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The Season of Intolerance is Here 

In 2008, former president Hifikepunye Pohamba said Swapo members who joined the Rally for Democracy and Progress (RDP) were traitors “like Judas Iscariot who betrayed Jesus”.  That same year, then mines minister Erkki Nghimtina allegedly fired shots into the air…


Tackle GBV as Pandemic

After a 25-year-old man burned to death his partner and her two children at Karibib on Sunday, a community member complained that police were fast to act on stock theft crimes but tardy on gender-based violence (GBV). Simson Katamba’s remark…


Release SME Bank Inquiry Documents

10 July 2024: In South Africa, then chairman of the VBS Bank, Tshifiwa Matodzi, was sentenced to 495 years for an array of crimes ranging from corruption to fraud and money laundering involving the loss of nearly N$2 billion of…


IPC is Wrong About Rights

Independent Patriots for Change (IPC) leader Panduleni Itula sounds like an opportunist willing to gamble with fundamental human rights and to exploit the majority for political expediency. Speaking Oshiwambo to Shipi FM in a widely circulated audio on social media,…


Transparency in Oil Deals

Energy minister Tom Alweendo should be applauded for agreeing with the International Monetary Fund for Namibia to make all petroleum agreements between the government and oil companies publicly available. “I couldn’t agree more that transparency is key when negotiating contracts…


Thou Shalt Be Tolerant

Last week’s historic judgement decriminalising sexual acts between men is a key leap toward a more equal and tolerant Namibia. The judgement doesn’t instantly transform Namibia into a tolerant, rainbow nation. However, it signifies a crucial step towards building a…


Universities and Miniskirts

In just two months, two prominent Namibian universities enforced rules dictating what women should wear on campus. First the International University of Management (IUM) and then the University of Namibia (Unam). This is a blatant example of misplaced priorities, focusing…


‘The Future is Dying’

In a book, ‘Food First: Beyond the Myth of Scarcity’, the authors argue that every country in the world has the ability to feed its people well. Frances Moore Lappé and Joseph Collins write that people are hungry because of…


The Bullies Are Scared

We all know it’s the right way to go, but … The divorce bill tabled by justice minister Yvonne Dausab in the National Assembly this week should be sailing through with 100% approval and is better than the homophobic bills…


Hell Hath No Fury Like LPM Scorned

Sjoe! The Landless People’s Movement (LPM) claim to be happy over the departure of a founder and deputy leader, but are betrayed by their vicious parting shots. Taking potshots at political opponents is often accepted for what it is, but…


Should Voting Be Compulsory?

Whether voting should be mandatory in a democratic country like Namibia should elicit a straightforward yes or no, but apparently it’s not that simple. When demanding freedom from colonialism and apartheid, an overwhelming majority of Namibians agitated for universal suffrage…


Dom Trots ‘Visa Regime’ Hurts Namibians

Are visa requirements of Western countries towards Africans racist and unfairly discriminatory? Certainly. Is it as simple as that? Absolutely not. Immigration is a more nuanced and complex issue than exchanging smiles. So, when the Namibian government announced last week…
