SMSes of the Day : Tuesday

SMSes of the Day : Tuesday

* I DREAM of the day when our leaders will wake up and see the immense responsibility they have to this beautiful country and its people. There is no doubt that Swapo was very instrumental in the liberation of this country. But this does not mean that the Namibian nation should be indebted to them forever.

* I AM calling upon all Christians in the country to continue praying for peace, tolerance and political maturity amongst the people of our beloved land, Namibia. * CAN the leaders of this country, those in Government and those aspiring, please tell me, what is the point in being free if we can’t find jobs, have nothing to eat, nowhere to stay, etc? All we see is a party desperately clinging to power and another one trying to dethrone it. I don’t know whether the fight is for personal gain or in the best interest of the nation.* DOES the ACC investigate the criteria used in granting Government (study) loans? We are at Unam, passing though poor, but we don’t get them (loans). The rich and failures get loans!Food for thought* HOW many more Namibian babies must die because of the negligence of nurses at the Katutura State Hospital? Last week Thursday night a cousin of mine gave birth to a baby boy but the baby died because its lungs were exposed to too much air, as the nurses failed to keep the baby warm or place it in an incubator. In that same week a woman who was in labour with her baby’s head already coming out was told to climb on a bed and in the process the newly born baby fell on the floor and died instantly.It was the same hospital nurses who failed to treat a baby’s snake bite as an emergency and that baby died. Please health officials, do something and make nurses accountable for babies’ lives that are lost due to their negligence. – Hilma* I WELCOME the initiative for the establishment of a nuclear reactor. Instead of solely putting the negative impact it has on the environment, let’s talk about the outweighing benefits it has for the country. Please The Namibian, it would be good if you also write about the benefits nuclear energy has for the country.Educate the people!Global connections* WHY is our country being turned upside down just because of two political parties? Swapo and RDP must take the good example of the US presidential election campaign. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are not insulting each other. They are talking about development and issues of reducing poverty. So what good things are you going to do for us, Swapo and RDP, except creating war in the country? You are not building but destroying our peace. Please political leaders grow up and act maturely.* IT is disgusting to hear now and then, USA discussing dismantling other states’ nuclear programmes. Who is dismantling theirs? Leave North Korea and forget Iran! They are all clever like anyone else. This world has no master.Politics in general* I ATTENDED the Swapo rally at Ongwediva the previous Saturday. On my way back home my bakkie got stuck in water. I waited for an hour and to my surprise an RDP car came by. They had their flag and I had two of mine hoisted on my car. They pulled me out, like there was nothing wrong between us. Thank you for not hurting me.* PRESIDENT Pohamba, when he implored political parties to desist from political violence on Saturday, said, ‘let me speak as a Head of State’. In what capacity has he been speaking and acting all the way? Despite his call for restraint Swapo hardliners, mainly in the North, are seriously contradicting him. But, better late than never. Let’s reject instigators of violence, fear-mongers and hate-mongers, Mr Pohamba! We fully and genuinely support your move!* I URGE all fellow Swapo comrades to avoid violence against members of other political parties. Leaders must at all costs discourage those who intend to cause political violence. We do not want our land of the brave to suffer because of mistakes committed by the leaders.* THANK you Mr President for promoting peace and stability in the country. Investors and the world are observing Namibia. Our economic progress depends on how Namibians can work together for a better future.* THE President and especially, the father of the nation should refrain from violent remarks publicly. Our nation should exercise self-control and political tolerance.* I FAIL to understand President Pohamba. One day he offers forgiveness. The next day he insults those who have decided to join a different party. Now he warns against political violence! His stance of intolerance has already damaged the image of our country. – Tate Shirumbu* IS it really true that the (Omuthiya) election had been postponed because of Mr Nangombe, or is it because Swapo is afraid to lose the election and that Swapo’s four candidates do not qualify to participate in the election?* THOSE complaining about Omusati Region having more members in the central committee of Swapo should check how many members from the Oshana and Ohangwena regions served over the last 16 years in the same central committee. After that they can tell us why they did not complain about the past imbalance. Count the number of Ministers in all past Cabinets and now and tell me which region had more than others since Independence. Where were you to call for Omusati and other regions to be equally represented then? Get real and don’t discriminate to advance tribalism. There are other regions also that are always less represented and all you compare are the two regions that had many members in that committee, Cabinet, Government agencies and so on all those years.* IN response to the 20 members of the central committee and seven members of the Swapo Politburo from Omusati. We all know that the former Head of State organised the Swapo structures for those who attended the 2007 Swapo congress and we know how those structures were rigged and those who were not in favour were removed from the (delegates) list. So don’t fool us. There is no good justification to have more members from one region (in Swapo decision-making structures) that is Omusati. We know your mission and we are awake.