SMSes Of The Day : Wednesday

SMSes Of The Day : Wednesday

* DEAR City of Windhoek, can we delay the tariff increases until all the fat cats have settled their bills.

* (ELECTRICITY + water+sewerage+bus fares)+(sunflower oil+beans+bread+animal fats)=0. This simply means that the latest increase in municipal tariffs cancels out the gains we got from cancelling VAT on some basic foods. * BY how much have salaries increased for the municipality managers?Food for Thought* MAKE no mistake! What’s happening in Zimbabwe is the single greatest challenge to regional stability in southern Africa, not only because of its humanitarian and security consequences but also because of the dangerous political precedent it sets.* WHAT is wrong with us Africans? We regard being on time at a function as undignified. So is getting out of the way for cars. We break bottles on the tarred road. For those who don’t believe me, drive around this coming weekend in Katutura and Khomasdal to see the self-destruction for yourself. But make sure you have relatively new tyres.Zimbabwe* IT’S amazing how [President] Robert [Mugabe] could rig the election despite it being a one-man race. We saw the low attendance and yet ‘huge figures’ were declared. That shows that if [Movement for Democratic Change leader] Morgan [Tsvangirai] had participated he was still going to lose through rigging. Was it not 500 000 who voted, not the inflation adjusted two million voters. Viva Tsvangirai boycott decision!!!* RESULTS of Mugabe’s one-man election confirm the elections he can win: one man contests! – Zim Expat* CONGRATULATIONS Mr R Mugabe, God bless you. Long Live.* WITH Mugabe and the African Union in mind surely we cannot expect the world to take Africa seriously. Do we understand democracy? And the corrupt leaders. Please God step in and save Africa from her dictators.* I STRONGLY favour that Robert Mugabe Ave be renamed to Peter Nanyemba Ave. Peter did a lot for our struggle but was never commensurately recognised.* MAKE the 21st century Africa’s century. Have African leaders forgotten these words?* HONOURABLE SADC leaders, please do something about the situation in Zimbabwe. We cannot sit back and watch our brothers and sisters suffer for the next six years. The situation in Zim is really horrible! Mugabe should be overthrown!* WORLD must act: The international community should vehemently distance itself from the Mugabe regime by according MDC the status of legal government. This is the only logical thing to do because the Mugabe junta had already in the past committed heinous human tragedy in Matabeleland, Zimbabwe. What is the world waiting for – more massacres?* WHAT example is President Robert Mugabe setting for SADC regional leaders for being declared a winner of unfair and not free elections held in Zimbabwe. Has he become the late Dr J Savimbi now – where people suffered from his greediness and autocratic power. SADC leaders is this all that you have for our countries’ futures? Why are you not advising President Mugabe? It’s shameful to all Africans. Please lead by example, not just make our history dirty. Innocent people are dying.* MUGABE clear the air. It was true that African leaders were scared to talk to Mugabe due to similar blunders they do secretly, and known to Mugabe, in their respective countries. I quote Mugabe saying: “I want anyone to point a finger at me, I want to see it whether it is clean or dirty”. What do you make out of this statement? Mugabe is a witness to all African leaders’ wrongdoings.* ZIMBABWE will never be a bread basket again but a source of refugees. I wonder why African leaders respect Mugabe to that extent. – Zengwa in Oshikango* THERE are several African dictators present at the AU summit in Egypt. There’s been no condemnation of Mugabe’s ‘run-off’ election. Our Government belongs to the same club. So, if ever our Government does it Mugabe’s way, it can expect the very same treatment. The biggest tragedy of all – widespread poverty and suffering among Africans will continue.* PRESENTER of the Chat Show June 30 2008 suggested to the caller that Mugabe can’t be taken to International Criminal Court (ICC) as he isn’t a signatory. I want to share that Zimbabwe ratified and acceded to RSICC on July 17 1998 even ahead of Namibia, which is legally obliged and expected to contribute to prevention of crimes against humanity and aggression (jurisdiction ratione materiae). Namibia is trying to heal what we should have prevented. – Endangered Okh* THE future of Namibia is bleak. For many reasons one becomes doubtful of the bright future one foresaw for this country. Democracy is the first victim. Since the 2004 Swapo Congress, those who voted for the candidate who was not wanted by the powers that be, became political victims in many ways. One wonders how they were identified. Look at what is happening in neighbouring Zimbabwe and compare it to our leaders’ comments, including those from the Electoral Commission. How secret are our votes? What happened here since 2004 also happened in Zimbabwe after elections. My question remains: Where are we heading to?Why?* WE are suffering here in Okuryangava, in Ombandje Street. We are not sleeping any more. People are being woken up by unknown people knocking on the door very late at night. One man was shot in the head by an unknown man. There is always movement in our street. Namibian Police please look into this matter. – Ndaloloka.