A Game Changer: How Sport Drives Economic Growth and Unity in Namibia

Mwaala Shaanika

In Namibia, sport has emerged as a powerful catalyst for economic growth, social cohesion, and individual well-being.

The recent entry of Eeshoke Chula Chula into the Namibian Premier League, drawing sizeable and enthusiastic crowds, underscores the significance of sport in the country.

Sport is not just about athletes competing on the field, it is a potent driver of economic prosperity.

The sports industry generates revenue through ticket sales, merchandise, broadcasting rights, and tourism.

It creates jobs in various sectors, from construction and hospitality to sports management and coaching.

Eeshoke Chula Chula’s presence in the football league is a testament to how sport can stimulate local economies by attracting fans, businesses, and investors.

Strong local teams are the cornerstone of a successful national team.


The success of the Brave Warriors on the international stage depends on the development of talent at the grassroots level.

A thriving local league not only provides a platform for young talent to shine but also ensures that the best players are selected to represent Namibia on the national stage.

Sport offers an invaluable release from the daily stresses of life.

Spectators and participants alike find solace in the excitement and thrill of competition.

Sporting events bring communities together, irrespective of their backgrounds, creating bonds that transcend differences.

This can help foster peace and harmony within the nation, while also boosting the morale of communities and the population.

Sport can provide common ground for Namibians to celebrate their shared love for a game as in other sports disciplines.

Namibia’s transition from a gossip-focused nation to a productive one is a paramount goal.


Sport plays a pivotal role in this transformation.

When citizens are enthusiastically engaged in supporting local teams or participating in sports activities, their focus shifts from idle chatter to constructive activities.

Sport cultivates discipline, dedication and teamwork, instilling values that translate into productivity not only on the field but also in daily life.

The emergence of new local teams such as Eeshoke Chula Chula should not be viewed as a threat or as fuel for tribalism.

Instead, new entrants should be welcomed as catalysts of positive change.

They enrich the sports landscape, foster healthy competition, and provide opportunities for new talent to emerge.

They are an asset and contribute to the overall growth of sport in Namibia.

To ensure the perpetuation of this positive trend, it is imperative to educate the younger generation about the importance of sports from an early age.

Schools and communities should encourage children to participate in sports, nurturing not only future athletes but also well-rounded individuals who understand the values of discipline, teamwork, and perseverance.


For sport to continue to flourish in Namibia, both the government and the private sector must invest seriously in the industry.

Investment in infrastructure, coaching, and facilities is essential to developing talent and hosting successful events.

The government can play a vital role in formulating policies and incentives that encourage investment in sport.

Moreover, private sector partnerships can fuel the growth of local teams and leagues.

Sport drives economic growth, unifies diverse communities, provides solace, and nurtures future talent.

It is high time the nation wholeheartedly embraces sport as a force that shapes a better, more prosperous future.

By investing in sport, we invest in the unity, prosperity, and well-being of our nation.

  • Mwaala Shaanika has a master’s in public policy and management, a postgraduate diploma in procurement management, and an economics degree. This article is written in his personal capacity

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