* WE have experienced tribalism as far back as I can remember. Why the worry now? We from the South feel like strangers in our own country. The four O’s are the only regions with good advantages.* IF politicians were really there for the interest of the people, why is it so hard to let go when people they claim to represent want to remove them?Education* UNAM, I hope this year there will be enough chairs in the lecture and exam halls. In 2007 I had to write one of the year mark tests standing, because there was not a single chair to sit on.* DIRECTOR of Education in the Oshana Region, Mrs Dutte Shinyemba, have you ever visited Hashiyana Combined School in Oshakati circuit? That school is a far cry from providing quality education to our children. The headmaster and management have neglected the school. The school remains at level 1 (extreme weakness) in terms of the national standard and performance indicators. The school’s physical facilities are dilapidated, ceilings are falling off in classrooms, windows are broken, electrical lights are vandalised, there is no continuous monitoring of teaching and learning by the principal and the four HoDs! Madam Director, pay a visit with your team of inspectors and see for yourself or else we parents will send a petition to the Minister of Education to intervene! We need the quality of education at that school to be at the same level like its nearby urban schools.* MADAM principal and school board of Helene van Rhijn at Luederitz until when will you cover up for the poor example that a management member of the school is setting? That person does not do the school any good. Director, what are you waiting for? Wake up and save the school and our learners. We know what’s happening.* I AM a student at the Polytechnic of Namibia and I am so disappointed with the system that has been changed in the Department of Land Management, concerning the diploma project. Mr Christiansen when you became the new head of department you suddenly changed everything. The diploma project was
not a prerequisite to all the subjects – it was in-service training! Dr Tjivikua do something.From the regions* I’M really disappointed with the Director of Education in Kavango, Mr Dikuwa, because he promised that he would take action against a corrupt subject advisor of commerce who (allegedly) misappropriated the money of teachers, who went for an entrepreneurship workshop, but up to now nothing has been done. The owner of the accommodation establishment, who offered us accommodation at Frans Dimbare, wants to take legal action against teachers because we did not pay. Mr Dikuwa, we don’t want to make our names dirty because of the actions of a corrupt person.* I AM deeply concerned and disappointed in the new Trekkopje mine here in Erongo Region. They advertise vacancies but never appoint people with the required qualifications, instead it’s a thing of knowing management personally. When applying you are never notified, you only see others have started to work.* KATIMA Mulilo municipality, we have been without water for the past 24 hours (since Sunday). Why does it take so long to fix a burst pipe? We need a public explanation and apology for subjecting us to inhuman conditions.* I’M a proud client of Bank Windhoek at Grootfontein, but please do something about the ATM, especially at month-end, because it is always out of order and it is the only one. Saturdays you will find it out of order and the shops usually close at one. Please do something. Otherwise the service inside the bank is very good. – J Awala.* SOMETHING should be done to the Caprivi Hospital. There is an unnecessary increase in the death rate due to negligence. This morning I called home only to find my sister is down with joint pains and headache but guess what she was given – pain killers. Is this care or purposeful elimination of others? Please do something and save us from gross negligence practised at this hospital.General* TO say people have no jobs because they lack skills is silly ignorance and an insult to many unemployed, but yet competent people. How many Poly, Unam, college and other graduates are roaming the streets?* NAPWU, we have been loyal to you for many years, but this time around we want better increases or salary adjustments. Be warned that we are going to resign from the union and will also not vote for those who benefit from our contributions. You will do it right or ship out. Look at the fancy cars the leaders drive, yet you fail in the mandate given to you.* I HAVE been looking for Tuli Line facial powder. Are these nice powders still in existence? If anyone knows about or sells them please contact me on 0812772679! Thanks.* MINISTRY of Health, Otjiwarongo district, I am very disappointed in your service. Okahandja hospital nurses are still waiting for their December overtime cheques and some nurses didn’t received their February salary cheques. Please do your work.* CAN the Ministry of Finance tell us for how long they process revenue claims which we handed at their offices last year. When can we expect the claims?* WHO is this Dr Ragubathi? Why do our natural resources have to be the centre of conflict involving so-called foreign investors who came with no pennies in their pockets? Give that mining concession to us, the bona fide Namibians, to enjoy the riches of our land ourselves!* TRADE unions, please regularly emphasise the aspect of productivity at the workplace. By doing this Vision 2030 will be accomplished easily.* THE Government must stop age restrictions for the Police and the Defence Force. Most unemployed are between 25 and 35. Surely they cannot expect votes from this age group.