An Ominous Silence on Zimbabwe

An Ominous Silence on Zimbabwe

THE photographs of the battered Zimbabwe opposition party members (Wednesday March 14, The Namibian) revolted my soul.

This is the sort of sadistic filth, human degradation and drunken doped-up government thug brutality we wearily expect from the worst of West Africa or the nasty pockets of DRC on a bad day. The heinous, Hitler-moustached person that is Robert Mugabe must be addressed as a “Front-line State” issue.Namibia is now just that.A front-line state that has the option of resisting and over-powering tyranny on its doorstep.Or waving a surrender flag and going for appeasement.The choices are obvious.Oppose.Or endorse Mugabe’s existence.The latter option will attract worldwide repugnance in return for Namibia’s loyalty to a personality cult/police state disease that has destroyed a nation and which offers zero economic benefits to the Land of the Brave (power supply to Namibia, gimme a break! Who thought that one up?).I’d suggest that The Namibian Government must have noticed that millions of their fellow Black Africans are * In exile/abject poverty, dispossessed of their meagre homes and trading posts.* Subjected to repression, torture, global record-breaking inflation rates, physical/sexual abuse/ manhandling that is unworthy of any nation state.SUFFERING! Military intervention may not be the way to go.Most NDF vehicles I see around town are carrying family members on shopping expeditions.And the soldiers look a bit fat.But the pen (and Govt speeches) is sometimes mightier than the sword.Elsewhere in this newspaper you will read a jolly, feel-good sort of story ostensibly written by my three-year-old daughter Annabel.It’s called ‘Namibians Are Nice’.I still hold with this.The overwhelming majority of Namibians ARE nice.I showed the pictures of Morgan Tsvangirai’s ruined features and shattered skull to many and all were revolted.But the Namibian Government currently is silent.It’s not South Africa’s “quiet diplomacy” (that has achieved nothing because the country doesn’t really want to get involved.It would much rather buy Zimbabwe when it becomes totally bankrupt.) Namibia’s silence is more ominous.It is a complicit silence.Interspersed with comrade cheers, flags and claps! And official visits that stall Windhoek traffic.It is a complicit silence that will damage Namibia’s efforts to develop, attract investment, tourists, and, very importantly, international affection.It might be hard to imagine but Namibia has a lot of fans.The country is seen as a symbol of freedom.Without overwhelming international support (and sanctions) we would never have achieved Independence.So let’s face the truth.Take action, Government.Mugabe is an old man.His time is done.He makes no sense.His regime is brutal and an embarrassment to Africa.You can make the lives of millions of people better, safer, freer.Just by taking a little courage with you and breaking this silence.Lets see a new “Operation Remove Filth”.Mugabe.Sweep him out.Hugh Paxton WindhoekThe heinous, Hitler-moustached person that is Robert Mugabe must be addressed as a “Front-line State” issue.Namibia is now just that.A front-line state that has the option of resisting and over-powering tyranny on its doorstep.Or waving a surrender flag and going for appeasement.The choices are obvious.Oppose.Or endorse Mugabe’s existence.The latter option will attract worldwide repugnance in return for Namibia’s loyalty to a personality cult/police state disease that has destroyed a nation and which offers zero economic benefits to the Land of the Brave (power supply to Namibia, gimme a break! Who thought that one up?).I’d suggest that The Namibian Government must have noticed that millions of their fellow Black Africans are * In exile/abject poverty, dispossessed of their meagre homes and trading posts.* Subjected to repression, torture, global record-breaking inflation rates, physical/sexual abuse/ manhandling that is unworthy of any nation state.SUFFERING! Military intervention may not be the way to go.Most NDF vehicles I see around town are carrying family members on shopping expeditions.And the soldiers look a bit fat.But the pen (and Govt speeches) is sometimes mightier than the sword. Elsewhere in this newspaper you will read a jolly, feel-good sort of story ostensibly written by my three-year-old daughter Annabel.It’s called ‘Namibians Are Nice’.I still hold with this.The overwhelming majority of Namibians ARE nice.I showed the pictures of Morgan Tsvangirai’s ruined features and shattered skull to many and all were revolted.But the Namibian Government currently is silent.It’s not South Africa’s “quiet diplomacy” (that has achieved nothing because the country doesn’t really want to get involved.It would much rather buy Zimbabwe when it becomes totally bankrupt.) Namibia’s silence is more ominous.It is a complicit silence.Interspersed with comrade cheers, flags and claps! And official visits that stall Windhoek traffic. It is a complicit silence that will damage Namibia’s efforts to develop, attract investment, tourists, and, very importantly, international affection.It might be hard to imagine but Namibia has a lot of fans.The country is seen as a symbol of freedom.Without overwhelming international support (and sanctions) we would never have achieved Independence.So let’s face the truth.Take action, Government.Mugabe is an old man.His time is done.He makes no sense.His regime is brutal and an embarrassment to Africa.You can make the lives of millions of people better, safer, freer.Just by taking a little courage with you and breaking this silence.Lets see a new “Operation Remove Filth”.Mugabe.Sweep him out.Hugh Paxton Windhoek

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