Timo Shihepo

Timo Shihepo

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Namcor sues to close military fuel suppliers over N$380 million

The National Petroleum Corporation of Namibia (Namcor) has enforced legal action to shut down two military fuel suppliers to recover debt of over N$380 million. The state-owned enterprise filed High Court liquidation applications in April this year against two companies…

Timo Shihepo

N$380m splashed on green hydrogen projects

Namibia has so far spent N$380 million on consultancy services, feasibility studies and subsistence and travel (S&T) allowances for the development of green hydrogen projects across the country. These projects include Hyphen Hydrogen Energy, the Dâures green hydrogen village, Cleanergy…

Timo Shihepo

New Namcor board to trigger leadership change

The appointment of a new board at the National Petroleum Corporation of Namibia (Namcor) is set to lead to changes at the parastatal, including the role of managing director. Key changes include the conclusion of the disciplinary hearing of suspended…

Timo Shihepo

Intelligence centre watches ‘dirty money’ in oil, green hydrogen sector

The Financial Intelligence Centre (FIC) says it is taking steps to counter potential money laundering and proliferation financing in the country’s booming oil, green hydrogen and betting industries. “The industries are nascent industries in Namibia. Be mindful that all industries,…

Timo Shihepo

An airy promise: Green hydrogen ambitions face cost challenges

Namibia’s dream of becoming a green hydrogen leader faces a harsh reality check. A recent Oxford University study throws cold water on the project’s profitability, raising concerns about its long-term viability. The March report by five Oxford engineers modelled production…

Timo Shihepo

Namcor gets N$1,2b Govt bailout

… paid directly to suppliers The government’s N$1,2 billion bailout for the National Petroleum Corporation of Namibia (Namcor) has been paid directly to Namcor’s suppliers and creditors. The bailout, aimed at stabilising the national oil company, was paid last month.…

Timo Shihepo

Broken promises: Zim banker fails to repay N$140m

… Kamushinda only paid back N$3m of N$247m stolen from SME Bank Zimbabwean banker and minority shareholder in the liquidated Namibian SME Bank Enock Kamushinda initially agreed to pay back N$140 million of the N$247 million stolen from the bank.…

Timo Shihepo

Air crash probe to focus on take-off time, pilot licences

Investigators will be determining why the Cessna 406 aircraft, which tragically crashed and claimed three lives in Windhoek on Friday, was doing a test flight at around 17h00. The crash of the aircraft, owned by Westair Aviation, claimed the lives…

Timo Shihepo

American officials to help investigate aircraft crash

Officials from the United States of America will be part of a team to investigate the aircraft crash that claimed the lives of three people in Pionierspark, Windhoek, on Friday.This was confirmed by Magnus Abraham, head of the Directorate of…

Timo Shihepo