* I WANT an answer from the financial institutions about vehicle financing. They advised us not to buy second-hand imported vehicles or pay higher deposit fees. But to my knowledge all cars are imported, as Namibia does not have a vehicle assembly plant. We want cheap imported cars to be financed and don’t want to be penalised with a high deposit fee.* CAN the leaders of this country, those in Government and those aspiring, please tell me, what is the point in being free if we can’t find jobs, have nothing to eat, nowhere to stay, etc? All we see is a party desperately clinging to power and another one trying to dethrone it. I don’t know whether the fight is for personal gain or in the best interest of the nation.* DOES the ACC investigate the criteria used in granting Government (study) loans? We are at Unam, passing though poor, but we don’t get them (loans). The rich and failures get loans! Food for thought * HOW many more Namibian babies must die because of the negligence of nurses at the Katutura State Hospital? Last week Thursday night a cousin of mine gave birth to a baby boy but the baby died because its lungs were exposed to too much air, as the nurses failed to keep the baby warm or place it in an incubator. In that same week a woman who was in labour with her baby’s head already coming out was told to climb on a bed and in the process the newly born baby fell on the floor and died instantly.It was the same hospital nurses who failed to treat a baby’s snake bite as an emergency and that baby died. Please health officials, do something and make nurses accountable for babies’ lives that are lost due to their negligence. – Hilma * I WELCOME the initiative for the establishment of a nuclear reactor. Instead of solely putting the negative impact it has on the environment, let’s talk about the outweighing benefits it has for the country. Please The Namibian, it would be good if you also write about the benefits nuclear energy has for the country.Educate the people! Global connections * WHY is our country being turned upside down just because of two political parties? Swapo and RDP must take the good example of the US presidential election campaign. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are not insulting each other. They are talking about development and issues of reducing poverty. So what good things are you going to do for us, Swapo and RDP, except creating war in the country? You are not building but destroying our peace. Please political leaders grow up and act maturely.* IT is disgusting to hear now and then, USA discussing dismantling other states’ nuclear programmes. Who is dismantling theirs? Leave North Korea and forget Iran! They are all clever like anyone else. This world has no master.Politics in general * I ATTENDED the Swapo rally at Ongwediva the previous Saturday. On my way back home my bakkie got stuck in water. I waited for an hour and to my surprise an RDP car came by. They had their flag and I had two of mine hoisted on my car. They pulled me out, like there was nothing wrong between us. Thank you for not hurting me.* PRESIDENT Pohamba, when he implored political parties to desist from political violence on Saturday, said, ‘let me speak as a Head of State’. In what capacity has he been speaking and acting all the way? Despite his call for restraint Swapo hardliners, mainly in the North, are seriously contradicting him. But, better late than never. Let’s reject instigators of violence, fear-mongers and hate-mongers, Mr Pohamba! We fully and genuinely support your move! * I URGE all fellow Swapo comrades to avoid violence against members of other political parties. Leaders must at all costs discourage those who intend to cause political violence. We do not want our land of the brave to suffer because of mistakes committed by the leaders.* THANK you Mr President for promoting peace and stability in the country. Investors and the world are observing Namibia. Our economic progress depends on how Namibians can work together for a better future.* THE President and especially, the father of the nation should refrain from violent remarks publicly. Our nation should exercise self-control and political tolerance.* I FAIL to understand President Pohamba. One day he offers forgiveness. The next day he insults those who have decided to join a different party. Now he warns against political violence! His stance of intolerance has already damaged the image of our country. – Tate Shirumbu * IS it really true that the (Omuthiya) election had been postpon
ed because of Mr Nangombe, or is it because Swapo is afraid to lose the election and that Swapo’s four candidates do not qualify to participate in the election? * THOSE complaining about Omusati Region having more members in the central committee of Swapo should check how many members from the Oshana and Ohangwena regions served over the last 16 years in the same central committee. After that they can tell us why they did not complain about the past imbalance. Count the number of Ministers in all past Cabinets and now and tell me which region had more than others since Independence. Where were you to call for Omusati and other regions to be equally represented then? Get real and don’t discriminate to advance tribalism. There are other regions also that are always less represented and all you compare are the two regions that had many members in that committee, Cabinet, Government agencies and so on all those years.* IN response to the 20 members of the central committee and seven members of the Swapo Politburo from Omusati. We all know that the former Head of State organised the Swapo structures for those who attended the 2007 Swapo congress and we know how those structures were rigged and those who were not in favour were removed from the (delegates) list. So don’t fool us. There is no good justification to have more members from one region (in Swapo decision-making structures) that is Omusati. We know your mission and we are awake.* WE have experienced tribalism as far back as I can remember. Why the worry now? We from the South feel like strangers in our own country. The four O’s are the only regions with good advantages.