* IT’S unbelievable! Historical buildings are being torn down left, right and centre, whilst two pensioners who value aesthetic architecture get arrested for sketching the old State House at Swakopmund. What will it be next? Will I also be arrested together with the Editor of The Namibian, since I’ve also made a drawing now of the State House from a photo published in the newspaper or is it thumbs up to tearing down more monuments.
* I’M glad the Swakopmund Police have their priorities right! Rapes, murders, robberies, etc, have to wait because there are pensioners committing the grave offence of making sketches of the old State House and then have the nerve of telling media about what happened! Well done, cops! You sure know how to prioritise! You people strut around town in dirty uniforms but prevent crimes in the poor areas? Never! Shame on you! * THE President, after returning from abroad rushed to Oshakati, to see the flood. Zambezi levels have been high as of November and we saw what happened in Mozambique and we know eastern Caprivi will be fully flooded by April, we know that Kunene is drought stricken but again, as in Animal Farm, some animals are more important than others.Food for thought* MY fellow countrymen, we should not accept tribalism in our beautiful land. Tribalism is always promoted by politicians for their own greedy reasons to the point of provoking a civil war. These politicians will run away from the country with millions of dollars together with their families and start commanding their foolish tribal armies from the safety of Europe or other countries. History has shown us that not one of them died in these civil and tribal wars initiated by them – it is the masses who they mobilise into tribalism who suffer. Wake up Namibians, do you want to die for a man or a woman who is going to run away from you leaving you in misery and destruction if you happen to survive in his or her war?* AFTER 18 years of Independence, what have you done for yourself as an individual? Why do you still want to be dependent on the Government if you are celebrating your Independence? Fellow Namibians, stop calling on the Government to even give you some intelligent and creative initiatives. Stop this slave mentality and do something positive for yourselves – governments are not there to put food on your tables, put it in your mouths and help you chew and swallow it.* SWAPO should consider those who were born in exile, especially those of us whose mothers were Namibian but who were fathered by a foreign father. Because of this we can’t get jobs in Namibia, as we bear the surnames of our fathers such as Mohamed, Husein, Hosam, because these are not regarded as indigenous names. Advise us on what to do if we grew up using our father’s name although we never got to know them? Something must be done to help us out.Politics in general* GOVERNOR Ndakolo is alleging that the RDP is buying votes from the people. What about Swapo who has promised to buy stocks for some shebeen owners if they campaign aggressively for it at Omuthiya. Day in, day out, they are toyi-toying, singing outdated revolutionary songs in the streets of Omuthiya.* I JUST want to tell our Swapo leaders that we’re aware of their achievement, though some people are too blind to see it. Namibians, we must learn to give credit where it’s due, instead of criticising each and every day.* I WANT to correct Minister Richard Kamwi that the NDP 1 and 2 he is referring in terms of which the Government pledged to build more classrooms have long expired. However, the Government has failed to implement its promises in the 10 years of those development programmes. We have now embarked on NDP 3. As a Cabinet minister you should know the development plan which is currently applicable.* THE fact that the war veterans threatened the Government with ‘no pay, no vote’, and it agreeing to increase their payments goes against everything that we are complaining about such as using public funds to gain votes. Is buying votes not a form of corruption?* VISION 2030 no more, RDP has become Swapo’s vision. There is no talk about development at Swapo meetings any more. The audiences only hear about the RDP and its leaders. Just watch the coming Swapo rally at Walvis Bay.* PHIL ya Nangoloh, are you looking for a position in the RDP or what? In case you don’t know, you are not welcome in the RDP no matter how hard you try. So stop interfering in political issues and concentrate on human rights issues.* RDP don’t worry, Omuthiya is all yours. NSHR please do your job without fear of intimidation and announce your contact numbers so that people can report when their rights are violated.Consumer concerns* WELL done Telecom, now we can see you are more concerned about your customers, than money. Customers first and than money, hope Cell One and MTC will follow in your footsteps. Well done Mr Frans Ndoroma.* MTC head office, does anybody ever bother to answer the switchboard? The phone keeps on ringing and ringing.* WOERMAN Brock Khomasdal never has bread and when they do it’s not fresh for human consumption! And when you look at the wine and alcohol section it’s always well stocked with the latest wine and beer!Education* AT least pupils are allowed to repeat Grade 10, but do we have enough space to accommodate them? Solve the problem of classrooms first. Pupils are already taught under threes and in sheds.