Beauties women league champs

Beauties women league champs

OKAHANDJA Beauties won the Khomas Women’s Football League after drawing 1-all against Rehoboth Queens on Saturday at the Independence Stadium.

Beauties held a two-point lead going into the match and Queens had to win the match outright to snatch the title from the defending champions from Okahandja. Queens took the lead midway through the first half when Juliana Skrywer received a perfect pass from Leandri Lucas and steered the ball past the advancing Meriam Swartbooi in Beauties’ goals.Beauties took the initiative in the second half and Stella Williams and Susanna Eises wasted good scoring opportunities.Queens, however, defended well and it seemed they might be heading for a historic victory, but their title dreams were shattered when Williams headed in from a corner by Emmerencia Fredericks in the final minutes of the match.Beauties finished stronger and a minute later Williams hit the crossbar with a fine shot.It is the second year in a row that Beauties have won the league, while Queens once again finished as the runners-up.Both teams will represent the Khomas Region at the Women’s National Championships at the end of June.Most of the players in the side also represent Namibia on national level and have competed against the likes of Zimbabwe, South Africa, Zambia and the Democratic Republic of Congo.Namibia this year failed to qualify for the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, but before that had a superb run in the Women’s Cosafa Cup in Zambia last year.They won a silver medal at the competition and have since kept a consistent form, which makes them competitive in the took the lead midway through the first half when Juliana Skrywer received a perfect pass from Leandri Lucas and steered the ball past the advancing Meriam Swartbooi in Beauties’ goals.Beauties took the initiative in the second half and Stella Williams and Susanna Eises wasted good scoring opportunities.Queens, however, defended well and it seemed they might be heading for a historic victory, but their title dreams were shattered when Williams headed in from a corner by Emmerencia Fredericks in the final minutes of the match.Beauties finished stronger and a minute later Williams hit the crossbar with a fine shot.It is the second year in a row that Beauties have won the league, while Queens once again finished as the runners-up.Both teams will represent the Khomas Region at the Women’s National Championships at the end of June.Most of the players in the side also represent Namibia on national level and have competed against the likes of Zimbabwe, South Africa, Zambia and the Democratic Republic of Congo.Namibia this year failed to qualify for the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, but before that had a superb run in the Women’s Cosafa Cup in Zambia last year.They won a silver medal at the competition and have since kept a consistent form, which makes them competitive in the

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