BBA: It’s so hard to say goodbye!

BBA: It’s so hard to say goodbye!

WELL hello, my good people.

I am back after a short silence. I feel kinda sad writing this article, as to me it represents an obituary.This is the last time I’ll write a BBA column before the show goes to bed on Sunday.As you all know, I’m a ‘Big 5′ fan and I’m very glad it was my people who managed to survive all the drama to emerge the top five contestants.With Code and Maureen gone, the other three remain in the running for the ultimate prize.Who will claim the US$100 000? Ofunneka, Tatiana or Richard – this is the only question playing on viewers’ minds this week.When Ofunneka, Tatiana, Richard, Code and Maureen were pitted against Max, Lerato, Bertha, Meryl and Kwaku, some didn’t think they could stand against the so-called ‘Untouchables’.However, week after week claimed an Untouchable’s head.Believe it or not, Big Brother has actually taught me a lesson, that it is not always about being loud and having the last word, but about paying attention, grace and humility.Judging from the SMS strap and discussions on the website forums, most fans of the ‘Untouchables’ could learn a thing or two from this show.It’s often good to listen to others, sit back, relax and “take it easy” before shooting off.And another very important lesson in life is also ‘moving on’ – things happen (favourably or unfavourably) but life goes on.I apologise for the “sermon” but there are some viewers who just don’t want to accept what the votes have dictated.People, don’t bite my head off here – I am just stating what I have observed and read.LAST MAN STANDING The controversial Richard managed to remain the only man in the house.Call him what you want, but the guy is interesting.The craziest thing is that he says he loves his wife Ricki at the same time he loves Tatiana – HUH? What’s going on dude? Tuesday once again saw another Richiana lovers’ tiff.This one was different in that Tatiana was visibly upset for hours on end and seemed to have reached the end of her tether with Richard’s antics.She stood firm and told Richard she would not share her bed with him that night.Good for you, girlfriend.Big up for being strong.At the same time it could be a tactic by the Angolan to win sympathy votes.Let’s keep in mind there is US$100 000 at stake and all three housemates will do what it takes to grab the ultimate prize.Anything is possible at this point.As usual, Ofunneka had to play the counsellor.She urged Richard to be cool with Tatiana and enjoy the remaining days in “peace and love”, seeing that the day of reckoning for the two of them was fast approaching.During his rambling apology, Richard confessed to Tatiana that he was concerned about what awaited him outside the Big Brother house.The man couldn’t have said it any better when he told Tatiana and Ofunneka, “What happened, happened.Any consequences I have to face, I’ll face.”I feel the guy needs the US$100 000 the most, seeing that he might need the money to woo his wife or fight a lawsuit if she decides to sue for divorce.Whatever the case, what will be will be.Many people have been quick to judge Richard and Tatiana for adultery.Yet these are the same people who turned a blind eye when Meryl and Bertha jumped into bed with Kwaku while Lerato did the same with Max.My theory: what is wrong is wrong.Adultery, fornication, unprotected sex, etc, are all immoral.So people, why are we being selective? Is it because we only see what’s immoral when it comes to our foes? If 24-hour cameras were installed in our homes, what would the world see? Are we that pure, on moral high ground? Remember what befell holier-than-thou Bertha? I rest my case.NEW TASK With the moles gone, the house was relatively quiet on Tuesday evening, as the housemates got down to painting a banner for the kids from Nkosi’s Haven, who were to pay a visit to the Big Brother House yesterday.Nkosi’s Haven is a Johannesburg-based home for children living with HIV-AIDS.The three showed their artistic sides by drawing and painting a beautiful, colourful welcome banner to brighten the children’s visit.THOSE MOLES By the way, talking about the moles, after all was revealed and explained, it eventually dawned on me where I knew Ashanti from.Yes, I’m also a ‘Deal or No Deal’ fan but as there was a sea of pretty faces I could not place her when she came to Big Brother, but had that feeling I’d seen her somewhere before.Ashanti managed to live up to her ‘hotness’ billing, but I would have appreciated her beauty more if she had cast off her Grace Jones wig.On the other hand, I wonder what kind of a model Victor is? Not much to say there.His profile picture – from which everyone voted – was miles apart from the real deal.I guess Biggie will do a better job next time, so that viewers like myself will not feel cheated.Judging from the picture some of us expected a real-life Adonis, but what we got was just a rip-off.Eish! Whether the moles managed to do what was expected of them is another matter.Ashanti tried hard but the problem was she proved to be no match for Ofunneka’s fast and clever thinking.Hence causing the housemates to be suspicious of her words and movements.When he left, Victor admitted that he had failed in his task.I think it would have helped if he had spoken clearly and with authority.He often came across as an easy pushover.The housemates discussed the three amid laughter and criticism.They, however, concluded that Victor acted very well, but were all not convinced about his modelling story.After all the fighting, shouting, loving, drinking, praying, hugging etc, it gives me great pleasure to know it will be one of the ‘Big 5’ who will claim the moolah.To all the others – Jeff, Justice, Meryl, Bertha, Kwaku, Code, Maureen and the BBA2 couple of Lerato and Max – I say fare thee well and wish them all the best in their future endeavours.They all did their share to make the show a hit.Each contributed in their own special and unique way.I will definitely miss Richard’s craziness, Tatiana’s sweetness and her sexy sense of style, Ofunneka’s wittiness and dance moves, as I already miss Maureen’s blondeness and Code’s cool style.So, will it be Ofunneka, Tatiana or Richard?! I suggest y’all do what you have to do to make your favourite win – VOTE.Peace and love to all.