* EDUCATION in Namibia is in a mess. The Government constructed a new State House while we have a number of learners being taught in informal structures, with no chairs or tables.* I WAS so disappointed to hear that Grade 10 failures will be allowed to repeat at their respective schools. Where will they be placed when classes are already overcrowded.* WE the parents of learners who failed Grade 10 last year want them to go to classes before Wednesday (today) because these children were sent home to wait and it is three weeks now since school opened. Education Minister, please give us the answer here at Onamutai circuit in Oshana Region.* THE Ministry of Education should give the newly appointed teachers their appointment letters or tell us that our services are not needed. Some of us have been working since the beginning of the school year, but are still not appointed. The ministry should not try and delay our appointment and salaries, as we all have expenses to pay for at the end of the month, such as accommodation. Remember, a financially stressed teacher may not be adequately productive!* MINISTRY of Education, when will Cluster Centre Principals be paid for cluster work? Are you ready for a fight in the Labour Court?* I MATRICULATED at Oshigambo High School in the 80s. I’m very proud of being a product of that school. However, I do agree with some readers SMSes on the Grade 12 results. I suggest that the school should reintroduce the tough admission criteria used before Independence. Maybe this will help to maintain the school’s pride.From the regions* COULD the ACC come and investigate how the money to pay for the removal of homesteads at Omuthiya is being used by the Oshikoto Regional Council. Something fishy has taken place here.* HOW long are the Tsumkwe NBC #Ha radio service station producers and news reporters going to be employed on a contract basis? They have been employed on a contract for four years now. Is the money gained through TV licences not enough to employ them permanently? Can the Deputy Prime Minister please intervene in the matter and save the San from continued exploitation. The Tsumkwe San community has run out of patience on this matter. As a result we are losing our own talented news reporters and producers to other institutions, who are willing to give them permanent jobs.* COUNCILLOR of Berseba constituency in the Karas Region needs to focus on development issues, which will benefit the vast population of the district. People are starving while he is [allegedly] spearheading tribal divisions between the Goliath and Isaak clans in Berseba. I humbly call on the councillor to also include Kutenhoas and Gainachas on his development agenda
.* THE gravel road between Outapi and Okalongo has been washed away for two weeks now. Teachers in affected area are forced to sleep in classrooms like at Dr K Dumeni Combined School. Please Minister Mbumba rescue the teachers.* NAMPOWER, please decentralise your services and extend them to Helao Nafidi as well. Why do we have to wait for someone to drive 90 km from Oshakati every time the power trips? Can’t you have technicians on standby here?* THE President, after returning from abroad rushed to Oshakati, to see the flood. Zambezi levels have been high as of November and we saw what happened in Mozambique and we know eastern Caprivi will be fully flooded by April, we know that Kunene is drought stricken but again, as in Animal Farm, some animals are more important than others.Food for thought * MY fellow countrymen, we should not accept tribalism in our beautiful land. Tribalism is always promoted by politicians for their own greedy reasons to the point of provoking a civil war. These politicians will run away from the country with millions of dollars together with their families and start commanding their foolish tribal armies from the safety of Europe or other countries. History has shown us that not one of them died in these civil and tribal wars initiated by them – it is the masses who they mobilise into tribalism who suffer. Wake up Namibians, do you want to die for a man or a woman who is going to run away from you leaving you in misery and destruction if you happen to survive in his or her war? * AFTER 18 years of Independence, what have you done for yourself as an individual? Why do you still want to be dependent on the Government if you are celebrating your Independence? Fellow Namibians, stop calling on the Government to even give you some intelligent and creative initiatives. Stop this slave mentality and do something positive for yourselves – governments are not there to put food on your tables, put it in your mouths and help you chew and swallow it.* SWAPO should consider those who were born in exile, especially those of us whose mothers were Namibian but who were fathered by a foreign father. Because of this we can’t get jobs in Namibia, as we bear the surnames of our fathers such as Mohamed, Husein, Hosam, because these are not regarded as indigenous names. Advise us on what to do if we grew up using our father’s name although we never got to know them? Something must be done to help us out.Politics in general * GOVERNOR Ndakolo is alleging that the RDP is buying votes from the people. What about Swapo who has promised to buy stocks for some shebeen owners if they campaign aggressively for it at Omuthiya. Day in, day out, they are toyi-toying, singing outdated revolutionary songs in the streets of Omuthiya.