* PRESIDENT Pohamba, you are a family man with a clean record, why are you keeping managers who think that the laws of your country are there to be broken! When are you going to start calling these offenders to order (publicly)?General* HONOURABLE [Margareth] Mensah [National Councillor] beans and samp are a South African dish. Definitely not a Nama dish. I am a Nama from the heart of the South. Thank you.* TO be told that this is our army, by the majority tribe, it really breaks my heart! I always thought the army was neutral, free of tribalism, but I was wrong!* TO the Ministry of Education: I want to enquire about GRN home loans to institutional workers, especially single parents who qualify for GRN home loans but can’t get a loan from the bank or NHE to buy a house because their salary is too small, N$1 153. I urgently want answers!* NINETY-five per cent of the SMSes sent to The Namibian are anti-Government and anti- Swapo that are only criticising the Government with unfounded allegations. Stop comparing our leadership to Zimbabwe, see the difference, we are a democracy biding nation. If you don’t know then you are not a proud Namibian. – RJ – Firstly, criticism doesn’t automatically imply being “anti”. Secondly, I don’t know where your “unfounded allegations” charge comes from – if a road hasn’t been tarred, it hasn’t been tarred; if Government hasn’t addressed an issue, it hasn’t addressed an issue, etc. Being a proud nation does not mean being a nation of praise singers. It is a tribute to democracy in Namibia that people DO speak out about what they see is wrong, or what they see, or perceive, as undemocratic. As Mark Twain wrote: “Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it”; or Malcolm X: “You’re not supposed to be so blind with patriotism that you can’t face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who says it”; or the Russian novelist and philosopher, Tolstoy: “The time is fast approaching when to call a man a patriot will be the deepest insult you can offer him. Patriotism now means advocating plunder in the interest of the privileged classes of the particular State system into which we have happened to be born.” – News Editor* RAMATEX Textiles, the nation is still waiting for the State to inform us who bought the company since it was declared bankrupt. Or if it was not not sold, what is going on then and who pays the security guards protecting the property? – J Kamati* ARE criminals more protected in Namibia than the victims? Seems so because security guards and business owners are arrested when ‘following up’ on criminals!* GIPF please do something about your process. We need our parents’ inheritance to help ourselves as we are orphans.* GOVERNMENT, are you aware of the big injustice you are causing mothers who take up maternity leave. Their deserved bonuses are also paid back to the Government just because they took maternity leave. I don’t think it is fair!!!Education* HOW can we expect best results in all schools, if teachers in rural schools teach up to 300 – 400 learners with limited resources while urban schools teachers teach only 100 – 200 with more resources?* AMIDST poor performance no single teacher was charged for incompetence let alone dismissed in 2007! That is a big joke. (Source: New Era, Education Corner, 30 June 2008).* HONOURABLE Minister, this situation is getting worse. The best qualified, experienced teachers are resigning from Erongo Region’s best schools, especially Swakopmund. Come to the rescue. Visit schools and come find out what’s happening.* GOVERNMENT of Namibia. We thank God you have money to spend on Grade 10 failures. Now we are looking forward to see you spend money on future scientists and doctors who passed and will be passing Grade 12, because that will prove your commitment to Vision 2030.* SANGWALI Secondary School has been a promised a hostel. The President of Namibia must give feedback since he promised it last year in August, through the speech that was read by the late Minister Pandeni at the Mayeyi Cultural Festival.Bouquets And Brickbats* HONOURABLE Tjekero Tweya deserves a national accolade for discouraging banks from repossessing defaulter’s property, especially houses of the poor! Thank you sir.* I WOULD like wish a few heroes well. Gwen Lister, Oom Hannes Smith, Quinton Steele Botes. May The Namibian, The Observer and the Informante go from strength to strength. God bless! – W Swartz* SMITTIE, you cannot afford to be sick. Please recover immediately and fully!!* TATE Boy Boy [Ndjadila], I thank you for a job well done about the big game with good referees. That’s good football. – Soccer lover, Oshakati* MR Ndishishi should be ashamed of himself! A government PS charged with drunk driving, showing no respect for the laws of the Government. We need the ACC to look into this* THAT’S unfair, Ndishishi for not turning up at the court. If it was an ordinary person he would be arrested. Stop this unfair practice, and let Ndishishi face the music.Sporting* HOW long must we Namibian soccer lovers suffer under the soccer leadership in Namibia especially the NFA. Can we do away with the present leadership of NFA and bring whose who can take Namibian soccer as their responsibility and do something for the nation. We know the support is there from Fifa and the Government and also the other stakeholders like the consortium. I mean moneywise Brave Warriors can do better. – Soccer lover from Rosh PinahIn And From The Regions* WOO! Councillor Lot Kushomwa! When are you bringing development in Okandjengedi-Onawa South behind Omagano and the new Federation houses? No water, electricity is a ‘ghost’, no toilets! What are the Oshakati Town Council borders? There are no street lamps. It has been dark since Independence. We want to watch TV. Our kids are left behind. – Tupaoyo* BY how much have salaries increased for the municipality managers? Food for Thought * MAKE no mistake! What’s happening in Zimbabwe is the single greatest challenge to regional stability in southern Africa, not only because of its humanitarian and security consequences but also because of the dangerous political precedent it sets.