- Catch BBA 2 on Channel 198, DStv; see page 8 for BBA SMSes.I feel kinda sad writing this article, as to me it represents an obituary.This is the last time I’ll write a BBA column before the show goes to bed on Sunday.As you all know, I’m a ‘Big 5′ fan and I’m very glad it was my people who managed to survive all the drama to emerge the top five contestants.With Code and Maureen gone, the other three remain in the running for the ultimate prize.Who will claim the US$100 000? Ofunneka, Tatiana or Richard – this is the only question playing on viewers’ minds this week.When Ofunneka, Tatiana, Richard, Code and Maureen were pitted against Max, Lerato, Bertha, Meryl and Kwaku, some didn’t think they could stand against the so-called ‘Untouchables’.However, week after week claimed an Untouchable’s head.Believe it or not, Big Brother has actually taught me a lesson, that it is not always about being loud and having the last word, but about paying attention, grace and humility.Judging from the SMS strap and discussions on the website forums, most fans of the ‘Untouchables’ could learn a thing or two from this show.It’s often good to listen to others, sit back, relax and “take it easy” before shooting off.And another very important lesson in life is also ‘moving on’ – things happen (favourably or unfavourably) but life goes on.I apologise for the “sermon” but there are some viewers who just don’t want to accept what the votes have dictated.People, don’t bite my head off here – I am just stating what I have observed and read.LAST MAN STANDING The controversial Richard managed to remain the only man in the house.Call him what you want, but the guy is interesting.The craziest thing is that he says he loves his wife Ricki at the same time he loves Tatiana – HUH? What’s going on dude? Tuesday once again saw another Richiana lovers’ tiff.This one was differen
t in that Tatiana was visibly upset for hours on end and seemed to have reached the end of her tether with Richard’s antics.She stood firm and told Richard she would not share her bed with him that night.Good for you, girlfriend.Big up for being strong.At the same time it could be a tactic by the Angolan to win sympathy votes.Let’s keep in mind there is US$100 000 at stake and all three housemates will do what it takes to grab the ultimate prize.Anything is possible at this point.As usual, Ofunneka had to play the counsellor.She urged Richard to be cool with Tatiana and enjoy the remaining days in “peace and love”, seeing that the day of reckoning for the two of them was fast approaching.During his rambling apology, Richard confessed to Tatiana that he was concerned about what awaited him outside the Big Brother house.The man couldn’t have said it any better when he told Tatiana and Ofunneka, “What happened, happened.Any consequences I have to face, I’ll face.”I feel the guy needs the US$100 000 the most, seeing that he might need the money to woo his wife or fight a lawsuit if she decides to sue for divorce.Whatever the case, what will be will be.Many people have been quick to judge Richard and Tatiana for adultery.Yet these are the same people who turned a blind eye when Meryl and Bertha jumped into bed with Kwaku while Lerato did the same with Max.My theory: what is wrong is wrong.Adultery, fornication, unprotected sex, etc, are all immoral.So people, why are we being selective? Is it because we only see what’s immoral when it comes to our foes? If 24-hour cameras were installed in our homes, what would the world see? Are we that pure, on moral high ground? Remember what befell holier-than-thou Bertha? I rest my case.NEW TASK With the moles gone, the house was relatively quiet on Tuesday evening, as the housemates got down to painting a banner for the kids from Nkosi’s Haven, who were to pay a visit to the Big Brother House yesterday.Nkosi’s Haven is a Johannesburg-based home for children living with HIV-AIDS.The three showed their artistic sides by drawing and painting a beautiful, colourful welcome banner to brighten the children’s visit. THOSE MOLES By the way, talking about the moles, after all was revealed and explained, it eventually dawned on me where I knew Ashanti from.Yes, I’m also a ‘Deal or No Deal’ fan but as there was a sea of pretty faces I could not place her when she came to Big Brother, but had that feeling I’d seen her somewhere before.Ashanti managed to live up to her ‘hotness’ billing, but I would have appreciated her beauty more if she had cast off her Grace Jones wig.On the other hand, I wonder what kind of a model Victor is? Not much to say there.His profile picture – from which everyone voted – was miles apart from the real deal.I guess Biggie will do a better job next time, so that viewers like myself will not feel cheated.Judging from the picture some of us expected a real-life Adonis, but what we got was just a rip-off.Eish! Whether the moles managed to do what was expected of them is another matter.Ashanti tried hard but the problem was she proved to be no match for Ofunneka’s fast and clever thinking.Hence causing the housemates to be suspicious of her words and movements.When he left, Victor admitted that he had failed in his task.I think it would have helped if he had spoken clearly and with authority.He often came across as an easy pushover.The housemates discussed the three amid laughter and criticism.They, however, concluded that Victor acted very well, but were all not convinced about his modelling story.After all the fighting, shouting, loving, drinking, praying, hugging etc, it gives me great pleasure to know it will be one of the ‘Big 5’ who will claim the moolah.To all the others – Jeff, Justice, Meryl, Bertha, Kwaku, Code, Maureen and the BBA2 couple of Lerato and Max – I say fare thee well and wish them all the best in their future endeavours.They all did their share to make the show a hit.Each contributed in their own special and unique way.I will definitely miss Richard’s craziness, Tatiana’s sweetness and her sexy sense of style, Ofunneka’s wittiness and dance moves, as I already miss Maureen’s blondeness and Code’s cool style.So, will it be Ofunneka, Tatiana or Richard?! I suggest y’all do what you have to do to make your favourite win – VOTE.Peace and love to all.- Catch BBA 2 on Channel 198, DStv; see page 8 for BBA SMSes.

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