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Werner Menges

Werner Menges

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Nurse fined for defamatory remarks about Kanyama

Remarks that a nurse made in a WhatsApp voice recording about pharmaceutical company owner Shapwa Kanyama and the cost of his wedding celebrations were defamatory, a Windhoek High Court judge has ruled. Although nurse Mathilde Kadhikwa’s remarks touched on matters…

Werner Menges

IPC claims Mbumba’s election voting extension was unlawful

The Independent Patriots for Change (IPC) is claiming that president Nangolo Mbumba’s extension of voting in Namibia’s presidential and National Assembly elections two weeks ago was unlawful. Mbumba further should not have decided at which polling stations the extended elections…

Werner Menges

Judge directs Fishrot pleas should continue

Plea proceedings in the Fishrot fraud, corruption and racketeering trial should continue on Wednesday. Acting judge Moses Chinhengo ordered this in a ruling that he issued on Friday. Chinhengo ordered that plea-taking in the Fishrot matter should resume in the…

Werner Menges