* IF politicians were really there for the interest of the people, why is it so hard to let go when people they claim to represent want to remove them? Education * UNAM, I hope this year there will be enough chairs in the lecture and exam halls. In 2007 I had to write one of the year mark tests standing, because there was not a single chair to sit on.* DIRECTOR of Education in the Oshana Region, Mrs Dutte Shinyemba, have you ever visited Hashiyana Combined School in Oshakati circuit? That school is a far cry from providing quality education to our children. The headmaster and management have neglected the school. The school remains at level 1 (extreme weakness) in terms of the national standard and performance indicators. The school’s physical facilities are dilapidated, ceilings are falling off in classrooms, windows are broken, electrical lights are vandalised, there is no continuous monitoring of teaching and learning by the principal and the four HoDs! Madam Director, pay a visit with your team of inspectors and see for yourself or else we parents will send a petition to the Minister of Education to intervene! We need the quality of education at that school to be at the same level like its nearby urban schools.* MADAM principal and school board of Helene van Rhijn at Luederitz until when will you cover up for the poor example that a management member of the school is setting? That person does not do the school any good. Director, what are you waiting for? Wake up and save the school and our learners. We know what’s happening.* I AM a student at the Polytechnic of Namibia and I am so disappointed with the system that has been changed in the Department of Land Management, concerning the diploma project. Mr Christiansen when you became the new head of department you suddenly changed everything. The diploma project was not a prerequisite to all the subjects – it was in-service training! Dr Tjivikua do something.From the regions * I’M really disappointed with the Director of Education in Kavango, Mr Dikuwa, because he promised that he would take action against a corrupt subject advisor of commerce who (allegedly) misappropriated the money of teachers, who went for an entrepreneurship workshop, but up to now nothing has been done. The owner of the accommodation establishment, who offered us accommodation at Frans Dimbare, wants to take legal action against teachers because we did not pay. Mr Dikuwa, we don’t want to make our names dirty because of the actions of a corrupt person.* I AM deeply concerned and disappointed in the new Trekkopje mine here in Erongo Region. They advertise vacancies but never appoint people with the required qualifications, instead it’s a thing of knowing management personally. When applying you are never notified, you only see others have started to work.* KATIMA Mulilo municipality, we have been without water for the past 24 hours (since Sunday). Why does it take so long to fix a burst pipe? We need a public explanation and apology for subjecting us to inhuman conditions.* I’M a proud client of Bank Windhoek at Grootfontein, but please do something about the ATM, especially at month-end, because it is always out of order and it is the only one. Saturdays you will find it out of order and the shops usually close at one. Please do something. Otherwise the service inside the bank is very good. – J Awala.* SOMETHING should be done to the Caprivi Hospital. There is an unnecessary increase in the death rate due to negligence. This morning I called home only to find my sister is down with joint pains and headache but guess what she was given – pain killers. Is this care or purposeful elimination of others? Please do something and save us from gross negligence practised at this hospital.General * TO say people have no jobs because they lack skills is silly ignorance and an insult to many unemployed, but yet competent people. How many Poly, Unam, college and other graduates are roaming the streets? * NAPWU, we have been loyal to you for many years, but this time around we want better increases or salary adjustments. Be warned that we are going to resign from the union and will also not vote for those who benefit from our contributions. You will do it right or ship out. Look at the fancy cars the leaders drive, yet you fail in the mandate given to you.* I HAVE been looking for Tuli Line facial powder. Are these nice powders still in existence? If anyone knows about or sells them please contact me on 0812772679! Thanks.* MINISTRY of Health, Otjiwarongo district, I am very disappointed in your service. Okahandja hospital nurses are still waiting for their December overtime cheques and some nurses didn’t received their February salary cheques. Please do your work.* CAN the Ministry of Finance tell us for how long they process revenue claims which we handed at their offices last year. When can we expect the claims? * WHO is this Dr Ragubathi? Why do our natural resources have to be the centre of conflict involving so-called foreign investors who came with no pennies in their pockets? Give that mining concession to us, the bona fide Namibians, to enjoy the riches of our land ourselves! * TRADE unions, please regularly emphasise the aspect of productivity at the workplace. By doing this Vision 2030 will be accomplished easily.* THE Government must stop age restrictions for the Police and the Defence Force. Most unemployed are between 25 and 35. Surely they cannot expect votes from this age group.* I WANT an answer from the financial institutions about vehicle financing. They advised us not to buy second-hand imported vehicles or pay higher deposit fees. But to my knowledge all cars are imported, as Namibia does not have a vehicle assembly plant. We want cheap imported cars to be financed and don’t want to be penalised with a high deposit fee.

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