Henning Melber

Henning Melber

Latest posts from this author

Why Vote?

AFTER THE horror of the Nazi regime and witnessing the Soviet dictatorship under Stalin, British prime minister Winston Churchill declared in 1947: “Many forms of government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. …

Henning Melber

The ’Morbid Symptoms’ in Namibia’s Election Campaigning

Thirty-four years after independence, Namibia’s former liberation movement seems poised to face its toughest challenge to remain in political control of the country’s central government. But can anything new be expected? The presidential and National Assembly elections of November 2019…

Henning Melber

South Africa’s Elections and the Limits to Liberation

Forget about the last 30 years of South African democracy. The results of the 29 May election have opened a new chapter despite almost 25 million people who could have voted not doing so; 13 million eligible voters did not…

Henning Melber

South Africa’s Elections and the Limits to Liberation

Forget about the last 30 years of South African democracy.The results of the 29 May election have opened a new chapter despite almost 25 million people who could have voted not doing so; 13 million eligible voters did not register,…

Henning Melber

German Colonial Amnesia and the Destruction of Gaza

AIMÉ CÉSAIRE states in his ‘Discourse on Colonialism’ that colonialism decivilises the coloniser, brutalises him, degrades him, “to awaken him to buried instinct, to covetous violence, race hatred, and moral relativism” as “universal regression”. As Césaire observes: “The coloniser, who…

Henning Melber

Unam, Academic Freedom and Civil Liberties

An election year with intense competition and fierce campaigning needs measured behaviour. When the dominance of a former liberation movement is waning, political opponents risk violating the norms and principles of a constitutional democracy. But efforts to minimise such risks…

Henning Melber