An Open Letter To MWeb

An Open Letter To MWeb

DEAR Mr Gregan Allow me to introduce myself. I am an incomplete quadriplegic who depends on the Internet for various tasks, e.g.. Internet banking, research, etc. etc.

Hence signing onto MWEB Namibia’s broadband service, recommended to me by a prominent lawyer, who very sadly has passed away since. Mr Kirkpatrick was his name, if you are interested.I believe I am on a home package, for a period of 2 years.Your service “promise” …”we are proud to offer you a reliable, hassle-free connection at all times…”is a totally fraudulent claim.As a service provider I am sure you know the meaning of Fiduciary Duty you are obliged by law to carry out.Well Mr Gregan, I have had anything but.The only plus in MWEB Namibia’s favour is your installation Agent, Rampoint.They have helped me in more ways than one.They seem to get the results I cannot.For example, when after total frustration and wasted telephone call charges to MWEB Namibia, they seem to be able to get me a response from MWEB Namibia that I have never achieved.More on this follows.The customer service MWEB Namibia offers is the worst I have ever experienced.Coming from the service industry myself (over 17yrs Car Rental experience at Managerial level) I know exactly what to ask for, in detail, and expect likewise from a service provider.Your 2nd Notice (see below) is laughable.I will get to the reasons later.***Important Notice*** Change outgoing mail settings 2007-08-29 12:38:05 Due to a large percentage of virus mail being received from infected clients in the past few weeks, mail delivery was affected due to the backlog.In order to prevent such situations from re-occurring, we will be implementing authentication to allow us to see who is sending emails so that we can identify infected clients and quarantine them.How to apply the new settings for the Outgoing Mail Server on Outlook Express.The new settings for Outlook 2003.The new settings for Outlook 2007.Thank you.The MWEB Namibia team.My experience with MWEB Namibia is as follows: 1.From the outset I have had immense connection problems.My Outlook programme has never functioned properly from the beginning until to date! 2.Phoning MWEB Namibia and asking for technical support is a complete waste of time and money.Your “so-called technicians”, when I do get hold of one, Hastings, Thendani, Quintin, Carlo are but a few I have spoken to, have been a major exercise in frustration and despair.I have had a call-out on demand twice from your “technicians”, the last being Carlo who could not sort out my Outlook programme and advised me to use Outlook Express and ignore Outlook totally.3.Your “window” to the company starts with your reception or switchboard operator.Have you tried running tests to see how effective that “window” to your company is! It’s a joke! They put you through, and then leave you hanging on upwards of 5 minutes for someone in the technical department to pick up the phone.After hours number and service is pathetic.They always promise to get back to you, and that’s the last word.A strong suggestion here is to do a more effective ONGOING training session for ALL departments at MWEB Namibia for customer and sales service.Rampoint is far more professional than MWEB Namibia.I have yet to receive a phone call for a meeting with you after requesting your PA/Secretary to arrange such.I have phoned since October (5 times) to request a call back!! She has never to date phoned me, neither has your so-called customer service rung back to find out my success.The total lack of interest your company displays to its customers is disrespectful and insulting.Oh and please stop your telephone survey you have conducted once and never again, to improve your services.See my answers in said survey.Obviously, this was an exercise in futility on answers received, so embarrassed MWEB Namibia, that you cannot afford a repeat survey.4.When Cathy sold me the package from MWEB Namibia (broadband) she failed to mention I am on low priority during office hours as I signed on for Home Package! I specifically stated my needs for a broadband connection.As you can see I am a Freelance Writer and I need a reliable service during the day.My broadband speed is never more than 5.6kb/sec when downloading.Even Rampoint, have said, the connection should be faster.And even if I am low priority during peak hours, then it stands to reason, that after hours (as Cathy explained to Carlo) I should be receiving faster download speed.Well I don’t!!! The ONLY service MWEB Namibia is capable of is your warning emails on download caps.This involves scare tactics in eliciting even more income for MWEB Namibia by purchasing another GIG!!!!! That is just another bad excuse, like all the others your technicians have told me.I appreciate you had set-up problems in the beginning, but surely with everything being sorted out (Rampoint) I should by now enjoy your promise you make to your prospective clients.5.My last service call-out in October was carried out by Carlo.It seems the only way we can get service is by agreeing to pay for a call-out fee.I had had enough by then, listening to your company’s pathetic excuses (blame Telecom for poor reception of broadband), he informed me that he didn’t know either why Outlook wasn’t working.He suggested I reload Outlook to see if it would work.Well, not surprisingly, it still doesn’t work even after extended frustrated phone calls to Thendani, whom I am still waiting for an answer after she has consulted with ?Gregory or Hastings!!!! More than 2 weeks ago!!! I also requested a good, reliable Anti-Virus with a Firewall programme.He informed me that your technicians sell the AVG package for a cost of N$350.00 and it was the best.I asked him to get me a package.He whips out his memory stick and proceeds to load the AVG on my computer.Well, Mr Gregan in hindsight, this was the worst possible decision I would make.Upon completion of such download he assured me this was the best anti-virus programme.I handed him N$350.00 and requested a receipt.Upon