* WHAT is wrong with us Africans? We regard being on time at a function as undignified. So is getting out of the way for cars. We break bottles on the tarred road. For those who don’t believe me, drive around this coming weekend in Katutura and Khomasdal to see the self-destruction for yourself. But make sure you have relatively new tyres.Zimbabwe * IT’S amazing how [President] Robert [Mugabe] could rig the election despite it being a one-man race. We saw the low attendance and yet ‘huge figures’ were declared. That shows that if [Movement for Democratic Change leader] Morgan [Tsvangirai] had participated he was still going to lose through rigging. Was it not 500 000 who voted, not the inflation adjusted two million voters. Viva Tsvangirai boycott decision!!! * RESULTS of Mugabe’s one-man election confirm the elections he can win: one man contests! – Zim Expat * CONGRATULATIONS Mr R Mugabe, God bless you. Long Live.* WITH Mugabe and the African Union in mind surely we cannot expect the world to take Africa seriously. Do we understand democracy? And the corrupt leaders. Please God step in and save Africa from her dictators.* I STRONGLY favour that Robert Mugabe Ave be renamed to Peter Nanyemba Ave. Peter did a lot for our struggle but was never commensurately recognised.* MAKE the 21st century Africa’s century. Have African leaders forgotten these words? * HONOURABLE SADC leaders, please do something about the situation in Zimbabwe. We cannot sit back and watch our brothers and sisters suffer for the next six years. The situation in Zim is really horrible! Mugabe should be overthrown! * WORLD must act: The international community should vehemently distance itself from the Mugabe regime by according MDC the status of legal government. This is the only logical thing to do because the Mugabe junta had already in the past committed heinous human tragedy in Matabeleland, Zimbabwe. What is the world waiting for – more massacres? * WHAT example is President Robert Mugabe setting for SADC regional leaders for being declared a winner of unfair and not free elections held in Zimbabwe. Has he become the late Dr J Savimbi now – where people suffered from his greediness and autocratic power. SADC leaders is this all that you have for our countries’ futures? Why are you not advising President Mugabe? It’s shameful to all Africans. Please lead by example, not just make our history dirty. Innocent people are dying.* MUGABE clear the air. It was true that African leaders were scared to talk to Mugabe due to similar blunders they do secretly, and known to Mugabe, in their respective countries. I quote Mugabe saying: “I want anyone to point a finger at me, I want to see it whether it is clean or dirty”. What do you make out of this statement? Mugabe is a witness to all African leaders’ wrongdoings.* ZIMBABWE will never be a bread basket again but a source of refugees. I wonder why African leaders respect Mugabe to that extent. – Zengwa in Oshikango * THERE are several African dictators present at the AU summit in Egypt. There’s been no condemnation of Mugabe’s ‘run-off’ election. Our Government belongs to the same club. So, if ever our Government does it Mugabe’s way, it can expect the very same treatment. The biggest tragedy of all – widespread poverty and suffering among Africans will continue.* PRESENTER of the Chat Show June 30 2008 suggested to the caller that Mugabe can’t be taken to International Criminal Court (ICC) as he isn’t a signatory. I want to share that Zimbabwe ratified and acceded to RSICC on July 17 1998 even ahead of Namibia, which is legally obliged and expected to contribute to prevention of crimes against humanity and aggression (jurisdiction ratione materiae). Namibia is trying to heal what we should have prevented. – Endangered Okh * THE future of Namibia is bleak. For many reasons one becomes doubtful of the bright future one foresaw for this country. Democracy is the first victim. Since the 2004 Swapo Congress, those who voted for the candidate who was not wanted by the powers that be, became political victims in many ways. One wonders how they were identified. Look at what is happening in neighbouring Zimbabwe and compare it to our leaders’ comments, including those from the Electoral Commission. How secret are our votes? What happened here since 2004 also happened in Zimbabwe after elections. My question remains: Where are we heading to? Why? * WE are suffering here in Okuryangava, in Ombandje Street. We are not sleeping any more. People are being woken up by unknown people knocking on the door very late at night. One man was shot in the head by an unknown man. There is always movement in our street. Namibian Police please look into this matter. – Ndaloloka.* PRESIDENT Pohamba, you are a family man with a clean record, why are you keeping managers who think that the laws of your country are there to be broken! When are you going to start calling these offenders to order (publicly)? General * HONOURABLE [Margareth] Mensah [National Councillor] beans and samp are a South African dish. Definitely not a Nama dish. I am a Nama from the heart of the South. Thank you.