* I WANT the Government of the day to enact a law that will compel subsequent governments to be shown the door if they fail to adequately address the high Gini-coefficient in Namibia, within a period of one year or two.
– Tate Mnamwilwa
Food for ThoughtMuch help needed* I WAS more than happy to send an SMS to the Haiti fund, thereby contributing N$5 but I would like to know how much of it went to the fund and how much was swallowed up by admin fees, cell operators costs etc?Bouquets and Brickbats* AN excellent contribution by traffic police and marshalls at the (Nedbank) cycle race. Many thanks.* THANKS, Liz Sibindi for the feedback.* WELL done NBC TV for giving us a wonderful Sunday choir on February 14. Thanks.-Selma* AT KAURE as well as Political Perspective in your February 12 edition: great, most valuable and true! Namibians, please heed the advice!* PLEASE could The Namibian tell us more about the Air Namibia cargo corruption scam. I tried to use Air Namibia Cargo a while back and the quality of the management’s service was zero. I am now using SAA. When will Air Namibia learn that cargo makes money, not passenger loads? Appoint an experienced, qualified and dedicated manager.* EDITOR how can you allow such vulgar things including clearly writing the word f–k in your ‘Not so lekker pick-up lines’ on Friday. No wonder HIV is so high. Makes for good reading for kids too hey? Very irresponsible for the most widely read paper!- Note: You’re absolutely right and we apologise for this oversight. – EdPolitics* IS the Hon Jerry Ekandjo serious with the policy of reconciliation and nation building or is he destroying the above-mentioned?* THE score is: Kazenambo Kazenambo 2 – 0 Asser Ntinda * THUMBS up for Comrade (Kazenambo) Kazenambo. I hope (Asser) Ntinda read the article very well and understood it. KK you are a true Namibian son. Am proud of you.Politics in GeneralSA President Jacob Zuma* I AM not surprised that President (Jacob) Zuma’s son has no problem with his father’s behaviour. He and all his present and future siblings will live out their lives in the lap of luxury at the cost of the taxpayers. Even the poorest person in South Africa will be subsidising the lavish lifestyle of these numerous offspring. They will all attend only the most costly schools, live in the best hotels and wear brand name clothing. South Africans should think about just how many wives and children they are prepared to support. If they think that Zuma is paying for them all out of his own pocket they must be living on another planet.Running the Show* PLEASE update Ministry of Trade and Industry website. Dr Hage Geingob is the current minister and not (Immanuel) Ngatjizeko! (Andrew) Ndishishi has also moved on.* ON the SMS of Mr P Hailonga stating that marriage should be a must for ministers and parliamentarians etc, I want to ask if being married makes one responsible? There are so many woman out there who have to be strong by the grace of God to cope with their abusive husbands daily, while the husband pretends that life is perfect in public. A public office bearer should appointed based on performance, married or unmarried.- Married woman.* MR Samuel Goagoseb you want a tour guide skills transfer to Namibians. Sir your Ministry is the worst managed ministry and I recommend an urgent transfer of responsible conduct to your Ministry* MINISTER of Home Affairs, well done by keeping foreign tour guides out of Namibia, we have Namibians who can do this job! But, what are you doing about unskilled or semi-skilled Chinese or North Koreans? Surely the construction industry should receive the same treatment as tourism? Would appreciate an answer from your office so that us Namibians understand the issue.Education* I WANT to know if Government knows about learners who are not allowed into the classroom if they haven’t bought their notebooks, while we are paying school fees! This happens at Etosha Secondary School at Outjo!City Fathers Please…Spell adverts correctly* WHAT’S in a name you might ask but I urge the City of Windhoek to please correct the names of certain suburbs in the Kasie as depicted on their buses . Katutura is depicted as Katatura and Otjomuise as Otjimuse. * CAN the City of Windhoek Traffic Department and the principal of Academia High School do something about the situation on Mandume Road. Scholars crowd on the road under the overhead bridge near Unam, with taxis and their parents picking them up. One of these days a kid will be killed on that road. Act now or it could be late for tears.General* DEAR African Man of The Namibian Friday 12 February stop blaming the African blood in you and for once stand up and take responsibility for that which you can be responsible for, namely your penis.After the protest?* A FEW years ago there was a demonstration against the evil of shebeens. A petition was handed to the authorities. Can our Newsdesk please find out for us what happened. Was it swept under the carpet because it is the ‘culture’ of the majority? In and From the Regions* I WANT to know from the Kunene Regional Governor why it takes five months before interviews are held for vacancies by the Council. Sometimes vacancies are advertised and you apply and you never hear from the council. Governor what is happening in your good office?* WHY should people from other regions run things in the Hardap and Karas Regions while our people, who are capable, are not selected for Government positions? Please Governor Katrina and Boois look into this.- Proud southerner.Why so expensive* KEETMANSHOOP water tariffs? I want to know why our water accounts are triple the usual amount? Are we making up for the stolen money?* FELLOW Namibians are places like Otjimbingwe not part of Namibia? Why has there been no development in 20 years?* KALKRAND Hardap Region. Please we need Oshiwambo radio because some of us are Oshiwambo speakers.- M Nangolo.Please helpLooking after tenants?* IS there no organisation that caters for and protects the rights of tenants and landlords from unfair and unlawful treatment, although it is private property? Please help!- LoiseNBCWhere’s the news gone?* NBC TV, why are you no longer showing CNN news at 13h00?* NBC please do something with our radio stations, Rukwangali and Silozi. Please we want those two stations here at Walvis Bay, Swakopmund and al over the country.Lost and Found* I FOUND the driving licence and Smart Card of Rambani Lazarus at Oshakati. Please contact 081-311-4488.Service Please* WELL what do you know? Telecom’s EVDO 3G mobile broadband’s average download speed is at +/-51kb/sec even with a download accelerator. I had to wait three hours to download an Office Update from Microsoft!
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