Advice On Amway

Advice On Amway

I WAS invited to attend a “internet seminar” at the Pelican Bay Hotel in Walvis Bay on Monday 13 September.

Imagine my surprise when it turned out to be the old Amway rearing its ugly head in Namibia. For those who don’t know, Amway runs what must be the longest running pyramid scheme in the world.I believe it is holding a socalled BBS Seminar at the Windhoek Country Club on Sunday.These seminars are run by AMO’s or Amway motivational organisations.I urge every person wishing to attend this seminar (N$90 entrance) to go to the internet and look up Amway on the various websites so you have an idea what is going on.You are going to hear all these wonderful stories of how you are going to get rich without doing anything.They will try to sell you all kinds of junk books, tapes, videos etc.That is how they make their money.The products they sell will hardly get a mention.You will be told you must recruit distributors to work for you.That is where the passive income will come from.There is no product sold.It is only about recruiting new distributors.They will mention a “Seminar” to be held in Johannesburg at $700 a ticket where you will learn nothing.This organisation has become semi religious, almost like a cult.If you join up be prepared to continuously pay for more and more junk because if you baulk at buying something somewhere along the way you will be out and have lost everything you have paid to them.Come on Namibians let us not be as gullible as the South Africans think we are.Scam Detective Via e-mail Note: Real name and address provided – EdFor those who don’t know, Amway runs what must be the longest running pyramid scheme in the world.I believe it is holding a socalled BBS Seminar at the Windhoek Country Club on Sunday.These seminars are run by AMO’s or Amway motivational organisations.I urge every person wishing to attend this seminar (N$90 entrance) to go to the internet and look up Amway on the various websites so you have an idea what is going on.You are going to hear all these wonderful stories of how you are going to get rich without doing anything.They will try to sell you all kinds of junk books, tapes, videos etc.That is how they make their money.The products they sell will hardly get a mention.You will be told you must recruit distributors to work for you.That is where the passive income will come from.There is no product sold.It is only about recruiting new distributors.They will mention a “Seminar” to be held in Johannesburg at $700 a ticket where you will learn nothing.This organisation has become semi religious, almost like a cult.If you join up be prepared to continuously pay for more and more junk because if you baulk at buying something somewhere along the way you will be out and have lost everything you have paid to them.Come on Namibians let us not be as gullible as the South Africans think we are.Scam Detective Via e-mail Note: Real name and address provided – Ed

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