Big Brother Africa: Game on! J-men face axe

Big Brother Africa: Game on! J-men face axe

THE game is now well and truly in full swing with the first nominations announced on Monday night, and the housemates with their heads on the chopping block are the muscled Jeff from Kenya and the short-tempered Justice from Botswana.

I suppose it was inevitable that Justice would be on the line after his childish behaviour over the weekend but I am a little surprised at our girl Meryl’s decision to replace Bertha’s name with that of Jeff’s. Generally.I find myself disagreeing with the housemates’ tactics in voting.Why get rid of the boring people? Shouldn’t they rather be trying to get rid of those who pose the greatest threats? It’s not about who you like or dislike.Surely housemates should be aiming to have the strongest players evicted? While there is no denying that Jeff is something of a ghostly figure in the house, is he a threat? To explain about Meryl having the power to change a name: it’s a privilege that comes with being head of the house! How they voted: * Justice nominated Meryl and Bertha * Code nominated Justice and Maureen.* Jeff nominated Justice and Bertha.* Richard nominated Justice and Jeff.* Kwaku nominated Justice and Ofunneka.* Maureen nominated Bertha and Meryl.* Meryl nominated Jeff and Bertha.* Bertha nominated Justice and Jeff.* Tatiana nominated Bertha and Lerato.* Ofunneka nominated Meryl and Lerato.* Lerato nominated Jeff and Ofunneka.* Max nominated Richard and Meryl.The final score saw Justice and Bertha with five votes each but in what some may think is a questionable move, Meryl decided to replace Bertha’s name with Jeff’s, saying that she would give her another chance to change her behaviour.Most of the housemates cited Justice’s argumentative manner and having had run-ins with most of them as a reason for nominating him.Others took issue with Bertha’s bossy behaviour.Justice did not seem too surprised to have been nominated, but Bertha could not hide that she was stunned, and later couldn’t stop talking about it.She’ll have to sweat it out for the rest of the week as she does not know that she is off the hook (for now), and viewers will get to see how she handles until the Sunday night eviction show comes around.As for Jeff, Meryl cited his non-participatory, anti-social behaviour as the reason for nominating him and now it is up to the rest of Africa to decide on who leaves first.Jeff or Justice?Generally.I find myself disagreeing with the housemates’ tactics in voting.Why get rid of the boring people? Shouldn’t they rather be trying to get rid of those who pose the greatest threats? It’s not about who you like or dislike.Surely housemates should be aiming to have the strongest players evicted? While there is no denying that Jeff is something of a ghostly figure in the house, is he a threat? To explain about Meryl having the power to change a name: it’s a privilege that comes with being head of the house! How they voted: * Justice nominated Meryl and Bertha * Code nominated Justice and Maureen.* Jeff nominated Justice and Bertha.* Richard nominated Justice and Jeff.* Kwaku nominated Justice and Ofunneka.* Maureen nominated Bertha and Meryl.* Meryl nominated Jeff and Bertha.* Bertha nominated Justice and Jeff.* Tatiana nominated Bertha and Lerato.* Ofunneka nominated Meryl and Lerato.* Lerato nominated Jeff and Ofunneka.* Max nominated Richard and Meryl. The final score saw Justice and Bertha with five votes each but in what some may think is a questionable move, Meryl decided to replace Bertha’s name with Jeff’s, saying that she would give her another chance to change her behaviour.Most of the housemates cited Justice’s argumentative manner and having had run-ins with most of them as a reason for nominating him.Others took issue with Bertha’s bossy behaviour.Justice did not seem too surprised to have been nominated, but Bertha could not hide that she was stunned, and later couldn’t stop talking about it.She’ll have to sweat it out for the rest of the week as she does not know that she is off the hook (for now), and viewers will get to see how she handles until the Sunday night eviction show comes around.As for Jeff, Meryl cited his non-participatory, anti-social behaviour as the reason for nominating him and now it is up to the rest of Africa to decide on who leaves first.Jeff or Justice?

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