enquiring how it works that they have programme on memory stick, he informed me the technicians buy licence keys from Bulgaria!! and load them on their memory sticks to sell them onto your clients when asked for or needed.Can I please inform you, Mr Gregan, that that download caused almighty havoc with my computer after that.My computer was infected with a virus, which caused it to crash 2 weeks later.To verify the truth of this please get in touch with my husband’s IT working colleague who helped me try and rescue damaged computer.He immediately identified said virus and introduction thereof.It all pointed to your company’s technician.With more than 2 weeks trying to repair damage, he eventually had to re-format my computer, and still my Outlook doesn’t work.This all points to set-up of MWEB Namibia broadband initial connection.Outlook Express works??? That is if you are interested.6.So going back to your Important notice above, it is not your MWEB Namibia customers who are virus carriers, but your very own technicians.Oh and the AVG never picked up said virus he infected my computer with.So the AVG there was useless, a waste of money.I would like to be compensated for that as well, as the AVG is now off my computer and another more powerful and effective programme has been loaded on my computer.The Kasperskey Anti-Virus programme.In all my dealings with MWEB Namibia I have stated I don’t mind the cost of broadband provider as long as it is reliable, fast and hassle free as advertised.No one told me about low priority ever until I pressed Carlo on last call-out.I have sent email after email to Quintin for a faster, reliable technical support, until he gave up answering any of my emails.I know these emails have been read as I request a receipt for sent emails.All I get from technical support is a reference number, and that’s the last I hear.Hence telephonic consultation which is pathetic.NONE of your technicians are qualified, and if they are, in what? In conclusion, Mr Gregan, I am very unhappy and I aim to break my contract with MWEB Namibia if I don’t g
et the service that was promised me by your own mission statement, legally of course and after thorough investigation of your company.I have stopped advertising MWEB Namibia to my circle of friends and professionals, as I would hate for them to be disappointed with a below par service and connection.If you were in my shoes, what alternative would you suggest?? I am determined to meet with you face to face with an Investigative Reporter / Journalist to uncover MWEB Namibia’s incompetence and fraudulent statements.If I don’t get to meet with you, well then you leave me no option but to write a piece for the media in a broad variety of magazines and journals, both here and South Africa.As with Multi Choice Namibia, what both company’s promise, is not delivered and we pay far more than our South African counterparts for the same and ?possibly better service both in Broadband and TV services.I would have to investigate South Africa’s MWEB and Multichoice for that.I eagerly await your response to this email, but you would appreciate if I don’t hold my breath for an answer from your company.Susi Howes Kirkpatrick was his name, if you are interested.I believe I am on a home package, for a period of 2 years.Your service “promise” …”we are proud to offer you a reliable, hassle-free connection at all times…”is a totally fraudulent claim.As a service provider I am sure you know the meaning of Fiduciary Duty you are obliged by law to carry out.Well Mr Gregan, I have had anything but.The only plus in MWEB Namibia’s favour is your installation Agent, Rampoint.They have helped me in more ways than one.They seem to get the results I cannot.For example, when after total frustration and wasted telephone call charges to MWEB Namibia, they seem to be able to get me a response from MWEB Namibia that I have never achieved.More on this follows.The customer service MWEB Namibia offers is the worst I have ever experienced.Coming from the service industry myself (over 17yrs Car Rental experience at Managerial level) I know exactly what to ask for, in detail, and expect likewise from a service provider.Your 2nd Notice (see below) is laughable.I will get to the reasons later.***Important Notice*** Change outgoing mail settings 2007-08-29 12:38:05 Due to a large percentage of virus mail being received from infected clients in the past few weeks, mail delivery was affected due to the backlog.In order to prevent such situations from re-occurring, we will be implementing authentication to allow us to see who is sending emails so that we can identify infected clients and quarantine them.How to apply the new settings for the Outgoing Mail Server on Outlook Express.The new settings for Outlook 2003.The new settings for Outlook 2007.Thank you.The MWEB Namibia team.My experience with MWEB Namibia is as follows: 1.From the outset I have had immense connection problems.My Outlook programme has never functioned properly from the beginning until to date! 2.Phoning MWEB Namibia and asking for technical support is a complete waste of time and money.Your “so-called technicians”, when I do get hold of one, Hastings, Thendani, Quintin, Carlo are but a few I have spoken to, have been a major exercise in frustration and despair.I have had a call-out on demand twice from your “technicians”, the last being Carlo who could not sort out my Outlook programme and advised me to use Outlook Express and ignore Outlook totally.3.Your “window” to the company starts with your reception or switchboard operator.Have you tried running tests to see how effective that “window” to your company is! It’s a joke! They put you through, and then leave you hanging on upwards of 5 minutes for someone in the technical department to pick up the phone.After hours number and service is pathetic.They always promise to get back to you, and that’s the last word.A strong suggestion here is to do a more effective ONGOING training session for ALL departments at MWEB Namibia for customer and sales service.Rampoint is far more