Bartender allegedly conceals birth

The police in the Oshikoto region have reported a case of concealment of birth.

This comes after a bartender on Thursday gave birth and allegedly hid the baby under her bed.

The incident took place at a shebeen at Omuthiya, where the bartender is also accommodated.

The police say the woman, who gave birth to a boy, was tending to customers at the bar, but left her work station for her bedroom, which is adjacent to the bar.

A customer who needed service followed the woman, found her on her bed in a pool of blood, and discovered the baby’s body under the bed.

“The customer alerted other patrons, who notified the police. The suspect, who is set to appear in court next week, has been admitted to Omuthiya State Hospital and is currently under police guard,” Oshikoto police regional commander Theopoline Kalompo-Nashikaku says.

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