Gideon Kapuka

Gideon Kapuka

Latest posts from this author

Democracy: Youth Voter Apathy Worrying

There is concern over the declining number of registered voters who actually cast their votes, particularly among Namibia’s youth who seem to be disengaging from the political process. Statistics from the Electoral Commission of Namibia (ECN) show that in 2019…

Gideon Kapuka

Commercial Discrimination Remains Rife in Northern Namibia

Despite Namibia having a consumer protection bill, citizens in the northern regions continue to face significant discrimination in the commercial sector. This issue has deep historical roots, dating back to colonial times, when economic policies and practices were designed to…

Gideon Kapuka

Namibia’s First Presidential Debate a Win for Democracy

Public debates between presidential candidates are often regarded as a benchmark of competitive and open elections. However, such debates have not yet become entrenched in Namibia. Nonetheless, it seems a new era is about to dawn ahead of this year’s…

Gideon Kapuka

Preserving Namibia’s Indigenous Languages: A Call to Action

“Everyone of us has a role to play. Indigenous people and settler Namibians can contribute to a healing chapter in our shared story of indigenous language removal, recovery, and revival.” Decades of hard work have been dedicated to restoring and…

Gideon Kapuka