* I JUST want to tell our Swapo leaders that we’re aware of their achievement, though some people are too blind to see it. Namibians, we must learn to give credit where it’s due, instead of criticising each and every day.* I WANT to correct Minister Richard Kamwi that the NDP 1 and 2 he is referring in terms of which the Government pledged to build more classrooms have long expired. However, the Government has failed to implement its promises in the 10 years of those development programmes. We have now embarked on NDP 3. As a Cabinet minister you should know the development plan which is currently applicable.* THE fact that the war veterans threatened the Government with ‘no pay, no vote’, and it agreeing to increase their payments goes against everything that we are complaining about such as using public funds to gain votes. Is buying votes not a form of corruption? * VISION 2030 no more, RDP has become Swapo’s vision. There is no talk about development at Swapo meetings any more. The audiences only hear about the RDP and its leaders. Just watch the coming Swapo rally at Walvis Bay.* PHIL ya Nangoloh, are you looking for a position in the RDP or what? In case you don’t know, you are not welcome in the RDP no matter how hard you try. So stop interfering in political issues and concentrate on human rights issues.* RDP don’t worry, Omuthiya is all yours. NSHR please do your job without fear of intimidation and announce your contact numbers so that people can report when their rights are violated.Consumer concerns * WELL done Telecom, now we can see you are more concerned about your customers, than money. Customers first and than money, hope Cell One and MTC will follow in your footsteps. Well done Mr Frans Ndoroma.* MTC head office, does anybody ever bother to answer the switchboard? The phone keeps on ringing and ringing.* WOERMAN Brock Khomasdal never has bread and when they do it’s not fresh for human consumption! And when you look at the wine and alcohol section it’s always well stocked with the latest wine and beer! Education * AT least pupils are allowed to repeat Grade 10, but do we have enough space to accommodate them? Solve the problem of classrooms first. Pupils are already taught under threes and in sheds.* EDUCATION in Namibia is in a mess. The Government constructed a new State House while we have a number of learners being taught in informal structures, with no chairs or tables.* I WAS so disappointed to hear that Grade 10 failures will be allowed to repeat at their respective schools. Where will they be placed when classes are already overcrowded.* WE the parents of learners who failed Grade 10 last year want them to go to classes before Wednesday (today) because these children were sent home to wait and it is three weeks now since school opened. Education Minister, please give us the answer here at Onamutai circuit in Oshana Region.* THE Ministry of Education should give the newly appointed teachers their appointment letters or tell us that our services are not needed. Some of us have been working since the beginning of the school year, but are still not appointed. The ministry should not try and delay our appointment and salaries, as we all have expenses to pay for at the end of the month, such as accommodation. Remember, a financially stressed teacher may not be adequately productive! * MINISTRY of Education, when will Cluster Centre Principals be paid for cluster work? Are you ready for a fight in the Labour Court? * I MATRICULATED at Oshigambo High School in the 80s. I’m very proud of being a product of that school. However, I do agree with some readers SMSes on the Grade 12 results. I suggest that the school should reintroduce the tough admission criteria used before Independence. Maybe this will help to maintain the school’s pride.From the regions * COULD the ACC come and investigate how the money to pay for the removal of homesteads at Omuthiya is being used by the Oshikoto Regional Council. Something fishy has taken place here.* HOW long are the Tsumkwe NBC #Ha radio service station producers and news reporters going to be employed on a contract basis? They have been employed on a contract for four years now. Is the money gained through TV licences not enough to employ them permanently? Can the Deputy Prime Minister please intervene in the matter and save the San from continued exploitation. The Tsumkwe San community has run out of patience on this matter. As a result we are losing our own talented news reporters and producers to other institutions, who are willing to give them permanent jobs.* COUNCILLOR of Berseba constituency in the Karas Region needs to focus on development issues, which will benefit the vast population of the district. People are starving while he is [allegedly] spearheading tribal divisions between the Goliath and Isaak clans in Berseba. I humbly call on the councillor to also include Kutenhoas and Gainachas on his development agenda.* THE gravel road between Outapi and Okalongo has been washed away for two weeks now. Teachers in affected area are forced to sleep in classrooms like at Dr K Dumeni Combined School. Please Minister Mbumba rescue the teachers.* NAMPOWER, please decentralise your services and extend them to Helao Nafidi as well. Why do we have to wait for someone to drive 90 km from Oshakati every time the power trips? Can’t you have technicians on standby he
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