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Ron Swilling

Ron Swilling

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Shipwrecks of the Skeleton Coast

Namibia’s Skeleton Coast is notorious for its rough seas, rocky reefs, sandbanks and treacherous fog. Countless ships have been wrecked along this perilous coastline over the last century. Many of them remain unknown, their flotsam and jetsam adding to the…

Ron Swilling

Namibia’s intriguing desert flora: Wonderful Welwitschia

Among Namibia’s intriguing desert flora that have adapted over time to live in arid areas are some amazing species like the Welwitschia. When Austrian naturalist and botanist Friedrich Welwitsch first set eyes on it in southern Angola in 1859, he…

Ron Swilling

How Henties Bay Got its Name

Welcome back to our ‘What’s in the Name?’ series, where we look at the history of Namibia2Go’s vehicle names. Last week, we discovered the origins of Lewerbreek, this week, we shift gears to highlight Henties Bay. This coastal town, 70km…

Ron Swilling

Reason to travel: The lush Zambezi region

A visit to the north-eastern corner of Namibia is a step into a lush, water-rich world with an abundance of wildlife. The entrance is through Bwabwata National Park, where large trees line the road, villages dot the countryside and elephant…

Ron Swilling