* TO be told that this is our army, by the majority tribe, it really breaks my heart! I always thought the army was neutral, free of tribalism, but I was wrong! * TO the Ministry of Education: I want to enquire about GRN home loans to institutional workers, especially single parents who qualify for GRN home loans but can’t get a loan from the bank or NHE to buy a house because their salary is too small, N$1 153. I urgently want answers! * NINETY-five per cent of the SMSes sent to The Namibian are anti-Government and anti- Swapo that are only criticising the Government with unfounded allegations. Stop comparing our leadership to Zimbabwe, see the difference, we are a democracy biding nation. If you don’t know then you are not a proud Namibian. – RJ – Firstly, criticism doesn’t automatically imply being “anti”. Secondly, I don’t know where your “unfounded allegations” charge comes from – if a road hasn’t been tarred, it hasn’t been tarred; if Government hasn’t addressed an issue, it hasn’t addressed an issue, etc. Being a proud nation does not mean being a nation of praise singers. It is a tribute to democracy in Namibia that people DO speak out about what they see is wrong, or what they see, or perceive, as undemocratic. As Mark Twain wrote: “Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it”; or Malcolm X: “You’re not supposed to be so blind with patriotism that you can’t face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who says it”; or the Russian novelist and philosopher, Tolstoy: “The time is fast approaching when to call a man a patriot will be the deepest insult you can offer him. Patriotism now means advocating plunder in the interest of the privileged classes of the particular State system into which we have happened to be born.” – News Editor * RAMATEX Textiles, the nation is still waiting for the State to inform us who bought the company since it was declared bankrupt. Or if it was not not sold, what is going on then and who pays the security guards protecting the property? – J Kamati * ARE criminals more protected in Namibia than the victims? Seems so because security guards and business owners are arrested when ‘following up’ on criminals! * GIPF please do something about your process. We need our parents’ inheritance to help ourselves as we are orphans.* GOVERNMENT, are you aware of the big injustice you are causing mothers who take up maternity leave. Their deserved bonuses are also paid back to the Government just because they took maternity leave. I don’t think it is fair!!! Education * HOW can we expect best results in all schools, if teachers in rural schools teach up to 300 – 400 learners with limited resources while urban schools teachers teach only 100 – 200 with more resources? * AMIDST poor performance no single teacher was charged for incompetence let alone dismissed in 2007! That is a big joke. (Source: New Era, Education Corner, 30 June 2008).* HONOURABLE Minister, this situation is getting worse. The best qualified, experienced teachers are resigning from Erongo Region’s best schools, especially Swakopmund. Come to the rescue. Visit schools and come find out what’s happening.* GOVERNMENT of Namibia. We thank God you have money to spend on Grade 10 failures. Now we are looking forward to see you spend money on future scientists and doctors who passed and will be passing Grade 12, because that will prove your commitment to Vision 2030.* SANGWALI Secondary School has been a promised a hostel. The President of Namibia must give feedback since he promised it last year in August, through the speech that was read by the late Minister Pandeni at the Mayeyi Cultural Festival.Bouquets And Brickbats * HONOURABLE Tjekero Tweya deserves a national accolade for discouraging banks from repossessing defaulter’s property, especially houses of the poor! Thank you sir.* I WOULD like wish a few heroes well. Gwen Lister, Oom Hannes Smith, Quinton Steele Botes. May The Namibian, The Observer and the Informante go from strength to strength. God bless! – W Swartz * SMITTIE, you cannot afford to be sick. Please recover immediately and fully!! * TATE Boy Boy [Ndjadila], I thank you for a job well done about the big game with good referees. That’s good football. – Soccer lover, Oshakati * MR Ndishishi should be ashamed of himself! A government PS charged with drunk driving, showing no respect for the laws of the Government. We need the ACC to look into this * THAT’S unfair, Ndishishi for not turning up at the court. If it was an ordinary person he would be arrested. Stop this unfair practice, and let Ndishishi face the music.Sporting * HOW long must we Namibian soccer lovers suffer under the soccer leadership in Namibia especially the NFA. Can we do away with the present leadership of NFA and bring whose who can take Namibian soccer as their responsibility and do something for the nation. We know the support is there from Fifa and the Government and also the other stakeholders like the consortium. I mean moneywise Brave Warriors can do better. – Soccer lover from Rosh Pinah In And From The Regions * WOO! Councillor Lot Kushomwa! When are you bringing development in Okandjengedi-Onawa South behind Omagano and the new Federation houses? No water, electricity is a ‘ghost’, no toilets! What are the Oshakati Town Council borders? There are no street lamps. It has been dark since Independence. We want to watch TV. Our kids are left behind. – Tupaoyo

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