now will have to be related to filmmaking.That is my focus.Whatever I do, whether it’s studying, or a study internship, it has to be with film.That just has to be in my focus.You have a strong fan base in Namibia.Do you have a message for them? Richard: Thank you for supporting me.I’m glad! Thank you guys.If there’s any opportunity to come to Namibia, I will.Thanks a lot.Thank you for your time, Richard.Richard: No, no.I really enjoyed talking to you …

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