Tiri Masawi

Tiri Masawi

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Over 1,6 million Namibians eligible to vote

The Namibia Statistics Agency (NSA) says about 1,6 million Namibians are eligible to vote in the November presidential and parliamentary elections. Of these, over 763 700 are men, and 852 100 are women. According to the agency, the number of…

Tiri Masawi

Namibia faces worsening food insecurity

Namibia will continue to face a challenge of food security in the next few months. This is according to the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform’s Household food security situation report. The report says crop prospects have weakened in…

Tiri Masawi

36 000 register to vote on first day

Electoral Commission of Namibia (ECN) spokesperson, Mulauli Siluka, says about 36 000 people registered to vote in the forthcoming November presidential and parliamentary election by the end of the first day (Monday). Speaking on Desert Radio on Tuesday, Siluka said…

Tiri Masawi

South Africa remains Namibia’s key trading partner

The latest trade statistics released by the Namibia Statistics Agency (NSA) on Tuesday show that South Africa remains Namibia’s main trading partner. The NSA says Namibia recorded a trade deficit of N$3,1 billion by the end of April. This is…

Tiri Masawi

‘!Gawaxab must resign’

Calls are growing for Bank of Namibia governor Johannes !Gawaxab to resign from his position at the bank. The central bank governor is still to go public on how he allegedly misled the Namibian Competition Commission (NaCC) by failing to…

Tiri Masawi