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Don’t Trust theMannequins:They’re Not Your Friends

Hehehe, the thrill of retail therapy! You walk into your favourite Windhoek clothing store, mesmerised by the carefully curated displays. There, bathed in the warm glow of strategically placed lights, sits a pair of jeans – the epitome of denim…


Namibian Voters Acting Like Typical Black Sheep

In the land of Namibia, there’s always something to complain about, especially when it comes to feeling left out of important decisions. Yet, when given the chance to make their voices heard, Namibians often find more entertaining distractions. I once…


Dausab Said It:‘Men Are Spouses Too!’

Hold on to your cattle herding hats, folks! Did the honourable Veikko Nekundi and many more misunderstand the phrase “spousal maintenance” to mean only women should be supported after divorce? Or is there something else they fear? Now everybody is…


A Guide to Namibian Greetings

Just recently, I reached out to greet a visitor from Europe, but the handshake was not complete – that left me both embarrassed and angry.So, I think it is time to educate each other on the niceties and pleasantries of…


Dear Namibian Standards Institution, we need real standards

Let’s face it, folks, the Namibian Standards Institution (NSI) celebrating its 15th anniversary with a slap-up dinner is about as believable as a politician keeping a campaign promise. Namibia might be blessed with stunning landscapes, but standardised anything? Forget about…


TransNamib: The Toddler That Refuses to Grow Up

A desperate mom seeks the help of a witch doctor. Her baby refuses to eat, poops constantly, and projectile vomits every fancy purée. “Even says ‘Mama’ backwards!” The witch doctor rattles her bones, eyes narrowed. “What’s this demon child’s name?”…


Clean Cooking Ti?

Etse did you hear that the world has decided Namibia’s greatest sin is … wait for it … cooking with wood!Apparently those cozy evenings spent huddled around a crackling fire, whipping up a pot of maize meal, are a barbaric…


A Slightly Less Tragic Look at Divorce

Hello, land of divorces. Land of dramatic newspaper headlines filled with tales of women demanding enough spousal maintenance to make a king fart. In this Namibia, if body parts were detachable, women would even claim your private bits as part…


Namibians Will Throw You a Party (Six Feet Under)

I am done with Namibians after witnessing how much love they suddenly have for a person when they die, after they left that same person rotting in some kapereke (corrugated iron sheet house) dying. It is like the Hereros always…


Worker’s Day– Braai, Break Stuff, Repeat

Hold your horses! Workers Day came and went, as always, and I saw just how Namibians actually celebrate Workers Day. It did lead me to questioning whether it is a commemoration, a celebration or political campaign, but let’s not get…


All ProtocolObserved Se Moer!

Let’s face it, Namibians and official events have a complicated relationship. It’s like a bizarre dance where everyone pretends to know the steps, but ends up tripping over themselves. And the biggest culprit in this laughable routine is the never-ending…
