At the President’s pleasure

At the President’s pleasure

PRESIDENT Sam Nujoma shocked delegates at Swapo’s electoral convention on Saturday when he announced the party president’s choice of 10 preferred National Assembly members.

The 10 people, who are earmarked to form the core of the Cabinet, are not generally regarded as heavyweights in the Government or the ruling party. The only present Cabinet member on the list is Abraham Iyambo, the Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources.The appointments appear to be in line with Nujoma’s objective of having more women in positions of power, but underline a major shift in Namibian politics, with the President completely dropping the old guard.At the core of it, say insiders, instead of giving presidential aspirant Hifikepunye Pohamba Cabinet material, Nujoma has rewarded people for loyalty.The people who dirtied their hands to ensure that Pohamba was elected as the ruling party’s presidential candidate at the Swapo Congress appear to have formed the core of Nujoma’s 10, and the rest of the National Assembly list of 72.Notable among them is Lucia Basson, the Swapo regional co-ordinator, who was reported to have thwarted campaigns by supporters of axed Foreign Affairs Minister Hidipo Hamutenya.Basson was also awarded a national medal for bravery in August at the Heroes’ Day celebrations at Omugulu gwOmbashe.In terms of Swapo election rules, the president’s 10, and the top brass of the party, will head the list.Some senior party leaders say the 10 hand-picked candidates, together the secretary general and the deputy secretary general, will alternate with the elected 20 to form the top 32 on Swapo’s list of National Assembly members.President Nujoma’s top 10 are:1. Doreen Sioka 2. Lempy Lucas 3. Angelika Muharukua 4. Hansina Christiaan 5. Petrina Haingura 6. Lucia Basson 7. Paulus Kapia 8. Abraham Iyambo 9. Leon Jooste 10. Isak KataliSioka is the ruling party’s Deputy Chief Whip in the National Assembly.Lucas was made Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs when Hamutenya and his deputy, Kaire Mbuende, were fired ahead of the special Congress that elected Pohamba to succeed Nujoma.Muharukua is a deputy minister, posted to the Ministry of Women Affairs and Child Welfare ahead of the May congress.Hansina Christiaan became a member of the Swapo Central Committee through Nujoma’s appointment.Petrina Haingura is the party’s regional co-ordinator in Kavango.Like Basson, she is a Nujoma loyalist who ensured that his preferred successor, Pohamba, was chosen.Swapo Youth League leader, Paulus Kapia, needs no introduction.Many have long expected his elevation.Topping the list after the Deputy Minister of Lands, Isak Katali, is Jooste, a surprise appointment last month as Deputy Minister of Regional and Local Government and Housing.The only present Cabinet member on the list is Abraham Iyambo, the Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources.The appointments appear to be in line with Nujoma’s objective of having more women in positions of power, but underline a major shift in Namibian politics, with the President completely dropping the old guard.At the core of it, say insiders, instead of giving presidential aspirant Hifikepunye Pohamba Cabinet material, Nujoma has rewarded people for loyalty.The people who dirtied their hands to ensure that Pohamba was elected as the ruling party’s presidential candidate at the Swapo Congress appear to have formed the core of Nujoma’s 10, and the rest of the National Assembly list of 72.Notable among them is Lucia Basson, the Swapo regional co-ordinator, who was reported to have thwarted campaigns by supporters of axed Foreign Affairs Minister Hidipo Hamutenya.Basson was also awarded a national medal for bravery in August at the Heroes’ Day celebrations at Omugulu gwOmbashe.In terms of Swapo election rules, the president’s 10, and the top brass of the party, will head the list.Some senior party leaders say the 10 hand-picked candidates, together the secretary general and the deputy secretary general, will alternate with the elected 20 to form the top 32 on Swapo’s list of National Assembly members.President Nujoma’s top 10 are:1. Doreen Sioka 2. Lempy Lucas 3. Angelika Muharukua 4. Hansina Christiaan 5. Petrina Haingura 6. Lucia Basson 7. Paulus Kapia 8. Abraham Iyambo 9. Leon Jooste 10. Isak KataliSioka is the ruling party’s Deputy Chief Whip in the National Assembly.Lucas was made Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs when Hamutenya and his deputy, Kaire Mbuende, were fired ahead of the special Congress that elected Pohamba to succeed Nujoma.Muharukua is a deputy minister, posted to the Ministry of Women Affairs and Child Welfare ahead of the May congress.Hansina Christiaan became a member of the Swapo Central Committee through Nujoma’s appointment.Petrina Haingura is the party’s regional co-ordinator in Kavango.Like Basson, she is a Nujoma loyalist who ensured that his preferred successor, Pohamba, was chosen.Swapo Youth League leader, Paulus Kapia, needs no introduction.Many have long expected his elevation.Topping the list after the Deputy Minister of Lands, Isak Katali, is Jooste, a surprise appointment last month as Deputy Minister of Regional and Local Government and Housing.

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