professional than MWEB Namibia.I have yet to receive a phone call for a meeting with you after requesting your PA/Secretary to arrange such.I have phoned since October (5 times) to request a call back!! She has never to date phoned me, neither has your so-called customer service rung back to find out my success.The total lack of interest your company displays to its customers is disrespectful and insulting.Oh and please stop your telephone survey you have conducted once and never again, to improve your services.See my answers in said survey.Obviously, this was an exercise in futility on answers received, so embarrassed MWEB Namibia, that you cannot afford a repeat survey.4.When Cathy sold me the package from MWEB Namibia (broadband) she failed to mention I am on low priority during office hours as I signed on for Home Package! I specifically stated my needs for a broadband connection.As you can see I am a Freelance Writer and I need a reliable service during the day.My broadband speed is never more than 5.6kb/sec when downloading.Even Rampoint, have said, the connection should be faster.And even if I am low priority during peak hours, then it stands to reason, that after hours (as Cathy explained to Carlo) I should be receiving faster download speed.Well I don’t!!! The ONLY service MWEB Namibia is capable of is your warning emails on download caps.This involves scare tactics in eliciting even more income for MWEB Namibia by purchasing another GIG!!!!! That is just another bad excuse, like all the others your technicians have told me.I appreciate you had set-up problems in the beginning, but surely with everything being sorted out (Rampoint) I should by now enjoy your promise you make to your prospective clients.5.My last service call-out in October was carried out by Carlo.It seems the only way we can get service is by agreeing to pay for a call-out fee.I had had enough by then, listening to your company’s pathetic excuses (blame Telecom for poor reception of broadband), he informed me that he didn’t know either why Outlook wasn’t working.He suggested I reload Outlook to see if it would work.Well, not surprisingly, it still doesn’t work even after extended frustrated phone calls to Thendani, whom I am still waiting for an answer after she has consulted with ?Gregory or Hastings!!!! More than 2 weeks ago!!! I also requested a good, reliable Anti-Virus with a Firewall programme.He informed me that your technicians sell the AVG package for a cost of N$350.00 and it was the best.I asked him to get me a package.He whips out his memory stick and proceeds to load the AVG on my computer.Well, Mr Gregan in hindsight, this was the worst possible decision I would make.Upon completion of such download he assured me this was the best anti-virus programme.I handed him N$350.00 and requested a receipt.Upon enquiring how it works that they have programme on memory stick, he informed me the technicians buy licence keys from Bulgaria!! and load them on their memory sticks to sell them onto your clients when asked for or needed.Can I please inform you, Mr Gregan, that that download caused almighty havoc with my computer after that.My computer was infected with a virus, which caused it to crash 2 weeks later.To verify the truth of this please get in touch with my husband’s IT working colleague who helped me try and rescue damaged computer.He immediately identified said virus and introduction thereof.It all pointed to your company’s technician.With more than 2 weeks trying to repair damage, he eventually had to re-format my computer, and still my Outlook doesn’t work.This all points to set-up of MWEB Namibia broadband initial connection.Outlook Express works??? That is if you are interested.6.So going back to your Important notice above, it is not your MWEB Namibia customers who are virus carriers, but your very own technicians.Oh and the AVG never picked up said virus he infected my computer with.So the AVG there was useless, a waste of money.I would like to be compensated for that as well, as the AVG is now off my computer and another more powerful and effective programme has been loa
ded on my computer.The Kasperskey Anti-Virus programme.In all my dealings with MWEB Namibia I have stated I don’t mind the cost of broadband provider as long as it is reliable, fast and hassle free as advertised.No one told me about low priority ever until I pressed Carlo on last call-out.I have sent email after email to Quintin for a faster, reliable technical support, until he gave up answering any of my emails.I know these emails have been read as I request a receipt for sent emails.All I get from technical support is a reference number, and that’s the last I hear.Hence telephonic consultation which is pathetic.NONE of your technicians are qualified, and if they are, in what? In conclusion, Mr Gregan, I am very unhappy and I aim to break my contract with MWEB Namibia if I don’t get the service that was promised me by your own mission statement, legally of course and after thorough investigation of your company.I have stopped advertising MWEB Namibia to my circle of friends and professionals, as I would hate for them to be disappointed with a below par service and connection.If you were in my shoes, what alternative would you suggest?? I am determined to meet with you face to face with an Investigative Reporter / Journalist to uncover MWEB Namibia’s incompetence and fraudulent statements.If I don’t get to meet with you, well then you leave me no option but to write a piece for the media in a broad variety of magazines and journals, both here and South Africa.As with Multi Choice Namibia, what both company’s promise, is not delivered and we pay far more than our South African counterparts for the same and ?possibly better service both in Broadband and TV services.I would have to investigate South Africa’s MWEB and Multichoice for that.I eagerly await your response to this email, but you would appreciate if I don’t hold my breath for an answer from your company. Susi Howes

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