* IN a democracy it is you people, of Namibia, that have to get together and address the problems in Namibia. In this beautiful country of ours, and in many African countries, the people are not demanding accountability from their government and this is why there is so much corruption. The people are waiting for Batman or Superman to come and clean up the corrupt country instead of doing it themselves.
– Kamati
Food for Thought* NOT all Namibians live in brick houses in an urban area. If the police do not deal with traditional homesteads, where are people in situations like Anna Haufiku’s to get help? Property is property. Don’t discriminate.Bouquets and Brickbats* I SUPPORT Ndapwa Alweendo. In the current situation the most exploited workers are security guards and farm workers. Low salaries but hard work. She is our saviour on the quality of life at grassroots level. You are a good young lady who should be considered as prime minster. Viva Ndapwa.* IT is always good to read the articles by Ndapwa Alweendo. Thank you and keep it up. – Gunta* DEAR Namibian! I don’t see two SMS pages anymore, why?- Muna- Space has been limited with the start of the business year. We will include two pages shortly- NewsDesk* I WOULD like to express my gratitude for the treatment I received from the dentist, Andrew, at Oshakati State Hospital. I was more than satisfied with this young man`s professionalism, conduct and gentleness. If we can have dedicated people like him in our state hospitals this would add another dimension to our health service delivery. Andrew keep up the good work.* SOCCER, soccer, soccer! NBC TV not all of us like soccer. Please we want to enjoy our TVs too. I don’t even want to think of the World Cup.* THANKS One Africa for entertaining those of us who are not football fans. NBC is only for soccer fans.Politics* CAN somebody please put the record straight: Mr H(idipo) H(amutenya) of RDP travelled to Germany to attend a conference or to seek medical attention?- AS reported in a number of quarters, Mr Hamutenya attended a conference.- NewsDeskCity Fathers Please…* IS the City of Windhoek building roads or rivers to hold all the rain water? Water needs passages to exit the road. Look at Cimbebasia, Simon de Witt bridge and others.In and From the RegionsPlease fix the road* TO the Roads Authority, it is high time to tar the 40 odd km road to Waterberg Plateau Park as we have to cancel bookings there during the rainy season!- Cokes.* CAN the Municipality of Keetmanshoop please tell us why on earth the town has so many China Shops? You can rather replace those with supermarkets like Shoprite and Checkers and decent clothing stores, like Edgars, that can create job opportunities for many of our people. Please open your eyes and do something!Running the Show* I WANT the Minister of Safety and Security and Inspector General of the Namibian Police to know why police accept bribes. It is because they are underpaid and left to the mercy of criminals who offer them money. Some of the police officers are living in poor neighbourhoods with the criminals they arrest, while high ranking officers, who can afford houses, are living in Government flats.- Concerned Namibian.Taxi Talk* THE big numbers on the taxis make them visible and identifiable, but do nothing for their rotten, selfish, obnoxious driving skills! Shame!Education* MATHS Centre official in Swakop! It’s important you let us know if there is a similar centre in Windhoek for parents who want A’s for their children. * THE Ministry of Education must sit back and critically think about the promotional requirements for Grades 8 – 9. Those so-called (6)Es and (3)Fs are just 18 points whilst needing 23 points in Grade 10. They are making these learners lazy then at the end they say teachers are not teaching.* THE Namibian team, please find out for your noble readers, when the NSSCO results will be communicated to the public! – Tulonga Namwiha, 09 matriculant* MINISTER of Education, do something about school managers in the north. Learners are either sharing or do not have textbooks at all because these managers compete for hefty school accounts at the banks. The subject mainly affected is English. Imagine a secondary school without books to read?* IS there any act or law that applies that once a school teacher is suspected of having an affair with a learner, they must be discharged from public service for ever? Just concerned because it happened to me and I find it unfair.* CAN Hon Nangolo Mbumba change the system of admitting new learners at some schools like Oshigambo, and others, to prove to the nation that their teachers are working hard. Why? Because they only admit the talented and capable learners who passed with stars and those with low points they don’t want. To me they are supposed to balance and mix them together to prove that those teachers are really doing their job. Some schools are really trying with all learners rather than neglecting them. Where are those learners going to be admitted?* WHY is IOL deducting money from our salaries without our permission? Ministry of Finance we want feedback please.Health Matters* TO the Omaruru resident on what a doctor should ask (January 19). There are more than 10 reasons to ask a patient their marriage status, for instance the HIV situation and how it can affect the rest of the family. One’s religion for it has an influence on one’s psyche. On being invited to church, well, if you had been invited to a golf club would that have been better? Please let us not seek to embarrass our helpful professionals with such nonsense. – Appreciative citizen* PLEASE Dr Kamwi see to it that three or more doctors are on duty during the night. How can one doctor attend to patients alone throughout the night? A vote of thanks to Dr T Nakale of Katutura Casualty who attended to all patients on Sunday night alone with patience and kindness even if I waited for seven hours. And Justice for All* WHY are they trying Ryno van Zyl? Set him free. Protecting your mother from a homicidal lunatic is not a crime, even if he happens to be your father. It’s basically self-defence, because she was unable to protect herself. Killing him was the only way to stop him. He only got what he deserved, after all. Poetic justice. God knows the truth. Leave the young man alone, he was only being a good son. Our system of justice is truly sick if victims are punished for defending themselves against monsters. – PB Pieterse* EIGHT springboks etc and a bail of N$500. It is a joke. Is it because a headman is involved?NBC* PLEASE we have not been able to watch NBC for seven days now in Klein Windhoek. Only those with dishes have reception. What happened to the usual network NBC?* WHY doesn’t the NBC TV inform us viewers on when it will resume showing the soapy ‘Shade of Sin’? Especially the days and exact time.Service Please* WE the customers of KFC Ondangwa are tired of the heat inside your store. We want to sit and enjoy our food but there is no air-con working. Please do something.- Twavulwa* ONE Africa TV. If you can please put back the repeat of Storm over Paradise to its original slot between 13h00 and 14h00. Some of us only watch the end of it. At least we want to watch it while on our lunch break otherwise there’s no use airing it.* THERE are a lot of LG televisions and DVDS on the shelves of many furniture shops. The problem is where to get spares after their guarantee has lapsed, especially in remote parts of the country? You are referred to (name supplied) as the sole agent of LG products but when you fax them they hardly respond at all. Telephone them and they simply take your details saying they will come back to you and they never do. Sometimes they respond to faxes with insufficient information despite giving them the essential details requested. My question is why are such products sold and advertised as brand names when they are no spares guaranteed? The consumer feels short-changed at the end the day. Every time a TV stops working I have to dig deep into my pocket to buy a new one! Where is the Consumer Council of Namibia?* MR (Frans) Ndoroma Telecom is advertising the new Huawei ETS 2252+ phone with voice, fax, SMS and data capabilities. I bought the phone two weeks ago but your technicians cannot connect the fax as you have advertised. I need service please.- Irvine * NAMIBIA needs a second landline provider because Telecom Namibia doesn’t comply with its legal responsibilities. I have been waiting for 40 years for a working landline in Kalahariplaas* WHY does Multichoice increase subscription fees if their service does not improve. If you phone an answering machine answers and then they start playing music. They’ve got a lot of pay points, but there are only two cashiers and at month end it’s even worse. Then the cherry on top is during rainy seasons when the signal constantly gets lost. Can’t they upgrade to a stronger signal. Is this really worth N$500.
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