Henning Melber

Henning Melber

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Namibia – What Now?

The way elections in Namibia are conducted has been put to its biggest democratic test yet. While the official results from 27 November remain pending, it poses a challenge to the country’s political culture and trust in democracy. This should…

Henning Melber

Debunking Vilho’s Mythology

Many electioneers use rumour-mongering, insults and invective, or peddle fake news as part of their political campaigns. This damages a dignified political culture. But it is part of a plural democracy, which leaves the ultimate decisions to the electorate. (Trump…

Henning Melber

Namibia’s game-changing 2024 elections: Swapo may face defeat

Former liberation movement Swapo has been in firm political control of Namibia since independence in 1990. Support for the party in the National Assembly and presidential elections reached a high point in November 2014. The 2019 elections marked a turning…

Henning Melber